Full-time Summoner

Chapter 69 Elven Magic

No wonder I didn't die at the beginning, the injury and the amount of bleeding, it was my own death. Only now did Zhaohua realize that he didn't die because Xiao Fengcan forcibly continued to live with his own vitality.

No wonder it has been more than half a month, and Xiaofengcan still looks listless. In addition to the sequelae of forced transformation, the more important thing is that Xiaofengcan consumes a lot of vitality.

After the little windworm recovers itself, it must be treated to a good meal.

Zhao Hua continued to listen, Feng Ling said: "Because this miraculous hot spring not only healed your injuries, but also made your summoning system Stardust have reached level three, now you need to reach level four and level five as soon as possible. "

Zhaohua raised his hand and asked, "Do I need to find spirits to strengthen Xingzi now?"

Feng Ling shook his head and said: "The star dust of the summoning system is not strengthened by you, but by the summoned beast, that is, the little wind silkworm. After the little wind silkworm completes the transformation, it will also feed back a little stardust of the summoning system, so it only appeared at that time. Five-level magic life sharing."

"And it's also because you have signed a life-and-death contract. The life-and-death contract is not a kind of constraint, but a kind of sharing. Only under an equal contract can the master and the summoned beast enjoy each other's vitality through the contract. Xiaofeng just now The silkworm has already completed the strengthening of the stars, so I can transmit a little consciousness from the summoning plane."

Zhaohua was a little surprised. Now he recalled that Feng Ling was well-intentioned at the beginning. It turned out that the so-called life-and-death contract was not that you were dead, and the effect of the contract would kill you, but that both parties could build a bridge through this contract. time to save your life.

This contract is too powerful, Feng Ling said at the beginning that he would kill him, it was a test, this life and death contract is a great opportunity! ! It can save lives!

Zhaohua asked: "The Xingzi has been strengthened, so what should I do now?"


"Practice? What are you practicing? Is Xingzi in control?"

Feng Ling shook his head and said: "Xingzi's control is only one of them, the most important thing is that you have to practice how to use it."

"Life sharing is passively triggered. It will only be triggered when your life is in danger. You don't need to practice. The problem is the fourth magic, the magic energy link. You need to practice using the magic energy of the little windworm."

! ! ! ? Using the magic energy of the summoned beast is simply unimaginable. Can the magic energy be shared? ! Then his mana has doubled.

"The magic energy link is just a general term. For example, if you contract a dragon, then what you can use is the magic energy of that dragon, and its magic, such as dragon breath, and the body will also be strengthened a little. If your contract It is a country-destroying monster, then you can get his magic and physical ability to be greatly improved."

! ! ! ? You can get the skills of monsters! this. . . However, I am uneducated, so I can say that I am popular in the world.

Think about it, if you can get the flying sand and rocks of a spirit wolf, it is equivalent to getting a small wind tornado, so as long as you get a few more monsters, you can get a lot of skills.

Feng Ling saw Zhaohua's surprise, and said negatively: "Don't think so much, monsters like this stupid scorpion under my feet are unbearable. With the power of these monsters, let alone strengthen Xingzi, it will going crazy."

Zhaohua rubbed the back of his head, he also felt that thinking this way was too much, if any monster contract could strengthen Xingzi, then the summoning system would probably be against the sky.

"What kind of magic is that elf?"

"Elf magic."

"Elf magic?"

Feng Ling tapped with his finger, and a gust of wind rolled up the remaining hot spring water, and also rolled the dead wood scorpion into it, rolling it wildly like washing clothes.

"Wind tornado!!" Zhaohua is familiar with this move. After all, he was almost killed by this move. The only difference is that this wind tornado does not need to draw a star map, but its power is much smaller.

Feng Ling put down the dizzy dead wood scorpion and said: "Different from your wind magic, wind magic is to make the surrounding wind elements obey orders and direct them to create a phenomenon of wind. But elf magic is to shape and change, to shape the elements Become the wind, become the mana, and then become the wind phenomenon."

Zhaohua's eyes widened. He knows what elements are. When the same magic is competing, it depends on who can control more elements. The same kind of elements will obey the orders of the mage, which is a terrible ability.

But elf magic is different. It reshape the elements into the shape you want. If you want it to be round or square, it is very domineering.

Feng Ling continued: "But this also has its disadvantages. Elf magic can't be leveraged. You can change as much as your own power. Unlike your magic, where there are more wind elements, the wind element will be stronger."

"And if you can contract the elemental holy spirit of this world, you can even fuse with it and gain extremely powerful elemental control."

Zhaohua asked: "Can't you fuse with the elf possession?"

Feng Ling shook his head and said: "In the final analysis, Xiaofengcan is still a creature of the summoning plane. It is in a different world from yours, and cannot be fused with possession. Only elemental creatures in the same world can."

Zhaohua roughly understood that Xiao Fengcan's power could only be borrowed, not possessed, and that elf magic was a magic that consumed his own summoning magic energy to change.

That is to say, Zhaohua can use Wind Silkworm, Brahma Windbreaker, and Silk Slash by himself, and not only that, but if there is enough mana, Little Wind Silkworm can also use it together. One stardust, double the happiness! ! Is there anything more refreshing than this!

Zhaohua's eyes are starry, he wants to use it quickly, and he can't wait.

Feng Ling said: "Did you forget that I said that I have two things to say, this is the first one, why are you in such a hurry, it will take some time for you Xingzi to control it."

Zhaohua smiled and said nothing, as long as he knew the pattern of the star trails, he could read the star trails once with the code, and neither Fengling nor Xiaofengcan could enter Zhaohua's spiritual world, so he didn't know about it.

Seeing that Zhaohua did not speak, Feng Ling continued: "The second thing is about your breakthrough to the middle level."

"Intermediate level? The intermediate level should not be so fast. Although I can get cosmic dust, my cultivation has not reached the critical point." Zhaohua said truthfully.

"No, I want you not to use cosmic dust." Feng Ling said firmly.

Zhaohua is a little confused, how can I break through without using it: "If I don't use cosmic dust, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find other natural treasures."


"No need? Then how to break through."

Feng Ling smiled and said: "Do you think that the magic energy link is just to give you a few more magic spells? As long as the little wind silkworm successfully advances to the growth stage, it can give you a powerful power again. This power is enough for you to kill Stardust. Break the barrier and enter the middle level."

Zhaohua has a big mouth, can the summoning system still operate like this? ! That's too powerful, the summoner feeds the summoned beast, and the summoned beast feeds back the summoner, strong.

Feng Ling covered her mouth with a sneer and said, "But don't be too happy so early, Xiao Fengcan's advanced growth stage, the resources you need to give him are very huge, have you forgotten?"

Zhaohua hissed and inhaled, he forgot! ! Because he was used to feeding remnant souls, he forgot that now the little wind silkworm no longer eats remnant souls, but began to eat soul souls, and it was wind attribute soul essence, once a month. And when it's time to advance, you have to prepare, a warrior-level spirit of any attribute and three wind spirit species, or a wind attribute treasure of the same energy.

This set is close to 100 million yuan. Where did he get so much money?

Feng Ling also saw Zhaohua's money problem, and said with a smirk, "This is the second thing I want to tell you. You are lucky. Go three kilometers from here, and I sensed a pretty good one." wind spirit species."

! ! ! ! ! !

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