Full-time Summoner

Chapter 601 Enclosure

Zhaohua fell to the ground, and now that he is a spiritual body, he is not afraid of the grass juice on the ground staining his pants.

With a piece of grass dangling from its mouth, it has a rather sloppy expression, looking at the sun-swallowing turtle nestling on a rock on the lake. The shell of the sun-swallowing tortoise flickered brightly and then darkly.

"Yangyang, we have to talk today."

Yang Swallowing Turtle knew that Zhaohua was coming, and even knew Zhaohua's purpose. After all, Xiaofengcan's breakthrough to the Commander level caused quite a stir in the Holy Land.

However, it is also a high-blooded monster, so it doesn't bother at all.

Zhaohua looked at the Sun-swallowing tortoise, and remembered that when he first came here, the first creature Feng Ling introduced to him was this Sun-swallowing tortoise. It is said that it is a creature of the fire attribute, and its temper is relatively irritable if it uses the sun as its food, so I told Zhaohua to be careful.

Zhaohua smiled and said: "Yangyang, I still remember the first time I came here, I just passed on the idea of ​​a contract to you, and you burst out a ring of fire from your body, shaking me away and getting out of here One with all sides facing the sky."

Zhaohua actually started chatting about homework.

Little Fengcan sat on Zhaohua's shoulder and tilted her head, she didn't know about this. Akatsuki listened with interest. The little wind silkworm is like a little princess here, as long as it sits on the shoulder of Zhaohua's spiritual body, at least the sun swallowing turtle will not dare to attack.

The sun-swallowing tortoise could understand Zhaohua's words, and opened its eyes. The eyes of the sun-swallowing tortoise were fiery red, and looked like a sun from a distance. But the Yang Swallowing Turtle just glanced at Zhaohua, then closed his eyes again.

Zhaohua continued: "Think about it, Xiao Fengcan was just born at that time, how long has it passed now, six years later, it has become a commander level. It has already caught up with you. Although you are not asked to be a summoned beast, But if you think about it, I not only need to provide you with mana when I use Beast Tide Summoning, if I want to summon more, I also need to provide special resources. Then you will naturally advance faster. You know, some resource summons There are no planes. Even if you don’t lack cultivation resources, other things will definitely help you advance.”

There is a limit to the number of beast tide summons. Generally, it depends on the level and mana of the summoner, and also depends on how much mana the summoned monster needs to ask for.

There are also some magic equipment that can increase the number of beast hordes summoned, and the principle of these magic equipment is to use magic equipment to offset the part of the magic energy needed by the summoned beasts, thereby increasing the number and existence time of the beast horde.

The summoning of the beast tide is essentially just a negotiation between the two parties, negotiating with the demon lord, so Zhaohua played the favor card first, and then the benefit card, so that Yang Swallowing Turtle felt that the decision to do so was right.

The Yang-swallowing tortoise remained silent, Zhaohua smiled and stood up. Suddenly, a flame shot out from the Yang-swallowing tortoise, and the flame rushed towards Zhaohua quickly.

But Zhaohua was happy to see the flame, because it was not for attack, but for communication.

I'm afraid you won't give conditions.

There is a reason why the summoner is a spirit body on the summoning plane, because the spirit body can communicate through spiritual power.

The flame turned into a fire ring and put it on Zhaohua's finger, and the spiritual voice of the sun swallowing turtle came through the flame ring.

【Every time you fight, you need to give me a sea sun grass that is more than 20 years old. The small sun-swallowing turtles at the warrior level and servant level depend on how much magic power you can provide. 】

Haiyang grass, as the name suggests, means seaweed. The difference is that this kind of grass will only grow on submarine volcanoes. It is a magical seaweed that absorbs the power of the ocean and the heat of the volcano.

Normally, Haiyang Grass that has been grown for more than ten years is mature, and it is a spiritual-level cultivation resource, a very gentle fire-type cultivation resource. The 20 years mentioned by the Yang Swallowing Turtle is a very fair price, and 20 years is still in the spirit-level category. Haiyang grass that is more than 30 years old is quite precious. It is a soul-level cultivation resource. Soul seeds are expensive, but more than 100 million is still necessary.

Twenty years is a long way off. It only costs about 10 million yuan, which is equivalent to less than half a warrior-level spirit. 10 million yuan at a time is really not expensive.

After all, there are some summoners who first raise their dimensional summoned beasts to the commanding level, and then help their dimensional summoned beasts establish their own territorial groups, and then use the beast tide summoning to summon the group monsters of the dimensional summoned beasts.

The advantage of this is that the summoning of the beast tide will be very cohesive, and the combat effectiveness will be very strong. After all, their leader is the summoner's dimensional summoned beast, and they will not rebel.

The disadvantage is that the molding is very slow.

Even if it is a leader-level monster, it is very slow to form a lair, let alone a territory or a group. Leaving aside the speed of reproduction, the growth of monsters in the community is slow enough.

Therefore, in order to accelerate growth, summoners will spend a lot of resources to accelerate the formation and cultivation of the community.

It costs a lot of money to raise a summoned beast, but to raise a group of them, the speed of spending money is unimaginable.

Although Zhaohua wanted to do this too, he couldn't help it. Whether it's Xiaofengcan or Tianyan, they all have only one, the only one in the entire summoning plane, and they have no descendants or relatives.

So Zhaohua was forced to do nothing. However, it's not that Zhaohua has never thought about forming a colony by himself, making a scorpion den or a bear den, but now Zhaohua has no ability to let Xiong Da and Sanwei enter the summoning plane, so he temporarily shelved this plan.

Zhaohua already knew that the Yang Swallowing Tortoise would agree to him, after all, the rapid growth of the little wind silkworm made them quite surprised, because it was so fast!

Zhaohua nodded and said: "No problem, if there is no one when summoning, I can use better fire attribute resources."

Sun Swallowing Tortoise didn't refuse, Zhaohua considered it agreed, but the strange thing is that Zhaohua didn't use high-level summoning magic to give the Sun Swallowing Turtle the cooperation contract.

Instead, they walked to the lake, and the other monsters who also practiced in the lake heard what Zhaohua and Swallowing Turtle said, and they didn't understand what Zhaohua was doing.

Pfft, a cute carp with a blue tail jumped out of the water and spat water on Zhaohua's face, but Zhaohua wiped it away without getting angry. He knew that the blue-tailed carp was very naughty.

In addition to the blue-tailed carp, there is also a large snapping turtle, which is stronger than the blue-tailed carp and the sun-swallowing turtle. Its thick tail like a dragon's tail can directly suck people into meat.

Zhaohua saw only three of them when he first came here. Then the contracted Lan Xinghu also saw that there were actually other aquatic monsters in the lake.

For example, a colorful rainbow fish with a rainbow on its body and a rainbow fish set off by a white cloud below. It is the weakest in strength, but its pedigree is very high. I heard that Xiao Fengcan said that it is like an "exchange student" from Wanlong Valley.

If you can successfully break through the bloodline restriction, you will have the opportunity to become a pure-blooded dragon - Rainbow Dragon. But right now, Little Rainbow Fish is still stuck at the Warrior level, and it's even slower than Little Wind Silkworm.

There was originally a silver-white tortoise—Tianchi tortoise, but it broke through to the monarch some time ago and is no longer here. Now there are only four demons who are still training hard.

Zhaohua said to the blue-tailed carp, the earth snapping turtle and the little rainbow fish: "Do you want to join me too? My conditions are the same as Yang Yang's. The snapping turtle is already at its peak. You can accumulate and exchange for more valuable resources to help you." breakthrough."

The demons of slave blood are just lacking in wisdom, but the demons here are not only not slaves in strength, but also have extremely high bloodlines, so they are naturally very intelligent, and they immediately understand what Zhaohua wants to do! ! !

All the monsters looked at Zhaohua like they were looking at a madman.

Even the monsters that weren't in the lake, like night owls and sun moon wolves looked at Zhaohua in surprise.

With a sound of Karma, Feng Ling pushed open the door and came out, with a speechless expression on his face, he said, "Do you know what this place is... You really want to die, you want to enclose land here?"

The earliest usage of summoning beast hordes was not to summon a large group of summoned beasts, but to enclose land in the summoning plane!

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