Full-time Summoner

Chapter 622: Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts

"What a powerful magic...what a powerful combination"

The most difficult part of super-order magic is the release time, especially the super-order third-level magic. Even a curse mage needs a lot of time to build a star palace.

Like the time in the ancient capital, Han Ji was bought by more than a dozen super mages to buy time for him.

But this time it was almost instantaneous. Apart from the continuous and cooperation of those formation mages day and night, the shikigami that appeared from the ancient talisman was the key.

It's better to say that the three formations, ranging from ground thorns, to whirlwinds, to bombardment of fire magic, are actually designed to match the shikigami of the onmyoji.

Although Zhaohua only saw it through the video, he guessed that the devil-like Flame Shikigami should have the ability to detonate flames, similar to Tianyan's Rongyan.

"Of course, this is the strongest magic in our country." Yuyi Ningmeng shook the ancient talisman in her hand intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhaohua glanced at it and said, "But you're not a Yin-Yang master, are you?"

Yuyi Ningmeng couldn't hold back her face, and said a little annoyed: "What, sooner or later I will be!"

In addition to those from the Yuyi family, those more than 500 mages also have mages from other Yin-Yang mage families, but there are only a few of them that can be called Yin-Yang mages.

Just like the Imperial Palace mage, not everyone is qualified, not only requires great talent and strength, but also has various conditions attached.

On the other hand, Japanese Onmyoji are more demanding and fewer in number.

But it's just a super-level third-level magic, and it can only reduce the number of monsters a little bit, and with such a wide range, the power will naturally drop a lot. I'm afraid it can't kill even the commander-level monsters. The main reason is that the range is too big. Covering the number of 100,000 monsters, it is several times larger than Han Ji's ice super-level third-level magic.

Sure enough, not long after the explosion, nine white tails protruded from the flames, and the sweeping momentum extinguished all the flames. The feather fox still looked like an understatement. The magic did not cause any harm to it. Even if these monsters died, it had nothing to do with it .

In fact, it was the same yesterday and the day before yesterday. The feather fox seemed to be playing. Except for the monarch-level monsters who were its subordinates, the other monsters were formed temporarily by it.

It doesn't matter if you die, Yuyihu can continue to control other monsters to join.

Zhaohua asked: "Will you retreat when Jin Yao's enchantment can no longer hold?"

Yuyi Ningmeng nodded and said: "Well, it's like this every day, and it's time for us to fight back on the last day."

"In fact, every once in a while, the monarch monsters of Yuyi Fox will gather to attack the seal. The same is true for other Onmyoji families, but the place is different. Yuyi Fox is the commander of Tokyo. After breaking a seal, he will leave. He can only wait until the last Nijo Castle Only by sealing us can we launch a counterattack and repel the Hundred Ghosts Empire of the Feather Fox."

Zhaohua frowned, and said suspiciously: "But there was no feathered fox in the past, right?"

Yuyi Ningmeng nodded and said: "Yes, in the past it was its Hundred Ghosts Empire who came to rescue it, this time it should come to regain its power."

Just like the undead empire in the ancient capital, there used to be no emperors, so it is not difficult to repel it with the power of Tokyo's mages.

It is impossible to have hundreds of millions of undead sieges like the ancient capital. After all, there are not so many monsters near Tokyo, Japan, and there is not so much land, let alone such a terrifying number of undead.

But Japan is an island country. If Japan is compared to an ancient capital, then they actually have a catastrophe in the ancient capital every day. Every day, tens of millions of sea monsters pour in from all directions in Japan. Most of the time, even more than one billion sea monsters went ashore one after another.

Zhaohua looked at the scene on the screen, the Yin-Yang mages were still attacking continuously by relying on the Jinyao enchantment, but it can be seen that the effect of the attack is gradually decreasing, because many slave-level and warrior-level monsters died, and the remaining The commanders and monarch-level demons under him are very difficult to kill.

Zhaohua asked: "In this case, why are you so sure that Yuyihu will retreat after breaking the seal today? What if it breaks the fourth one in one go and comes to Ertiao City..."

Asked by Zhaohua, Yuyi Ningmeng immediately said at a loss for words: "This...it has always been like this."

"Ah? But it has never been directed by the soul of the feathered fox." Zhaohua looked at the tail of the feathered fox and cast the high-level and second-level fire magic, the funeral of the sky flame-hellfire. That flint, which is like a meteorite, is like playing tennis. If you just pull back your tail casually, you will know that even if this feather-clothed fox has only a part of its strength, it is still a terrifying existence.

Yuyi Ningmeng froze immediately, because she didn't know how to deal with it.

At this moment, a middle-aged man came over and said: "That's why the Yuyi clan made a deal with the Judgment to let you come here."

"Uncle Xing Er!" Yu Yi Ningmeng ran over as if seeing a savior.

Zhao Hua really knew this man, Qingshi Koji, the contemporary patriarch of the Qingshi family, one of the Onmyoji families. According to what Yuyi Ningmeng said, the other three families continued to guard the rest of Japan to prevent the other big monsters from the dark plane from waking up.

The Qingshi family is here to support.

According to the normal situation, the own family is responsible for the big monster that it seals, but this time it is obviously different, so the Yuyi family applied for support from the outside world.

The Qing Cross family is special, because the emperor monsters sealed by their family do not originate from the dark plane, but the emperor of the Snow Demon Empire in Mount Fuji—Yue Nu.

There is nothing strange about the arrival of Kiyoshi Kouji to Zhaohua.

"Relying on us should be your biggest mistake in judgment." Zhaohua said directly.

Because after watching the battle, Zhaohua couldn't figure out how to deal with such a strong monster.

Kiyoshi Kouji shook his head and said, "To be more precise, it depends on that little girl."

Zhaohua looked over and saw that Ji Shaoan was holding a toy called Kendama played by a Japanese child in his hand. He just put the jade ball hanging on it back on the spikes without touching it with his hands.

But Ji Shao played silently for a long time without success, so he threw it on the ground in a fit of anger, it was so irritating! !

Zhao Hua and Kiyoshi Kouji happened to see this scene, but Ji Shaoan pretended not to know, looking around at the scenery. Zhaohua felt sad for the future of Japan, but Ji Shao had to rely on him! ? ? ?

Kiyoshi Kouji smiled and said: "Actually, it's not just you. The Magic Association and the Hunter Alliance have reinforcements. The Hunter Alliance has three hunting kings in Tokyo, as well as the Holy Inquisition Mages of the Holy Inquisition."

"Are we just insurance?"

Kiyoshi Koji just smiled and didn't speak.

When Zhaohua looked at the screen again, a large number of cracks had appeared in Jin Yao's enchantment, and it seemed that he couldn't resist it. However, the number of Yuyihu's hundred ghosts and demon kingdoms has decreased a lot, by a full half, and there are about 100,000 left, but these 100,000 are all above the warrior level, and there are not many slave-level monsters anymore.

"Sure enough, every country deals with monsters differently."

When Zhaohua saw this, he thought of the ancient capital. The Japanese land monsters are simple, and the sea monsters are the most serious.

"Jin Yao's enchantment is broken..."

Thank you 【Book Hearts】【20170710152945419】【20190531134343733】【Guanhaotian】【Ministry of Poetry Opening Flow】【Jiu Mihou】【A Silly Smile Year】【Li Xiaoxiang】【Mo Tianhen】【Qiyou】 [Yi Fei You Yi Ye Jie] [20200404203453471] [Mingyue Dai crooked] *2 [Pandas are not cats] *2 [Watt] *4 [Ying Li] *4 [Dreams into sorrow] *7

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