Full-time Summoner

Chapter 664 The Invincible Zhao Manyan

The next morning, Zhaohua went to the commercial center of Dubai early. Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates. This Arabia is different from the other Arabia we often call, this is the United Arab Emirates.

Dubai is located in the middle of the Middle East. It is a flat desert land facing the Persian Gulf. This is a super city built in the desert. That is to say, Dubai is actually built in the demon area, so the city of Dubai also belongs to humans. An existence like a milestone to challenge the demons.

Zhaohua has been practicing in the Master Tower in Dubai these days, and this is the first time he has experienced the charm of this super city.

Although Dubai is smaller than cities such as Magic City, Demon City, and Imperial City, the core area is even more prosperous than these capitals. Magic shops are everywhere. There are two or three large magic shopping plazas across the street. Corpse stores are everywhere.

No wonder Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan thought of seeding the world at the beginning. Around Dubai, you can see some fashionable beauties with hot bodies, big bags and small bags shopping in twos and threes, and luxury cars everywhere.

Of course, if Zhaohua exchanged the resources spent on summoned beasts for money, he would be a rich man even in Dubai.

Zhaohua still has tens of millions in his body now. This is the monthly profit of hunting monsters and the three magic shops in China during the previous few experiences. Too high, last night's piece was also the lowest quality in the spirit class.

"Even here in Dubai, there aren't many holy stones..." Zhaohua went to almost all the magic shops, and asked if there were any holy stones when he entered the door, but unfortunately there were almost none, and Holy Silver didn't find any other resources it needed.

Zhaohua could only find three of the same quality as last night, and bought them for 30 million.

Because of the bad relationship between our country and the Parthenon, there is no holy stone in the resource pool of the Judgment Council. Zhaohua asked Feng Zhoulong last night if he could get the holy stone, but Feng Zhoulong said that it was taken by the Parthenon The temple is strictly prohibited, even stricter than those contraband.

Not to mention the relationship between our country and the Parthenon, it is even more difficult.

Zhaohua threw the three holy stones to Shengyin, and let it watch and eat by itself. It is best if it can advance, but there is no other way. Fortunately, Zhaohua does not rely on Shengyin to fight.

After completing the sweeping of the holy stones, Zhaohua went to the special training ground for mages in Dubai, because even if Mo Fan lost to the British National Pavilion, Mo Fan’s strength has actually been recognized by the national pavilion’s instructors, and he will come to the national palace if he loses Team.

So there must be someone who will be eliminated. Although Mo Fan still needs to challenge the loser after he comes to the national team, he can really enter the national team, and then he has a chance to challenge whether to become a substitute or the regular team, but everyone knows that even before leaving the team Mo Fan, his strength is enough to defeat those people who are at the back of the main team after the experience.

Not to mention that Mo Fan will not stop practicing, so some people in the main team are very nervous this time, and Lao Zhao doesn't know if he knows that Mo Fan is going to return to the team. He also chose to use the right to challenge this time. The team, he is going to be the team.

"I'm a ****! Zhao Manyan, do you dare to be a man!!" Zu Jiming was almost vomiting blood from anger, and no longer cared about his own image.

The main reason is that Zhao Manyan is like a tortoise, hiding in the defensive magic all the time, and Zhao Manyan chose Zu Jiming on purpose.

Zu Jiming's strength is relatively low in the ranking, but he is also stronger than Li Kaifeng, but Zhao Manyan chose Zu Jiming because of his light system and restraint of poison system.

Although the restraint is not as exaggerated as that of the undead system, the light system has a certain degree of influence on black magic. The most restrained is the undead system, followed by the shadow system and poison system, and the curse system has less influence, after all, the curse system is a spiritual attack.

The poison system can destroy the armor defense of monsters, and it can also penetrate the water system, making the water highly poisonous and attacking the mage. Even the defense of the soil system will be destroyed by Zu Jiming's poison system.

Because Zu Jiming's poison system is insect poison, and he also raises poisonous insects, a small poisonous insect is difficult to find, but if it is bitten, it will cause serious trouble. This is the reason why he became a member of the national team, and it is difficult to prevent.

Originally, the high-level light-type magic light fell all over the place-the holy words, which were condensed into light symbols like words, some turned into light needles, and some turned into light crosses, attacking the opponent like a shower.

The light falls—the holy words are like language, which can be changed and controlled. Even after being shot, it can be controlled to track the target or bypass the defense to attack the mage. It is an attack-oriented magic in high-level.

But Zhao Manyan seemed to be doing it on purpose. He didn't attack, but made the talisman culture transformed by the holy words into scales and guarded him.

As soon as Zu Jiming's poisonous insects approached, they were discovered by the Holy Light, and then they were purified and killed by the Holy Word. Zu Jiming, who had no attack power, was dumbfounded.

Although his soil system is high-level, but it is just high-level, and it is advanced by the impact of the effect of the Dubai Mage Tower and the energy of the vein of the galaxy. Pupil - petrification.

"Whether I am a man or not, your wife knows best. Come on, many of your little poisonous insects have died, do you still have any more?" Zhao Manyan is also reckless, Guangyou Holy Shield, Shuiyu, and Earth Shield don't give a chance at all, Defensively.

Zu Jiming looked at the poisonous insects that died tragically on the ground, and his heart was bleeding. Those poisonous insects were his painstaking efforts. Cultivating these poisonous insects is no cheaper than raising summoned beasts.

"Hmph, then just wait, I won't attack, see what you can do to me!" Zu Jiming has no choice, anyway, he also has earth element and wind element, how can you, a tortoise shell mage, kill me?

Zhao Manyan showed a treacherous smile, took out a crossbow-like magic cutting tool, and shot an arrow at Zu Jiming. This is a light arrow, not only fast, but also has strong penetrating power. The soil system with little defense can't stop it at all.

"Magic shield!"

Dang, a shield blocked the arrow. Originally, Zu Jiming thought that Zhao Manyan would turn from defense to offense, but after the arrow passed, Zhao Manyan actually re-used the high-level light magic, which refreshed the duration of the light fall. When Zu Jiming's shield After the magic tool disappeared, he took out another magic cutting tool, a crossbow!

"You!!! You!!!" Zu Jiming understood after seeing Zhao Manyan's second magic-killing tool.

This guy Zhao Manyan replaced all the magic tools with magic cutting tools! ! ! ! !

"Do you still have the magic shield?"

With a bang, the light arrow shot out, and Zu Jiming naturally didn't have a second magic shield, so he hurriedly put on the magic armor, but the magic armor's defense was no better than the magic shield, and the light arrow was directly inserted into his body.

And Zhao Manyan played the word cheap to the extreme, he didn't continue to attack, but shrank in the defense again, killing the poisonous insect that Zu Jiming secretly released.

After Zu Jiming's magic armor disappeared, Zhao Manyan showed a devilish smile, took out the third crossbow, and said meanly: "Hey, do you still have the magic shield and magic armor?"

"I!! Fuck you ****"

Zu Jiming's third magic tool is the magic shoe, so the initiative is in Zhao Manyan's hands. If you use the magic shoe, I won't shoot the arrow. If you don't, you won't be able to run away when I shoot the arrow.

In the end, Zu Jiming's magic shoes couldn't dodge Zhao Manyan's light arrow, and was shot through the shoulder. Although it was not a fatal injury, Zu Jiming couldn't heal magic, and Zhao Manyan didn't care about it. He just spent it with you and waited for you to die Bleed to death.

This is why the national team needs Nanrong Ni, a healing mage, because there must be a nurse in the team, otherwise the ability to continue fighting will not be enough.

In the end, Zhao Manyan became the main team of the national team amid Zu Jiming's abuse.


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