I just received the news that starting this month, the platform will no longer have a writer's full attendance award, and will be replaced by a reward for achieving the standard. Only when the average book subscription is greater than 500 can there be rewards (500 people read paid follow-up books on Qidian.com or qq).

Do not judge heroes by diligence, only judge success or failure by achievements.

Unfortunately, we did not meet the requirements of the platform, and only 350 people paid for books. Therefore, starting from this month, the platform will no longer give resources and rewards.

But fortunately, the platform has a three-month buffer period. Before January 1 next year, those who can meet the standard will be counted as meeting the standard. a buffer time.

I hope we can escape this disaster and break through this bottleneck. If we fail to advance in January next year and fail to break through the bottleneck, the daily update will change from three to two. Because the average number of subscriptions is the total number of subscriptions/total number of chapters, the faster the update, the harder it is for the average to go up.

Yesterday, when he asked the editor in charge, he took pity on us and gave us a recommendation. . .

This is the case for a full-time writer. Although the update is stable and continuous, the achievement is the biggest and the only source of income.

Advanced progress: 499/500

Finally four hundred (°°)

In the last fifty, you will be able to become an advanced intermediate writer (ФωФ)

Hahaha, I am advanced

(☆-v-)O soaking time is up~

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