Full-time Summoner

Chapter 698 Grumpy Brother [Add more updates for book friends! 】

In the middle of the night.

Gatherings and discussions are things in the morning, but this kind of murder and arson, no, of course, it is necessary to go there when the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the night is quiet.

Even Guan Yu and the others deliberately wore black clothes, but India didn't need to wear them, and they were hard to spot in the dark.

Nan Jue frowned, her perception ability was very strong, she immediately noticed that Jiang Shaoxu was not there, she asked Mu Tingying and said, "Mu Tingying, where is Jiang Shaoxu? Didn't you two go shopping after dinner? Where is she?"

Mu Tingying glanced twice, but she really didn't see Jiang Shaoxu, and said back: "We just went to the commercial street together, and we bought separately when we got there. I didn't know she was there."

Mo Fan picked up his phone and called Jiang Shaoxu, but it was displayed outside the service area and he couldn't get through.

At this time, Zhao Manyan said: "There is usually a signal in the city, unless you are using magic and the signal is interfered by the energy of magic."

"Did something happen to Jiang Shaoxu?"

"Or during meditation? This may also happen if you put your mobile phone in your trouser pocket during meditation."

At this time, the national teams of Japan and India were already impatient. Shao and Gu frowned and said, "Are you okay? If it takes too long and they run away, can you afford this responsibility?"

Indian captain Binji said: "It's useless if you can't even keep time."

Mo Fan said to Nan Jue: "Go, Zhao Manyan and I will find Jiang Shaoxu."

"Well, be careful."

After Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan left, Zhaohua looked down at the messages on his phone, and nodded to Nan Jue and Ai Jiangtu cryptically.

Ai Jiangtu said: "We are all together, if you know the location, please lead the way."

"waste time."

Shao Hegu followed the address sent by the Japanese masters and walked towards the port.

The extermination of the Red Ornaments Guild was originally in charge of the Freedom Mage of the United States, but they never caught the key Ka Suo, and the National Team took the initiative to propose a training task for the competition, so the Free Mage asked the members of the National Team to involve the Red Ornaments Guild first, Then the free mage led the team to fly from the border into the Caribbean Sea.

People from the Red Ornaments Guild are all over the Caribbean Sea. If the free mages come in early, they will be discovered. Even the national team didn't plan to go to the Caribbean Sea at first, but came to Mexico, and now they are back again.

And the source of information for the Japanese national team is naturally the American Freedom Mage. The Judgment actually knows it, but because the two sides have different purposes, only the Indian Sansan really don’t know anything, they don’t even have a source of information, and they follow them foolishly .

Our country has strong intelligence capabilities, and we understand the relationship between Japan and the United States. Only Sansan really thinks that they are relying on a dozen people from the national team to eliminate the Red Jewelry Guild.

In a small town in the Caribbean, a place called Baitou Port, several bar ships with neon lights are docked at the port. This is a very famous ship bar in Baitou Port. People in some surrounding metropolises often Will come here for gatherings and dinners.

Shao Hegu of the Japanese National Team led the Three Kingdoms National Team to Baitou Port and locked the target ship. When they were about to board the ship, the military mages of the local municipality suddenly appeared and surrounded the ship.

Shao Hegu wondered, "Eh? Could it be that the government knew this early on and cooperated with us in encircling and suppressing the Red Ornaments Guild? But the free mages clearly said that they acted secretly."

Standing at the back of the team, Zhaohua saw this scene and said in a low voice: "Sure enough, it's the same as what the trial found. The Red Jewelry Guild intends to whitewash itself on the grounds of joining the local military. And Nuokang knows this , so they got mixed up in the Red Jewelry Guild, planning to join the local military and get the protection of the local municipality."

Zhaohua's voice was so low that no one could hear it, only Nan Jue from the vocal department could hear it.

Nan Jue looked at the local mayor who was blocking Shaohe Valley with a surprised expression. He didn't understand why the soldiers protecting the citizens would cooperate with these criminals!

Because of the obstruction from the mayor and the military mages, Shao and Gu were suddenly dumbfounded, why didn't they play their cards according to the routine!

And no matter how Shao Hegu and others persuaded him, the mayor ignored him, just refused to allow the national team to come in, and even expelled the national team from the city with the power of the mayor.

Zhaohua said: "It's actually quite normal. Our country is a big country, so the country is peaceful and the people are safe. Military mages are noble professions. Only geniuses and brave mages can join them. But other countries are hard to resist even some regular monster invasions. The Red Sea-Monster Tide is still very famous, and they will be invaded regularly by the Sea-Monster, but they should be hard to resist. It is probably for this reason that they agreed to cooperate with the Red Ornaments Guild."

Nan Jue blurted out: "But, those are criminals who commit all kinds of crimes! How can a military mage..."

But as they talked, Nan Jue remembered that their actual mission this time was to capture Nuokang from the Golden Triangle. Didn’t he just unite with the military commanders of Thailand’s Third Military Region? Soldiers guard the most dangerous places against demons.

Isn't it because of the weak national strength, we have tried our best to deal with the invasion of monsters, unlike our country, there are still spare military mages to go to other countries to help fight against monsters and cooperate in mining magic resources, which is a lot of income. The number of mages in our country has always been ranked second in the world, second only to the United States.

For example, the United States is also doing the same. There are military mages in the United States in Japan and South Korea, and they cooperate to open up the magic resources in the demon area. As far as our country is concerned, not long ago there were military mages in the minerals of the Nazca region of Peru, and they helped Mo Fan and the others solve the puzzles of the Nazca land paintings.

Zhaohua doesn't care about the quarrel between the Japanese national team and the Indian national team and the local mayor Balabala. There is no right or wrong between the two parties, but they just have different positions.

But even if you have great reasons, you can't stop our country from bringing the criminals who killed our citizens back to the country for trial. Those who kill our citizens will be punished even if they are far away!

And Zhaohua and Nanjue are hiding at the back of the team, they are searching for Nuokang's location with their sensory abilities turned on, the trial meeting is indeed powerful, this time not only has Nuokang's portrait, but also Nuokang's voice recording, it is convenient Nan Jue used the phonetic system to find it.

Zhaohua withdrew his wind perception and said, "I can't help it, where are you?"

Nan Jue shook her head and said: "This Nuokang is too cautious. He knows the ability of the phonology, so he probably won't even say a word."

All of a sudden, whether it was the quarrel between Japan and India with the mayor, or Zhaohua and Nanjue's search, there was no progress, and they were always here. Even Zhaohua saw the subordinates of the Red Ornaments Guild wearing a red rope , standing on the black cruise ship and waving the red rope ornament in his hand, extremely arrogant.

"They are too arrogant!!"

"I want to kill him right now!"

"But the local military mage stopped us. If we start a war with them, we will be fighting the local military. This is an international incident."

And when everyone was at a loss, Mo Fan, the irritable old man, brought Jiang Shaoxu and Zhao Manyan slowly over.

Zhaohua looked at Mo Fan, couldn't help but smiled and said: "Our turning point has come, Lei Huo Shura, it will explode at one point."

Ai Jiangtu and Jiang Yu also saw Mo Fan approaching, and saw Mo Fan's expression, they also understood, it seems that there is no need to be deadlocked anymore, some things just need a irascible old man like Mo Fan Just like Japan and India, they are thick-skinned but cowardly people.

Thanks to [Gu Xiliang Sherry] [Remnant Ice Blade] [The killer who is like a pigeon with no emotions] [20191223094302760] [Yizhi Xiaoyao] [Xiaoyao Xiaofeng] [SU White Moon] [Poplar beyond Wutong] [Squatting in the toilet singing Love Song] [Lan Xixi] [Ding Ding] [Ding Weiyang] [Husky on the opposite bed] [Ghost Qi] [Silent Reader] [Purely fabricated] [The noise disturbed the floating dust] *2 [Following the wind] *2 [ Yawn cold】*9 monthly pass.

Thanks for 【Qingcheng Qingfeng】【Jianxin】【The Killer Who Can't Get Feeling Like a Pigeon】【Light Love】【.】for your tip.

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