Full-time Summoner

Chapter 767 The Daughter Is a Cheating

The Harbo Pyramid is just a small unknown pyramid, and naturally it cannot be compared with the famous super undead pyramid like the Khufu Pyramid.

After Zhaohua entered inside, he found that although this pyramid was very similar to Shayuan, it was also composed of space system and chaos system. Inside the pyramid was a larger space.

But in fact, it is not as exaggerated as Shayuan. The entire interior of Shayuan is as huge as a continent. However, in the case of Harbo Pyramid, Zhaohua estimates that the original pyramid should be enlarged by a hundred times, and then divided into several layers.

Zhaohua is now on the top floor, and the Pyramid of Habo is from top to bottom. The pharaoh's coffin is not on the top floor, but on the bottom floor, under the pyramid.

There are only some burials on the first floor. After all, the closer you are to the pharaoh, the richer and richer the power of darkness is. I am afraid that in the tomb where the pharaoh is, there is a small hole that connects to this dark plane, providing the power of darkness. force.

The reason why the pyramid attracts the undead is actually because the inside of the pyramid is connected to the dark plane, and there is an endless power of darkness, which attracts the surrounding undead.

Click, the three-tailed scorpion pinch crushed the last buried person.

"Come on, let's go to the next floor."

Zhaohua looked at the white light refracted by the Mitsubishi mirror, and this white light guided Zhaohua's way forward.

Zhaohua came to the end of the first floor, not the end to be precise, but the entrance to the next floor. Zhaohua found that the light of the Mitsubishi mirror disappeared here.

"The gate of chaos, the guiding light didn't disappear, but was brought to the next layer by the chaos. Can the chaos system reverse the direction up and down, and use the power of chaos to turn back and enter the next layer?"

Zhaohua had learned about the Chaos System at the school, and the Chaos System initially used mixed characters to confuse everything.

Zhaohua enters the next floor with Guiwa, Xiong Da and Sanwei.

The first floor is the top of the pyramid. Even if the space inside is increased by a hundred times, it is not that big. It is just a place like a road passage, while the second floor is much bigger.

"Dark labyrinth?"

After Zhaohua entered the second floor, he found that it was a maze. He saw a three-way intersection within two steps after entering, and Zhaohua found that the surrounding walls were not real, but barriers formed by the power of darkness. .

"This thing seems to fix itself."

When Zhaohua was seriously studying the maze, suddenly in the wall behind him, a black shadow squirmed silently and slowly turned into a monster.

This shadow demon has eight red eyes, a pair of sharp claws that are longer than its body, and a dark green complexion. It quietly appears from the walls of the maze, like shadow magic. However, it can only reveal its normal body, and half of it is hidden in the wall.

Just when the shadow demon's sharp claws slowly extended to the back of Zhaohua's neck, he was about to cut off Zhaohua's neck with a single knife, and offered Zhaohua's head to Pharaoh to receive the reward.

The ghost baby held by Zhaohua suddenly looked behind him, showing a smile, looking at the Shadow Demon with sadistic eyes, and talking about his mouth, the ghost baby's teeth became sharp.

The ghost doll opened its mouth, then snapped it into a bite, and the dark aura on the floor and ceiling of the maze turned into two rows of shark teeth, and the shadow demon was instantly killed with a loud click.

It was only then that Zhaohua and Xiong Da came to their senses. Looking behind them, the shadow demon was already dead.

"The perception of wind is invalid here?!"

It was only at this time that Zhaohua discovered that the special effect of the small wind silkworm's domain, the perception of wind, had actually failed. Zhaohua himself didn't realize that there was a monster behind him.

"It should be because this is inside the pyramid, there is only the power of darkness, and there is no wind, so it cannot be sensed."

Zhaohua looked at the ghost doll beside him who seemed to be chewing gum, had a sweet smile, and babbled his mouth. Obviously it was the ghost doll who saved herself.

Zhaohua looked at the shadow demon that fell on the ground, and estimated that it should be a dark creature of war. Although its strength is not very strong, it is hard to guard against.

Zhaohua asked, "Ghost, what are you eating?"

The ghost doll said while chewing: "Essence."

Sure enough, Zhaohua has heard that ghost dolls eat spirits, and as long as they have the spirits of dark creatures, ghost dolls can't get enough. The ghost doll is the container of the dark theocracy, that is, to feed it, only the dark theocracy can do it.

Zhaohua heard from Feng Zhoulong that in order to prevent the ghost doll from going berserk and devouring spirits and souls everywhere, Feng Zhoulong, a super mage, led the team, together with the super mage of the trial meeting, they also brought Ji Shaoyin and the others to hunt a team that was said to have reached Monarch-level dark creatures.

The ghost baby directly stunned Feng Zhoulong, a super mage, in that battle. The ghost baby usually has no combat power, but it has a terrifying domain to control the power of darkness.

All the dark powers and dark demon skills in this domain, as long as they are related to darkness, are all ineffective, and all of them are controlled by the ghost doll, and half of the monarch-level dark creature is directly crippled.

At first I thought it was a fierce battle, but the monarch died so aggrieved that he couldn't even escape. Normally, the souls of monarch-level monsters can only be collected by super-level necromancers, because even the souls of monarch-level monsters will have powerful spiritual attacks.

As for the heaven-level undead utensils, I heard that even Egypt has only three, and our country has to buy even soul-level vessels from Egypt.

And the ghost doll is so well-behaved now, thanks to the remnant soul of the monarch-level dark creature. After eating the ghost doll, it temporarily solved the problem of hunger, and now it is just a snack.

"As expected of a container of the theocracy of darkness, it possesses the power to seal darkness."

This shadow demon was not killed by a sharp weapon, but the dark power in his body was completely sealed by the ghost doll. For dark creatures, this is equivalent to stopping their blood, like stopping their heart.

Zhaohua stood at the three-way road and asked, "Ghost, do you know the exit of the maze?"

In the pyramid, the perception ability of the little windworm is invalid, and Zhaohua has no way to get out of this maze.

The ghost baby sucked his finger, thought for a while, pointed to the road ahead and said, "Here."

Ghost dolls usually have very weak strength, no, they have no power. Ghost dolls are very special, because theoretically they are not creatures, but containers, so they are not classified as summoned beasts. They are neither servants nor warriors. , Command.

If you want to describe it, the ghost doll is a mage who has the strongest control over darkness, but has no magic power. As long as it is in a dark place, such as the land of the dead and the pyramid, it has extremely strong strength.

But in the usual monster area, the ghost doll's strength is really just that of a three or four-year-old child, who can't even untie the rope of the hat.

This is also the reason why Zhaohua agreed to come to the pyramid so easily, it is really a cheat-like existence here.

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