Full-time Summoner

Chapter 778 The Great Wilderness Witch Scorpion

"Then... what the hell is that..."

A mirage is the projection of things in another place to another place, of course, what happened in another place can also be seen naturally.

"That sword is..."

Now the Egyptian army in Pushini City has advanced beyond the false pyramid created by the mirage, and is already arranging formations and magic weapons to crack the mirage.

Ai Jiangtu also led the members of the national team to help defend against the undead and prevent the formation from being messed up.

And the dark sword master who was blocking the way was trapped by the dark contract that Mo Fan learned from the saint Asharuya of the Parthenon Temple by accident, and he was fighting with the dark sword master in the dark duel field. One-on-one man-to-man battles.

Of course, with the small body of Mo Fan, a small toothpick, even a low-level mage with a cultivation base is not enough for a monarch-level dark sword master.

But don't forget, there is still time for Mo Fan to temporarily transform his little Flame Fairy into Queen Flame Fairy.

With a loud bang, Queen Yanji's condensed heaven and earth volcano fell heavily like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, causing waves of fire that rose to a height of nearly 100 meters, and a large pit appeared on the ground, burning everywhere.

This monstrous sea of ​​flames even burned the dark duel field, exposing the bodies of Mo Fan and the dark sword master inside.

The Dark Sword Master was directly crushed into a cloud of black air in Mount Tai on this bright day. The scorching power of the Flame Fairy Queen didn't even give it a chance to be resurrected, and completely evaporated and burned the black air. Undead are dark creatures, but the vitality of the monarch is ten times stronger than the wild lion of the underworld commanded by the Supreme, so it must be guarded against.

Kadang Kadang Kadang, the black helmet of the Dark Sword Master rolled down and stumbled to Mo Fan's feet. This black helmet was the head of the Dark Sword Master, with a shell like a hermit crab, and the dark worm inside the armor Has been killed by Mo Fan.

This sudden change caught the attention of the members of the national team who were frightened by the mirage-like scene of the Sky-Splitting Sword.

"Dead.. dead????"

"Ah!? Mo Fan killed the monarch-level dark sword master! How is this possible!"

"It's the Flame Fairy Queen!! Look!"

Zu Jiming, Guan Yu and the others looked at Mo Fan, the envy, jealousy and hatred in their eyes were so obvious that their faces cramped.

"Damn it, why is it him!"

Mu Tingying gritted her teeth and said, "Hmph, it's just relying on external force. When my ice magic equipment set arrives, I'll see how he and that bitch compare to me!"

On the other side, everyone was paying attention to Mo Fan, only Nan Rong Ni was watching Ye Xinxia tightly, no one saw that her hand hidden in the sleeve was tightly clenched into a fist, and the veins burst out, one can imagine How hard it is.

"I begged so hard to get the chance to study at Parthenon College...and you..."

Seeing the Dark Sword Master slain, the mages of the Egyptian army burst into cheers.

"We won, we won!!"

"It's amazing! The mages in this country are amazing!"

"As expected of number one in Asia, he is too strong. He belongs to the national team. Our national players are really incomparable."

"Don't be too happy, it's just that the Dark Sword Master is dead, and the Mirage Pyramid has not yet..."

Just when an army commander signaled that everyone was not over yet, a vision occurred in the mirage pyramid.

A white ray of light shot up from the top of the pyramid, and then you could see the pyramid in the mirage cracked, and rays of light shot through the pyramid. Finally, the dark light around the pyramid in the mirage disappeared. This tall and majestic pyramid was white The light fades away little by little.

After the pyramid disappears, the undead will naturally be destroyed without attacking, and they will go back to their homes to find the real pyramid.

"Commander! Look, we won! The pyramids are gone! We succeeded."

"Yeah! Great, I'm still alive!"

"Hold it! Hold it! Our home is still there!"

But only Fenner, who was super wind-type, showed a puzzled expression.

Mirages don’t always happen in Pushini City. It’s better to say that there hasn’t been a mirage in Pushini City for a long time. These recruits are naturally experiencing it for the first time. Of course they don’t know that it’s not like using magic weapons to make mirages disappear. .

Formation and magic weapon are to block the projection, where there will be visions of bursts of light.

"What the hell happened? The magic weapon barrier can't be like this! And the sword not long ago... It's like a super-magic sky-splitting sword, doesn't it!!"

Fenner thought of something that shocked her. There are only two ways to eliminate the mirage, one is to block the projection of the mirage, and the second is. . . Naturally, the real pyramid was blown up.

"Impossible, even if the Harbo Pyramid is the weakest pyramid, at least a team of super mages is needed to defeat the pyramid to defeat the pharaoh inside the pyramid... I haven't heard that the country has a plan to break through the pyramid."

This is naturally the work of the mysterious gray and white man and Zhaohua.

"Three tails! It worked!!"

Zhaohua hurriedly took out the ghost witch flower, and the moment he took it out, the ghost witch flower and the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion that was merging the battle spirit of the wild lion of the underworld attracted each other, and the weird ghost witch flower flew towards the three tails.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa! ! ! ! The moment the ghost witch flower merged into Sanwei's body, a piercing and frightening ghost scream came from Sanwei's body, as if there was an extra devil in Sanwei's body, it was howling.

The mysterious gray-and-white man looked at this amazing vision and said in shock: "What is this!! The summoned beast is advanced? No, this is not like a normal advanced!"

The mysterious gray-and-white man looked at Zhaohua who was showing an excited expression aside, and couldn't help thinking.

This is also a madman!

Just when Sanwei advanced to the last step, completely fused with the wild soul, successfully advanced to the commanding level, and broke out the aura of commanding level, the catalog of origin appeared from Zhaohua's body.

Ever since I got the accompanying stone and put it in the book, the origin catalog has not responded. This is the first time there has been a response.

Weng! ! ! The catalog of origins opened the page that recorded the three-tailed Jade Scorpion. A glaring white light burst out from the catalog of origins.

The mysterious gray-white man looked at the mysterious book in front of Zhaohua, who was forced to retreat by the aura of the catalog of origins despite being a mage.

"What's this!!"

The emergence of the origin directory is the key to Mio's real advancement! Ghost witch flowers and wild souls are just materials, the key to truly transforming Sanwei into a great wild witch and scorpion is the power of the origin catalog!

That is the power of calling!

Whoa whoa whoa! ! ! The ghost cry appeared again, but this time the ferocious cry seemed very exciting.

boom! ! ! The channel of the dark plane collapsed at this time, and the entire pyramid began to crack. Pyramids cannot be made casually. Its manufacturing method is from the dark plane, and the pyramid has a great relationship with the dark plane.

At this moment, the moment when the pyramid collapsed, Zhaohua discovered that a large number of white souls suddenly emerged from the pyramid.

Those are innocent souls who died tragically in the pyramid! ! It is the souls of those burialers, tomb robbers, hunters and mages, but more of them were the souls of the boy pharaohs who died tragically as experiments in ancient times, buried under the pyramids, buried under the yellow sand, the resentment of the ancient Egyptians.

Zhaohua didn't know how many boys Pharaoh killed a whole city for his own selfish desires. If Sarang, the catastrophe of the ancient capital, wanted to kill millions of people in the ancient capital, then this boy pharaoh really killed a city of people!

And now, for some unknown reason, all these innocent souls poured into Sanwei's body.

"Ghost witch flower?! The role of ghost witch flower is this!! The omen flower of the great ominous land and the summoning power of the origin catalog are fused into the power to attract wronged souls!"

Hiss! ! ! ! ! boom! !

With the roar of the three tails, the entire pyramid collapsed completely. At this time, Sanwei finally succeeded in advancing, but it was a bit beyond Zhaohua's imagination.

"This is the Great Desolate Witch Scorpion...how...so?"

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