Full-time Summoner

Chapter 604 Holy Wing Asylum

"You!! Did you tell that female ghost Mu Ningxue's name even though you knew it!" Guan Yu glared at Mo Fan with a loud voice.

Because of Zhao Manyan's matter, everyone searched for clues separately, but they found nothing. Only Mo Fan found the girl Miyata. For Mu Ningxue's safety, Mo Fan told Ai Jiangtu and others.

"Everyone meditate tonight, try not to sleep, Mo Fan, you stay at the door, and others try to meditate in a room close to Mu Ningxue and Zhao Manyan. If the gaffe gets worse, then we may have to ask the teacher for help."

After Ai Jiangtu explained the arrangement, people like Zhou Xu, Li Kaifeng, and Mu Tingying, who didn't want to fail the experience for Zhao Manyan, had opinions.

Mu Tingying said dissatisfiedly: "Forget about Zhao Manyan, who asked for it like Mu Ningxue, why should we ask a mentor for her, in case the mentor judges us to fail in the experience."

Zhou Xu, Li Kaifeng and Zu Jiming nodded. Although they didn't speak, they had explained their meaning.

Nan Jue said: "Even if the experience fails, if we want to be eliminated, we will eliminate Mu Ningxue and Zhao Manyan. And if we don't even have the ability to deal with such emergencies, even if the experience is not a failure, we will not be good in the teacher's heart."

After Nan Jue finished speaking, the others immediately shut up and did not speak.

Jiang Yu came back from the outside and said: "The room closest to Mu Ningxue's room is Zhaohua's. He is currently meditating. Two summoned beasts are guarding the door. They don't want us to go in and disturb him. I can't help it."

"Hmph, at this time, you still focus on your own cultivation and don't care about your teammates at all." Zhou Xu spoke ill of Zhaohua at the right time.

Ai Jiangtu thought for a while and said, "Then let's meditate in the corridor. Zhaohua's summoned beasts will guard the other side, and we will guard the other side of the room and the corridor."

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon a few hours passed. The time for meditation practice is limited every day. Even if there is a magic weapon, it cannot be unlimited. Soon everyone will finish meditation, and now it happens to be Zhaohua When planning to enclose land in the summoning plane and using high-level summoning magic.

Suddenly, a head emerged from the ground in front of Zhaohua who had entered the Summoning Plane. This person was the young monk Narahara Sora! ! !

Mo Fan and others got it wrong, the murderer was not Miyata at all, but this young monk Narahara Sora! ! The names are all fake, he doesn't need a name at all, anyone who can see him and come into contact with him will be the target of his revenge!

Zhao Manyan just met Narahara Sora by accident!

"Hehehe, as long as I absorb a few more mage's vitality, I can leave the seal of that hateful vessel!"

Narahara Sora stretched out his ferocious ghost hand, and the incorporeal hand entered Zhao Hua's body and began to absorb life force. And Zhaohua's body, whose magic energy was drawn, began to feel cold.

Just when Narahara Sora absorbed a little vitality, a space crack appeared, and Zhaohua's Xingzi inexplicably connected himself into a star track, opened the dimensional channel, and Shengyin looked at Narahara Sora viciously, flapping his wings from Fly out of the dimensional channel.

Narahara Sora's face, which was originally like a ghost, showed horror as if he had seen a ghost.

"You...what the hell is this..."

But before Narahara Sora thought about what happened, seven stars appeared behind the holy silver summoned through the dimension! !

These seven stars are the seven stars of Zhaohua's third summoning system. The seven stars behind Shengyin are actually connected to form a star track. The color of this star track is very strange.

It is neither the transparent moonlight of the summoning system, nor the yellow of the light system of the elemental system, nor the holy white of the white magic, nor is it black magic. But there is no doubt that Shengyin did not know how to use Zhaohua's Xingzi to activate the magic.

The star trails are connected, and the magic appears!

Shengyin's pair of white wings instantly grew larger, and the wings turned into a huge protection.

Because Shengyin appeared just behind Zhaohua, from Narahara Sora's position, it seemed as if Zhaohua had grown a pair of white wings from behind.

And the magic light of the holy silver quickly drove away the cold in Zhaohua's body, and a faint holy light appeared on Zhaohua's body, but these lights were very weak, so weak that they could almost be ignored.


The star trail formed by the connection of the seven stars appeared on the huge wings of Shengyin. Without saying a word, Shengyin slapped Narahara Sora, the evil ghost.

The wings are two meters long, and it is a slap in the face.

Narahara was directly evacuated.

It should be Narahara Sora who has no entity, and Narahara Sora who will not be hit by a physical blow is like a kite with a broken string. But Narahara Sora has no entity, and the moment he hits the wall, he flies through the wall and flies to the next room.

And the next room happened to be Mu Ningxue's room.

The next second after Narahara Sora was blown away, Zhaohua's mental power came back from the summoning plane, and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the enlarged wings of Shengyin and a faint light from his body .

"This is..."

A very warm feeling came from Zhaohua's body. This feeling was like healing magic, but obviously not, because Zhaohua was not injured, and it was like blessing magic, because Zhaohua felt that he seemed to have become a little stronger. Get strong.

But Zhaohua has experienced the magic of the blessing system, even the elementary blessing system is not like this.

But it looks like a light system from the outside, but how can a light system have such an effect.

The situation didn't make Zhaohua think too much, because this state disappeared after a short while, and Shengyin's white wings also rapidly became smaller. Resting on the top of Hua's head, it seems that he is indeed very tired.

Zhaohua carefully held Shengyin in the palm of his hand, Shengyin showed fatigue, which seemed to be the result of excessive force.

"You were the one who protected me just now?"

Shengyin didn't speak, he was really tired.

Zhaohua used the perception of the wind to feel it. Sanwei and Xiong Da were outside, and they did not sleep and slack off. They guarded themselves very seriously. For some reason, Mo Fan, Ai Jiangtu, Nanjue and others were sitting outside in the corridor outside. meditation.

Zhaohua stayed in the Summoning Plane for a long time, and chatted with the Sun Swallowing Turtle for a while. Fortunately, Zhaohua is a high-level mage. Entering the Summoning Plane with a mental body is like elementary magic, and the consumption is very small. , otherwise I really can't stand it.

"What are they doing outside?"

Zhaohua came to the temple in the evening, and entered meditation after entering, Zhaohua naturally didn't know what happened.

At this moment, Zhaohua suddenly heard the sound of a cock crowing outside the temple, and it was dawn.

"Xuexue, it's dawn... Xuexue!!!" Mo Fan's panicked voice came from the next door.

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