Full-time Summoner

Chapter 760: Digging Trees

"Your national government experience has come to the last moment. The pyramids in Egypt are the final graduation exam. This will be the most dangerous one among so many experiences. This is a real war between humans and the undead."

"The mirages in Egypt appear every year. At that time, you can follow the Egyptian army into the pyramids of the mirages. They will use magic tools to eliminate the mirages. This is the time when you can enter the pyramids and get the ghosts. "

"Once the mirage disappears, the link channel will disappear. At that time, you will be forced to return by the Mitsubishi mirror magic weapon. If you can't get the wild soul, I'm afraid there is no other place in the world where you can find the wild soul."

Because of the incident in Atlantis, several other members of the national team were also questioned, and the next stop planned was Egypt, after which it was time to go to Venice to face the top 32 national teams in the world, and it was time to test the results of their experience. .

Feng Zhoulong said: "By the way, the poison and the parasite in you were finally detected, and they are very similar to the poison that Fang Shaoli killed hundreds of people on Songming Island, but hers also added the undead system, and the human After death, it will be turned into something like a zombie undead."

"Fang Shaoli? Wasn't she killed by Mo Fan?" Zhao Hua asked suspiciously.

Feng Zhoulong shook his head and said, "I don't know, Fang Shaoli is indeed dead, but her research may not necessarily disappear, and it is also possible that her research originally came from someone else."

Zhaohua said with solemn eyes: "Sa Long?"

"I don't know. It's possible. No one knows unless you ask her."

Feng Zhoulong spread his hands, he is not a god, how would he know this, if he has a chance to meet her, he can ask her.

In fact, Zhaohua has no choice about the matter of the wild soul, and he must go there, but fortunately, Zhaohua can bring the 'plug-in' to go this time.

"By the way, people from the Magic Association went to the City of Storms and found that the restrictions had been changed and they couldn't get in. Do you know what?" Feng Zhoulong looked at Zhaohua with doubts in his eyes.

Zhaohua spread his hands and said, "I don't know, maybe it will return to normal in a few days."

"Hehe, recover in a few days?"

Zhaohua looks innocent, I don't know either.


In the apartment of Zhongshan University, Zhaohua stood at the door of his dormitory, and he was a little afraid to go in. Because now there are two people inside.

With a clicking sound, the blond-haired little girl, who was only about 1.4 meters tall, opened the door. It was none other than Gu Suoyu, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

Gu Suoyu has now completely abandoned her previous identity, and is now completely a vampire, still a classic blonde loli vampire.

"come in."

Zhaohua shrugged, ugly women always want to see their father-in-law. But unexpectedly, there was only one Ji Shao sitting on the sofa silently.

Zhaohua frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

Zhaohua looked at Ji Shao with puzzled eyes and asked, "The big one and the small one?"

Because according to the time, Ji Shaoan from another world came from Zhaohua when he was sixteen years old, using the Big Dipper to show the direction of magic guidance, and opened a passage, and then became the soul part of the theocracy attached to Ji Shaoan in the magical world. At that time in Forest Park, Ji Shaoan from the wizarding world was almost twenty years old, that is to say, in terms of mental age, Ji Shaoan from the wizarding world was four years older.

A big period, a small period.

Whoa whoa whoa, Zhaohua heard the voice of Ji Shaohan writing on the drawing book for a long time, and the corner of his mouth naturally smiled.

【Big ( ̄3 ̄)╭】

"real or fake?"

[(⊙o⊙) It's absolutely true! 】

But Zhaohua still frowned, showing doubts. Because I was cheated a few days ago, the two people had the same length of hair, sitting together like twins, even Zhaohua, a genius, couldn't tell the difference.

after all. . It's really the same person! A soul is a container, and it will merge into one at any time.

At this time, Gu Suoyu said with a speechless face: "Really, my sister took Guigui to train."

Gu Suoyu also had a headache at the beginning, the two of them couldn't even distinguish it as a creature of the dark contract, because Ji Shaoan (little) was the soul part, and it actually had a part in the dark contract.

The body, soul, and container of theocracy of the Dark King have all been assembled, and the complete theocracy in the hands of Fallen Saint King Wentai is short.

After hearing this, Zhaohua suddenly realized and said: "Yes, the ghost doll needs to be trained."

It is already the final final of the National Competition, and Zhaohua is finally going to restore his full strength.

Tianyan is the trump card, but the ghost doll is not. The ghost doll can be used for contract summoning. The trick for Zhaohua to enter the Egyptian pyramids is Guigui.

Now Ji Shaoan takes her to train, because Ji Shaoan can't leave the country, and he wants Guigui to leave alone, like a mother teaching a child to be independent.

Just as Zhaohua took off his shoes and coat, Ji Shaoan grabbed Zhaohua's clothes from behind and tugged lightly twice, opened the small drawing book and wrote: 【You make Italian food for me. 】

Zhaohua suddenly smiled and said: "I think, you should eat less, haven't you noticed that you are a little fatter?"


Boom, a bolt from the blue! ! ! With a click, the small drawing book in Ji Shaoan's hand fell directly to the ground, his eyes were already dull, as if the sky had fallen.

It's like being petrified by high-level earth magic, and it won't move at all.

With a whoosh, Ji Shao rushed into the room and closed the door with a bang.

Gu Suoyu said: "I don't know whether to say you have a sharp eye or a precise step on thunder. She bought a scale a while ago, and then the two of them ran to weigh it. The bigger one weighed 1,032.83 Grams. Two catties heavier than the small one."

Zhaohua said in surprise: "Accurate to two decimal places?!"

Gu Suoyu nodded affirmatively, and said seriously: "Weight, a woman's obsession, will be remembered even in death."

Not long after, Ji Shaoan from another world came back with Guigui, and Zhaohua happened to be cooking at this time.

What can Zhaohua do, now she can only be treated as her girlfriend's younger sister. Apart from the fact that this younger sister has a daughter who calls her father for some reason, and there is frequent physical contact, there is nothing special.

Oh, and sometimes when I wake up, I will find that there are people on the left and right sides of the bed, and my arms are paralyzed by pressure, which is not a big deal.

Within two days, Zhaohua left Yaodu with Guigui. Because Shengyin had called him, and the tree-digging plan had finally come to the final step, Zhaohua and Shengyin deliberately changed the restriction so that researchers from the Magic Association could not enter.

When Zhaohua came, he also met a researcher from the Magic Association and the judge of the Tribunal who were camping in the wild. After revealing his identity as the judge, he smiled politely, and then, with everyone stunned, went to the went in.

"He... he just went in like this?"

"Huh? Huh? Why?"

"Professor Feng Zhoulong said that if there is a person who is not worthy of beating, you don't have to worry about what he does, just let him."

"But he's so handsome."

In the uninhabited town, Shengyin pulled Zhaohua in and wrapped it around his wrist. He was very excited because he could pull it out today. I just need Zhaohua to help me.

Because Zhaohua needs to open the dimensional channel after pulling it out, this tree cannot be planted in the holy plane, it will be discovered, so Shengyin plans to plant it directly in the channel of the dimensional crack, while absorbing the holy power of the holy plane, While absorbing the elements of the magical world, perfect!

Zhaohua looked at the willow tree. From Zhaohua's point of view, it has not changed much from the beginning. Has it been dug out?


Ow! ! ! The tree-digging project has finally reached the final step!

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