Full-time Summoner

Chapter 645 Dragon Mage

The dragon herding mage, as the name says, is a mage who has a dragon as a beast tamer.

The greatest goal of every animal trainer is to have a dragon as his animal trainer.

Unlike the summoner who relies on the constraints of the contract, the dragon shepherd mage relies on human wisdom to regain all kinds of dragons.

There are countless uncertain factors in animal taming, and it even requires a certain amount of luck, and even more, it needs to pay countless hardships. Let the Dragons fight for it.

And this kind of person is called the Dragon Shepherd Mage.

Dragons are naturally divided into three, six, and nine classes. The lowest-level dragon beasts, those with low dragon bloodlines, are negligible, but even so, they are still very powerful among the slave monsters. Miscellaneous dragons are monsters born of powerful dragons and monsters of low-level blood, usually at the level of warriors.

Pseudo-dragons have a more advanced bloodline, and their strength is generally from the peak of the warrior level to the commanding level.

The sub-dragon is the strongest dragon monster whose bloodline is second only to the pure-blooded true dragon, and its strength can reach the level of a great monarch.

In the history of human mages, the only one who can be tamed by taming beasts without relying on the contract of summoning magic is Yalong. As for the extremely rare pure-blooded true dragons, they are existences that cannot even be contracted with summoning magic.

Although strictly speaking, the Destruction Evil Dragon is no longer a dragon family, it does not have the power of a dragon family, and is replaced by the power of darkness. But its body and soul are still dragon body and dragon soul.

At the beginning, Zhaohua shocked the entire demon city by destroying the evil dragon, and attracted the family challenges of Guanyu and the others.

With a loud bang, a huge monster flew out of the space passage, and its heavy body made a huge footprint even on the platform.

Roar! ! ! ! ! The deafening roar made the entire venue have only one voice. The huge and incomparably pitch-black dragon wings spread out behind Zhaohua like an evil spirit's protection. The pitch-black dragon scales reflected a cold light, and the sharp dragon claws could pierce the target's heart at any time.

Especially those red pupils are very evil, as if they would petrify at a glance, exuding an invincible aura.

Could it be that Dragon Shepherd Mage Zhao Hua doesn't care about this title, as long as he takes a look at the Destroying Evil Dragon, no one will doubt its strength. It doesn't matter if it is a dragon or not, the evil dragon is even more powerful and terrifying than the ordinary pseudo-dragon, but it is only slightly inferior to the sub-dragon.

He~~~~ The evil dragon let out a breath from his mouth. Compared with humans, it has a giant body of ten meters, so it naturally needs to look down.

When he saw the three stunned Korean guards, he couldn't help showing sarcasm and snorting.

Zhaohua opened his hands, as if welcoming the opponent's attack, and said, "Come on, villain who wants to challenge the prestige of a big country, you are extremely wise and use all means, it doesn't matter whether it is upright or shameless."

"The one who tolerates all this is the strong!"

Zhaohua said to the evil dragon of destruction: "Go, let them see your strength."

call! ! The aura of the destructive evil dragon reached its peak, and the evil dragon fluttered its wings, aiming at these three people, and its sharp dragon claws pointed directly at the three of them.

"All the leaders!!!!?" Zhao Manyan couldn't speak easily.

Not only him, but everyone else was shocked in place. For the first time, Ai Jiangtu showed a shocked expression. It turned out to be a commander-level evil dragon! ? Although he is not invincible against commander-level monsters, he even killed commander-level monsters in bloody battles when Ai Jiangtu was at a high level.

But when I saw someone summoning such a giant beast, I couldn't be more surprised.

Jiang Yu looked at the destructive evil dragon that tore apart the spirit-level magic shield with just a single grab, and said in surprise: "This is not just as simple as an ordinary commander, at least the strength is that of a small commander. He...he How can you tame such an evil dragon without relying on a summoning contract?"

This is what Jiang Yu can't understand. Although he is not a beast tamer, he is still a summoner. He has a good understanding of monsters, and he also has a little understanding of beast tamers.

The number of tamers is already the limit of two, and the chance of defection is almost as high as 90% if there are more than two. And there is no way to train animals to reach the commanding level.

Commander-level monsters have high IQs, which is determined by the advanced level of Commander-level. Unless you are a super mage and rely on your strength to suppress it, the commander-level monsters will definitely rebel.

Therefore, the definition of beast taming in the whole world is that there are more mounts, and flying monsters account for more than half of the beast tamers.

Not to mention taming monsters with high pedigree. Otherwise, Master Dragon Herding would not be the biggest pursuit of all animal trainers in the world, just because it is difficult.

But Zhaohua suddenly broke the three major theories in the animal taming world, surpassing three, there is a commanding level, or a dragon shepherd mage. Jiang Yu instantly felt that the world had been turned upside down! !

You must know that the Victoria family, the largest family of animal taming magic in the UK, has spent hundreds of years on training dragons, but they only recently said that they can barely control the warlord-level biped dragons.

Just one warrior-level miscellaneous dragon has already been sold for the price of a soul seed, and the Victoria family only sold one, which proves that they have not fully mastered the method of taming the dragon, and the success rate is not high.

But this person in front of him is a commander-level evil dragon! ! The two-legged wyvern sold by the Victoria family some time ago is like a younger brother in front of it! No! Neither brother!

Zhaohua looked at the three people who had turned on the magic walking equipment and fled around, looked up at a small unmanned aircraft in mid-air and smiled.

This was Zhaohua asking Lin Mo to find someone to shoot secretly. You guys like to make big news so much, so let's do it.

"Ice Lock - Grinding Bone!"

"The Forest of Kun - Crazy Growth!"

Kakaka, an ice lock and plant vines wrapped around the body of the evil dragon of destruction.

Roar! ! ! The Destroying Evil Dragon broke free from the ice chains and vines with just a little force, and the middle-level magic was completely ineffective against the Destroying Evil Dragon.

As the team leader, Zhixun looked at the huge monster in the air. He was a mage of the light system, and the high-level light magic, Guang Luo Manzhang, was already lethal, and his release speed was not slow.

The problem is that as long as he has a slight trace of using high-level magic, the evil dragon of destruction will immediately target him, so that he can only use the Holy Shield of Blessing to resist, and then use the wind element of the second repair to escape.

And destroying the evil dragon is like playing with a few people. When the cat catches the mouse, the destroying evil dragon knows that only high-level magic is a threat to it, so it doesn't use high-level magic for Zhixun at all. And deliberately control the strength not to eliminate a few people. Obviously able to defeat the two mid-level players, they are just dragging their feet and teasing their opponents.

"Damn it, you forced me to do this."

Zhixun suddenly used the third-level magic of the light system to blind him, and the large-scale white light made the surroundings completely white.

call out! Suddenly a thin silver-white needle was shot at Zhaohua at a very high speed. The needle was insignificant and completely invisible in the sea of ​​white light, and there was a faint scarlet on the needle, which was actually poisonous!

The National Competition clearly stipulates that magic cutting equipment cannot be poisonous, and poison can only be made on the spot by a poison mage. And this poisonous needle is obviously a foul.

Li Minjun, the instructor of the national pavilion in the audience, knew what was going to happen when he saw Guangyao blind. When the time came, as long as the poison broke out and he won the game, he would save Zhaohua.

But the next scene left the tutor of the National Pavilion dumbfounded.

Zhaohua firmly grasped the needle with two fingers, looked at the dumbfounded tutor of Guoguan in the audience, and couldn't help sneering: "People use magic-killing tools, but you use hidden weapons with magic-killing tools, you really lost all mages!" Face."

Luanda's new book [Dragon Shepherd] is super good-looking, everyone can go and read it.

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