Full-time Summoner

Chapter 570 Zhao Manyan

In the center of Imperial College, there is the most magnificent magic duel field. The entire field is star-shaped, covered by a black four-arc dome, which can be closed or opened, and there is a vast seating area around it that can accommodate 50,000 people. , magnificent atmosphere!

And this arena is also the national pavilion of our country this year, and it is used to challenge the national pavilion players of the country to face the national players of other countries from all over the world.

Because there are a total of 197 countries in the world, and there are only 32 countries that can finally enter the final stage of the national competition.

And which of these thirty-two countries need to use this national pavilion to challenge the system.

National pavilion players are equivalent to the substitutes of the national team. National team players from other countries challenge the national pavilion players. If they win, they can get a national pavilion medal. When the national pavilion medals reach a certain number, they can enter the final. If you can't win, there is nothing to say.

Of course, it does not mean that enough medals can enter the final stage, because these medals can be obtained through other means in a certain sense. The country whose relationship with the country has received the medal is removed.

Because the national competition has a lot to do with it, it's not just a simple contest between students, the hidden things in it are even the highest level mages in the country are concerned about.

But today, the dueling arena of the National Pavilion, which is rarely open to dueling arenas, was opened. Standing on the dueling arena were ten heroic young men and women.

And these ten national players are being interviewed by the national news.

"Player Ai Jiangtu, as the first default national player and the captain of the national team, what do you want to say and think about the players of the national team this time?" A female reporter wanted to insert the microphone into Ai Jiangtu in the mouth.

Ai Jiangtu is the captain of this year's school competition. Because he is a soldier, he has a strong body and dark skin. The already dark skin is now even darker.

"No." Ai Jiangtu said coldly.

The reporter didn't give up either, and continued to ask: "Then what is your goal for this school competition? Do you have the confidence to lead the team to win this championship?"

With a snap, the microphone was grabbed by a flawless white hand, it was a woman with short pink hair dyed. She has an excellent figure, tall and sexy, a pair of red high heels and a jade-white ol-style skirt show her charm.

Jiang Shaoxu grabbed the microphone and said to the camera: "Hi, hello to the audience all over the country. My name is Jiang Shaoxu. I am the vice captain of the national team. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

"I think the ten players of our national team are the strongest ever in this school competition. This time, we will definitely win the championship and revive our country's red light!"

Jiang Shaoxu's every move is full of charm.

Seeing Jiang Shaoxu stealing the spotlight like this, the other members of the national team immediately gathered around and began to introduce themselves. There were even some who brought their own families along for a publicity campaign.

Even for a big family like the Mu family, there are very few opportunities to be featured on national TV. They naturally want to attract the attention of the whole country.

Even before I came here, my elders told me that I must promote myself more and create momentum for myself, so that I can better obtain social resources.

A boy wearing glasses didn't squeeze in for an interview, but looked left and right, as if he had spotted the target and walked towards the shadow of the corner of the Bidoutai, where two men stood in the corner.

One of them has blond hair, his hair is long, and he looks quite handsome, but his obscene expression when he looks at the phone is extremely aesthetically pleasing, and he mutters to himself, "Come to my house tonight, My house is big and the bed is even bigger. '.

The other man always had a faint smile, bright short hair, a simple pair of brand-name casual jeans, a vermilion long coat, and sunglasses that couldn't hide his perfect facial features.

"Zhaohua, how did you become a substitute? I heard that you already got four votes." Jiang Yu walked over and said to Zhaohua who was wearing sunglasses.

Zhaohua took off his sunglasses, and he was also very happy to see his teammates who had fought side by side. He spread his hands and said with a smile: "It's nothing, something happened at home, I sold one of the votes, and the substitute with three votes can Isn't it the same with the experience?"

This is of course a lie. The real reason is that after Zhaohua knew the "big things" that his father had done when he participated in the college competition more than 20 years ago, he decisively chose to be a substitute.

The list of substitutes does not need to be submitted to the school competition committee. This is a matter for the national team to decide on their own. Only the official players need it, and the official players will be interviewed by reporters like that, and the whole country knows.

Whether Zhaohua is the task of the Tribunal or the fault of Zhaolang, he can only keep a low profile.

It's just that Zhaohua didn't expect that an unintentional intervention would form the strongest substitute team in the history of the Guofu team, and even make other countries think that our country's substitute players deliberately let other countries' players careless in the next few college competitions. Deliberately let Ace enter the bench to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

"Zhaohua? That dragon trainer?" The blond man beside him was also a substitute. He didn't recognize Zhaohua at first because he was wearing sunglasses, but he looked over after hearing the name.

"Hello, who are you?" The list of substitutes is not announced, and it is easy to operate in secret, which makes Zhaohua not even know who the blond man in front of him is.

"Oh, my name is Zhao Manyan, representing the Zhao family." The blond man put away his wretched expression and showed a quite capable look. It seems that Zhao Manyan has learned something in etiquette, at least this kind of business poker face is still very good. resemblance.

Jiang Yu was surprised and said: "Zhao family?! Are you the second generation ancestor of the Zhao family who is average in strength, average in character, and ugly, and who came in all through money?"

After Jiang Yu said this, Zhaohua remembered that Lin Mo seemed to have told him this morning that there was a substitute who also had three votes, but these three votes were all bought with money, and the government was smashed with money. team gate.

Known as the second ancestor of the Zhao family.

When Zhao Manyan heard it, a black thread appeared on his face. Which tortoise bastard passed this on, what does it mean to be average in strength, average in character, and ugly in appearance? ! It's okay to say that you are weak, or you have bad character, but if you question his appearance, even the king of heaven will not do it!

Originally, when Zhao Manyan was about to say a few words, the temperature suddenly dropped a little. Jiang Yu and Zhao Manyan's perception ability is relatively weak. It is still early spring and the weather is relatively cold. Naturally, they don't feel anything, but Zhao Hua suddenly found out that something was wrong, and looked directly opposite The direction of the entrance.

People can feel it even before they arrive at Zhaohua.

After a while, when the temperature dropped even more, Jiang Yu and other members of the Xuefu team also felt it, and looked towards the source.

"Huh? Isn't that Mu Ningxue?" Zhao Manyan also felt it. After all, it suddenly became seven or eight degrees colder, so he must be able to feel it. And Zhao Manyan and Mu Ningxue have met several times, the most important thing is that Mu Ningxue is still his good brother's dream lover, so he naturally recognized it.

Zhaohua looked at Mu Ningxue with long silver hair. Even Zhaohua didn't know what Mu Ningxue was doing here, because Zhaohua, as the judge, had already learned that Mu Ningxue's substitute list was cancelled.

But Zhaohua didn't know, it was because he had given someone else's position.

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