Full-time Summoner

Chapter 77 Parasites

Zhaohua and Ji Shao followed the instructions in the arena and walked to a hall on the third floor. The maids from the Parthenon Temple invited by Zhao came in the name of giving lectures, so the lecture was held in a lecture hall on the third floor at first. A speech, followed by an appointment for a personal meeting.

This one-on-one meeting is five minutes per person, and the reservation price has been raised to 500,000, and the higher the front, the more expensive it is. The old hunters are in the middle and the back. Calculated based on five minutes, it should be about the same.

The old hunter saw Ji Shaohan and Shaohua waving his hands and shouted: "Brother Zhaohua, sister Ji Shaohan, this way, this way."

The old hunter was pushing a wheelchair, and a girl was sitting slumped in the wheelchair. The girl was as thin as a stick, her skin was severely malnourished, her eyes turned white, her hands were lying weak, and she could faintly see some saliva flowing from the corner of her mouth.

Seeing his sister's current appearance, the old hunter sighed sadly and said, "Oh, once she went to the wild to deliver supplies to me, but for some reason, it turned out like this one night after she went back. "

Zhaohua took a closer look. It should be due to brain damage, unable to control his body, but his body functions are still there, and his life is maintained by infusion.

Both Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan don't know medical skills, and they don't know what's going on. Just as Ji Shaohan wanted to hand over the ice-shell scorpion spirit in the undead space to the old hunter, a person who looked like a waiter stood at the door and shouted: " Number 38."

Zhaohua was dumbfounded, it was like calling a doctor to see a doctor.

No. 38 happened to be the number of the old hunter, so Ji Shaohan and Zhaohua simply went in together and gave it to the maid of the Parthenon face to face. The other party should be more willing to save the soul in the undead space.

The reception room was very large, and a middle-aged woman in a white robe was sitting in the middle, with the Parthenon logo engraved on the robe.

The maid of the Parthenon looked a little displeased when she saw the old hunter pushing a seriously ill patient in.

The old hunter said to Ji Shaohan, "Sister Ji Shaodu, take out the spirit."

Ji Shaohan nodded, but there was no need to use magic to get the soul from the undead space, and a soul with a hint of blue appeared in Ji Shaohan's hand.

"Huh? Necromancer?!" The curly-haired man sitting on the sofa next to the reception room said in a foreign language.

Both Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan are academic masters, so they naturally understood what he said. Zhaohua saw him when he came in, and thought he was a bodyguard or something, but the one who dared to intervene like this would definitely not be a bodyguard.

The curly-haired man stood up, first glanced at Ji Shaohan, then at Jingpo, and said: "Very good Jingpo, Alek, you can listen to their request."

Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan were a little surprised. This man was higher in status than the maids of the Parthenon Temple, and he was clearly directing her to do things.

The waitress named Alek was not displeased at all. She nodded and said to the old hunter in Chinese: "What help do you need? The great god of the Parthenon Temple will be merciful and help the world."

Zhaohua was so disgusted, what kind of pity the world, the kind that you don't show up if you don't give incense money?

The old hunter pushed his sister to the side of the maid and said, "Great Parthenon maid, please save my sister."

Alek nodded, and then began to use healing magic, which was released at a very fast speed, which was beyond the reach of beginners.

The spirit in Ji Shaohan's hand has already been collected. This curly-haired man has a vessel for the undead. Zhaohua reckons that it is not the maids of the Parthenon who really need the spirit, but this curly-haired man.

Now that the essence has been given away, Ji Shaoan and Zhaohua have no reason to stay here, and they are not interested in the healing department, so they turned around and were about to leave.

Pa, Ji Shaohan turned around and was about to leave, the curly-haired man grabbed Ji Shaohan's hand and said, "Hi, my name is Yaxi, I don't know what to call Miss."

Ji Shaohan didn't react for a while and forgot to break free from Yaxi's hand, but Zhaohua would not be unable to react, Zhaohua slapped Yaxi's hand away, and pulled Ji Shaohan behind him.

"What's her name has nothing to do with you." Zhaohua said coldly.

Yaxi shook his red hand and said angrily, "That's why I hate coming to this backward country. The people are like beasts and unreasonable. I just asked for the lady's name."

Zhaohua was amused instead, and said with a smile: "Is there something wrong with your brain? If you feel that you are behind, don't come here. I'm afraid that fools will contagious."

Yaxi stared with both eyes, showing a dangerous look, while Zhaohua was still smiling, and the atmosphere on both sides was tense, as if a battle was about to break out.

But the two hadn't fought yet, and the voice of the Parthenon Temple maid who was using healing magic came from the side: "Sorry, we have nothing to do."

Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan also turned their heads when they heard the result, and Yaxi, the curly-haired man, did not make a move and looked over in the same way.

"Sister! You... are you alright!! Don't scare me." The old hunter burst into tears.

Because the woman in the wheelchair began to twitch, foam at the mouth, and rolled her eyes.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan hurried over to help hold it down.

The waitress didn't help, but said from the side: "She was not injured or spiritually initiated, she was parasitized by a demon, there is a parasite in her brain that controls its body, absorbs nutrients, wait until the parasite absorbs enough nutrients It will burst out of its head, and the healing magic I just made can make it uneasy, which will lead to this."

Parasitic monsters! ? This is a very rare monster.

After a while, the old hunter's sister gradually stopped convulsing, and finally returned to her original vegetative state.

"Mistress, Maid, please save my sister, you must have a way, I can find you the spirit again. Please save her." The old hunter knelt down in front of Alik, struggling begged.

Seeing that the convulsions stopped, the waitress ignored the old hunter. Instead, she asked the waitress next to her to call number 39, and then said: "Although I can kill the parasite, the parasite may turn back when it is dying, causing her to die." The brain is damaged, you should find another good doctor."

The waitress showed a disdainful smile, and said mockingly: "However, with your backward level of healing medicine, forget it, come to our Parthenon Temple, pray sincerely, and maybe you can have the opportunity to meet the adults who are sages." , they might be able to save your sister."

She also heard the conversation between Yaxi and Zhaohua just now. In a dilapidated country that is thousands of years behind the West, there is no way to save people.

Seeing this, the old hunter had no choice but to push his younger sister out of the room. Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan left the living room without any conflict.

After Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan left, Yaxi sat on the sofa, his eyes showed madness, and he said in a low voice as if talking to himself: "Go and capture that woman, and kill the man."

A black head suddenly drilled out of the shadow under the coffee table and said: "Master Yaxi, this is the capital of demons after all, this country is the five permanent members of the Magic United Nations, even if your father is..."

The black shadow didn't continue, because he had already seen Xia staring at him, with hysteria in those eyes.

The shadow then sneaked into the shadows and disappeared.

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