Full-time Summoner

Chapter 608 Japanese Mansion

Zhaohua saw Zhao Manyan getting up from the ground sleepily, with a little saliva in the corner of his mouth, looking left and right, and felt irritated.

Mo Fan and Ai Jiangtu used their lives to kill the monsters, while Nan Jue and Jiang Yu relied on their wisdom to help. Even Mu Ningxue broke through the seal relying on her tenacious willpower.

finally! This soul tool is about to fall into the hands of Zhao Manyan, the soy saucer in the audience.

Not to mention Zhaohua, an outsider, Mu Ningxue, who is so unworldly, is a little angry.

But there is no way, such things as chance are really uncertain, what is yours is yours, and it is useless to grab what is not yours.

Zhao Manyan didn't know what happened, after hearing what Zhaohua said, he looked at the wooden fish next to him.

"Huh? I seem to have seen this thing before?" Zhao Manyan looked at the wooden fish, but couldn't remember it after thinking about it.

Zhaohua reminded silently: "Did you dream about it?"

"Yes, yes, it seems to be in a dream, it seems to be last night." After Zhao Hua's reminder, Zhao Manyan remembered that he had a dream last night, and dreamed that he was listening to the sound of wooden fish beating, fascinated, It is such a wooden fish.

Mu Ningxue's personality definitely wouldn't tell Zhao Manyan so much, she even wanted to get up and leave.

The Zhaohua people are still good, and he doesn't care about chance, anyway, his summoning of the beast tide has been completed.

"This soul tool, it should have chosen you as its new owner, go and bind it to see." Zhaohua said.

When Zhao Manyan heard it, he showed a smile that was brighter than a chrysanthemum. Isn't this what is often said in novels, the artifact chooses the master! ? Such a good thing fell on Zhao Manyan.

"Hey hey, then I'm not welcome."

Zhao Manyan rushed over, and Mu Ningxue stopped meditating to see if Zhao Manyan could succeed.

Then the scene that made the two vomit blood happened.

Zhao Manyan stretched out his hand directly, grabbed Muyu and stuffed it into his pocket. Muyu was like a well-behaved daughter-in-law, without any resistance.

"It's done. Why are you looking at me like this?" Zhao Manyan said.

Zhaohua and Mu Ningxue ignored this lucky guy.

Zhaohua himself doesn't even have a soul tool! ! All three of his magical equipment are at the peak of the spirit level, but the three pieces are not as good as one soul equipment, and even the ten spiritual level magic equipment are not as good as one soul equipment.

It's really maddening!

And just now Mo Fan and the others worked so hard to kill the evil spirit of Narahara Sora and rescued the monks. When Mo Fan and the others sent the monks to the hospital and dealt with everything, the sun was almost setting.

The only thing that made Mo Fan feel relieved was that Mu Ningxue and Old Zhao had woken up.

Zhao Manyan pulled Mo Fan who was already a little tired, and said with a mean smile: "Mo Fan, guess what chance I got."

Mo Fan glanced at Zhao Manyan, he had already guessed it, and said quite speechlessly: "I guess you must have got a wooden fish soul tool with strange patterns all over the body, and it is still a soul level."

Zhao Manyan was stunned, and immediately gave Mo Fan a thumbs up, and said in admiration: "It's amazing, I really deserve to follow Lingling to Master Hunter, you really guessed it."

Zhao Manyan mysteriously took out a wooden fish, and said to Mo Fan: "Look, this thing is amazing, there is a small world inside, and it seems to be able to strengthen the defense against magic... Hey, Mo Fan! I haven't said anything yet. It's over! Where are you going!!"

Mo Fan really wanted to give him a hammer. A few of them fought against a commander-level monster, and this guy took the benefits. Angry! !

Nanjue and Ai Jiangtu were also on the side. Naturally seeing the wooden fish, both of them shook their heads speechlessly. This wooden fish seems to be really spiritual, and it can choose its own master. It's just stupid to choose such an idiot.

Jiang Yu and Jiang Shaoxu also asked Lao Zhao to try the wooden fish, but the two of them, let alone touching, would trigger the lightning prohibition if they got closer, so they wouldn't touch it.

Originally, we were going to take the Japanese ring road to the Japanese National Pavilion today, but so many things happened, and Mo Fan and Ai Jiangtu consumed a lot of mana, so everyone decided to go to the Japanese National Pavilion tomorrow to open their The first battle.

Early the next morning, Mo Fan and the others took the inner ring road to the Japanese National Pavilion. The sea can just be seen from the window. After all, Japan is an island country, and the temple they live in happens to be on the mountain.

"Huh? Why is there a small island?" Mo Fan suddenly saw a small island in the sea. He remembered that there was no one yesterday.

Jiang Yu heard Mo Fan's words and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I really want to see a small island. There was obviously no one yesterday."

No one noticed that the wooden fish that Zhao Manyan put in the bag glowed slightly. After the train moved away, the non-existent island sank slowly and finally disappeared.


The train gradually drove from the coast to the mainland, and the continuous mountains were blue and purple distributed on both sides of the train tracks. The mountains in Japan were relatively clean, and the air was better than imagined.

"Captain, have we decided on our experience in Japan?" The train is almost at the National Pavilion, that is to say, their initial task has been completed, and they will start the challenge in Japan and the experience abroad.

The so-called experience is to allow national players to get in touch with monsters from other countries and learn more.

Ai Jiangtu nodded and said: "The instructors have sent a message just now, we will challenge the National Pavilion first, and then start the experience."

Nan Jue said, "It's the sea battlefield."

Ai Jiangtu nodded and explained: "Well, Japan's national pavilion is in Osaka. After defeating Osaka, we will go to the naval battlefield in Tokyo to practice."

Mo Fan immediately became excited and said: "This kind of kicking is my favorite. It's exciting."

Zu Jiming said unhappily: "You still want to play as a substitute? Don't lose and let us lose the National Pavilion medal."

Jiang Yu looked at Zhaohua who was on the side and said: "The Japanese naval battlefield is one of the four most intense naval battlefields in the world."

Zhaohua looked at Jiang Yu, sighed and said, "I know...and the most powerful mage group in Japan, Yin Yang mages, is in Tokyo."

Jiang Yu nodded seriously and said: "Yes, I heard that Japan, an island country, can withstand the attacks of countless sea monsters in the Pacific Ocean, all thanks to this mysterious Onmyoji."

"Well, their special magic - Shikigami, is indeed a good magic, equivalent to the summoning system, but it can be regenerated infinitely, it is a kind of man-made summoning beast."

Since Zhaohua met Jian Ning in his dream, he has used the authority of the Tribunal to investigate a lot of things about the Onmyoji. It has to be said that Japan's survival under the hands of the Kraken really depends on these Onmyoji.

Japan is neither a big nor a small place, but after all, it is an island country rather than a huge continent, and its resources are relatively poor.

Without resources, it is difficult for mages to become stronger, but they still protected the people under the attacks of countless sea monsters, and guarded the coastline, preventing the monsters from landing. Among so many countries in Asia, they are second only to us. The country's second most powerful country.

And last year's national competition, Japan ranked higher than our country.

Because of this matter, they have been a little drifting for the past two or three years.

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