Full-time Summoner

Chapter 627: A Different Approach

Zhaohua counted, and there are actually not as many skeletons wearing the costumes of Yin-Yang Masters as expected. It stands to reason that although the founding of Japan was not very early, it was not too late, and it is also a country that has experienced the era of mass extinction.

Although not as in our country, the earliest record is that they lived in groups in the wild period, until they were sheltered by totems in the prehistoric era, and then survived in the form of tribes in the name of totems.

It was not until the era of mass extinction that it was truly integrated into a country. After the era of mass extinction, human mages and demons were gradually separated in the war. Finally, in the era of ancient kings, six demon empires were eliminated and integrated to the present.

The history of magic in Japan can be traced back to the end of the era of mass extinction, when humans fought back against demons. According to this calculation, Ampere Seimei has one or two hundred generations, so why are there only twenty or thirty?

"Will the shikigami be eliminated?" Zhaohua asked.

Yuyi Ningmeng shook her head and said: "Shikigami are very difficult to destroy. The reason for the small number is that the energy of the shikigami comes from their lifetime. After the shikigami chooses a mage, the shikigami will slowly consume energy, which cannot be replenished."

Needless to say, Zhaohua and Ji Shao are dumb, staying here and not fighting, Zhaohua has made up his mind, don't fight if he can, and it's best to end it directly and beat the feather fox back.

And Ji Shaoan and Guiwawa looked a little sleepy after eating too much, they were also drunk.

The Holy Order and other super-level mages have led all the mages of the Yin-Yang mage family to the front line, and other super-level mages are the same. No matter what, there is such a loophole in the Jinyao enchantment, which is a big problem for all countries. disaster.

Especially the high-ranking mages of the Holy Inquisitor and the Magic Association, this kind of thing must be clarified for them, otherwise it will lead to a catastrophe.

No one can be sure whether this is the special ability of Yuyihu or some kind of loophole.

Zhaohua looked at the bone skeletons wearing the costumes of Yin Yang mages. These bone skeletons could use magic.

"They won't have the strength of life..." Zhao Hua asked.

To become the head of the family, at least one must be an inversion mage. There are dozens of inversion mages here, which is a bit scary! Forbidden spell mages can't beat so many upside-down mages.

Yuyi Ningmeng said: "No, even in the shrine of the forbidden magic magic, it is impossible to fully exert the strength of life. However, the biggest function of the shrine is to allow the mages of later generations to bring shikigami to protect the people of future generations and eliminate demons. It is the biggest function of Shiki Shrine."

There are also records in ancient books of a forbidden curse magic of the undead system, called the Tower of Heroes, which is somewhat similar to the high-level magic of the summoning system, except that the Tower of Heroes summons the souls of a large group of spirits who once lived in this place.

The strength of the Tower of Heroes depends not only on the Forbidden Curse Mage, but also because of whether there are powerful legends of Heroic Spirits in the place where the Tower of Heroes is used.

The Tower of Heroes is more like a power that turns legends into reality. It is indeed different from Shiki Shrine, the two should belong to two different types of undead forbidden curse magic.

Koji Qingshi looked at Zhaohua and said, "I'm afraid there is only one necromancer who can perfectly reproduce the power of a mage in his lifetime."

Of course Zhaohua knew that the Qing Cross Xinger was referring to the ancient king. Zhaohua suspected that Abe Seimei and the ancient king might be mages of the same period. As for whether the two knew each other, it was unknown.

"Unfortunately, our country will not do such a thing of relying on the predecessors." Zhaohua replied.

Yuyi Ningmeng asked suspiciously: "Why? Because of magic?"

"No, we used to have a similar place. It's just called the Beast Tomb. Our country was once protected by totems and alien beasts. Danger can draw on their power."

"But then we gave up this power and expelled all the totems and beasts."

Yuyi Ningxin and Kiyoshi Kouji are both the heads of the top magic families in Japan. They are not only upright mages, but also have powers no less than that of the Forbidden Curse mages. Naturally, they know some truths about the world.

They also know a little bit about things like totems and the era of mass extinction.

However, they don't know why the totem will be expelled in the end. It is only known that at the end of the era of mass extinction, it was their country that pushed human mages to resist the domination of the three planes, so it was called the oldest magic country.

This is also the most incomprehensible thing for them Japanese.

In order to obtain the power to resist the demons, they did not hesitate to sacrifice the babies of the five largest families at that time, and used their hearts to seal the power of the five great monsters one after another, and used them to deal with the endless sea monsters.

And they actually expelled the totem that was willing to shelter them! ! ! It's really a wealthy family's wine and meat stinky road with frozen bones! ! They want it and can't get it, but you don't! !

But Zhaohua didn't tell them why, but just looked at the bone Yin-Yang mage who was attacking Yuyihu in the sky.

Zhaohua learned some truths about the expulsion of the totem from the information of his grandfather Zhaohao.

The cause of the era of mass extinction is that the three planes seized resources, and when they expanded their forces, they finally collided and a war broke out.

Things like beast mounds, heroic towers, and gods' residences will be available on all planes at that time, and the purpose is to retain the greatest power to obtain the greatest benefits. At that time, humans did not have the concept of mages, because the only magic they knew was to protect their own land.

There is no commonality between magic.

But the result can be imagined. The war brings only endless grief and despair. Slowly, human beings finally realize that they are just pawns. No matter who wins or loses in the end, human beings will eventually be farmers who collect resources. .

The last page of the document reads: I opened the gate of summoning, and told about the cruelty of war. I pray that Wanlong Valley will stop fighting, that the beast kingdom will give up revenge, and that the beast spirits have mercy on human beings. But there was no response in the empty calling channel, no miracle, no hope, everything disappeared at the end of the channel, and they rejected me. Until I fell to my knees in despair, lowered my head and saw my own reflection, and only myself responded to me.

Said the first mage who awakened magic.

When Zhaohua saw this record, he was quite shocked. He did not expect that what human beings really awakened for the first time was not the elemental magic of their own magical world, but the dimensional magic of another plane.

Who is the first person in the world who awakened the magic of the dimension? The demon will be expelled because of dimensional magic and elemental magic.

This is the difference between the two countries. Even the ancient king did not want to be the response of others because he didn't want to be a dead emperor. That's why he chose to go to the dark plane and continue his journey without being a human being.

"It seems that I can only rely on myself."

Zhaohua looked at the feathered fox in the distance, nine huge white tails flew out from behind it, sweeping away all the magic that attacked him. Like a spear, the tail pierced through the Jin Yao enchantment at once, and a hole appeared.

The strength of Yuyihu exceeded all of their expectations.

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