Full-time Summoner

Chapter 79 Resentful Spirit 【Seeking Meal Ticket】ORZ

The Shadow Killer knew that he had been tricked, and immediately burned with anger: "Damn brat, do your best to play tricks!"

This time, not only Ji Shaohan blushed, but even Zhao Hua's heart beat faster.

Ji Shaoan put his arms around Zhaohua's neck, his hair could touch his face, and he could smell an elegant fragrance. Zhaohua couldn't figure it out. Ji Shaoan often stayed with the undead, and those undead had a rotten smell. She Why does he still have a faint fragrance on his body? This is beyond the scope of his knowledge and belongs to the blind spot of knowledge. He must investigate carefully after returning.

This is the emergency escape route, and the surroundings are illuminated by lights. Although the shadow magic cannot be blocked, it can control the elementary magic shadow escape very well. This is why Zhaohua chose to leave through the emergency escape route.

Only then did the Shadow Killer realize that there was no place for him to use Shadow Escape, and he never thought that a kid who was not yet an adult would think so much and think so quickly.

"Don't think that you can escape this way, the earth wave moves!"

The Shadow Killer found that he underestimated these two people too much. At first, he escaped the assassination in crowded places, and was forced to chase to places without shadows such as emergency escape routes.

And now he is in a dilemma, if Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan are let go, then the Yaodu Magic Association will never let him go, and Yaxi will not protect him, and even kill himself because of his ineffectiveness. indefinite.

This is the city of monsters, a first-class super city in the world, not to mention middle-level, high-level mages can be found everywhere, I am just a middle-level mage, without any identity background, openly in the city Assassination will definitely be sentenced to death.

The killer didn't use the ground wave to move up the stairs, because it was too slow, Zhaohua and the others were hanging on the rope, and he couldn't catch up if he took the stairs.


The killer jumped down the stairs, and a big brown mud hand appeared on the hollow wall in the middle of the stairs, providing him with a standing point and thrust, and throwing him up, he kept using the mud hand to jump up, quickly approaching Zhaohua and the two .

He is just a guard, and he is not a professional killer, but he just happened to be awakened in the shadow department of the second department, so he was sent to protect Yaxi, but now he has to desperately assassinate.

Zhaohua watched the mid-level mage of the shadow department jump up from the side of the stair railing wall with ground wave teleportation, and when he chased him like crazy, he showed a murderous smile.

Silk is called silk because of the silk produced by silkworms. If silk is handled by humans, it can be a deadly spider trap.

"Retract the net." Zhaohua seemed to have bitten his teeth on something, and pulled his head to the right.

Lelele's voice sounded, like the sound of a thin thread shrinking.

Zhaohua has never summoned Xiaofengcan since he fought until now, this is because he had already let Xiaofengcan set a trap in the stair passage.

After all, the body of a mage is only the strength of a human being. Even if the body of a mid-level mage has become much stronger, it is still far behind compared to a monster, and even inferior to a servant-level monster. It is because of this that a mage will Equip magic equipment.

Zhaohua spotted the moment when the killer took off, and pulled the wind silk that had been arranged long ago. The silk that was originally loose and loose instantly tightened, and the thin wind silk tied the shadow killer who jumped in the air and clamped it in midair.

It's like a small bug has fallen into a spider's web and can't move.

"This! What is this!!"

No matter how hard you try, you can't break free. Before the little wind silkworm had not fully evolved, the wind silk was not afraid of fire and was extremely resilient. Now the wind silk produced by the little wind silkworm has to be upgraded to a higher level, and it is even stronger. So tiny, it's hard to see with the naked eye.

"Damn it! What kind of magic tool is this, Shadow Dun."

The wind silk is only a physical restraint, and the shadow system's shadow escape can't restrain it. Even if there is no shadow here, the shadow escape can also make the mage become a shadow, even if it is only for a moment, the wind silk's restraint will be invalid.

! ! ! ! !

"Ah!! What is this, go away!! Go away!!" Suddenly, the killer screamed like crazy, his eyes showed fear, as if he saw something terrifying.

Ji Shao is silent, this is her handwriting. How could there be only two rotten corpses in her undead space? Her undead space can store more than a dozen undead, but now there are only two rotten corpses, which proves one thing.

There is a powerful undead occupying a large amount of undead space in the undead space.


When a person dies, if there are negative emotions such as unwillingness, resentment, anger, frustration, sadness, and pain, the corpse will leave behind a strong dark substance, which may become a vengeful spirit.

Wraith spirits and demon spirits are very similar. If servant-level spirits are collected using undead containers, they may be attacked by spirits during the collection, while warrior-level spirits will attack the collected spirits 100% that person.

Demons who have reached the commanding level even have spirit attacks. If they can't resist the spirit attack, the person who collected them will become an idiot. Collecting spirits has always been extremely dangerous, so even if there are undead vessels, you can Not everyone wants to collect soul essence.

Wraiths are rarer than spirits, because the conditions for the birth of wraiths are very harsh. It can be said that the birth of a wraith needs the right time and place, and the wraith also needs to be fed with souls to maintain it, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Therefore, in order to create a wraith, some insane necromancers will deliberately kill humans, and then use the spirit as a material to fuse it into a wraith.

For this reason, more than a hundred years ago, undead magic was forbidden to be studied and awakened as a forbidden technique, and then it was included in the regular magic after the magic reform.

Wraiths are the same as spirits. Ordinary people cannot see them. Only Necromancers can see them. People who are possessed by wraiths will feel the pain that wraiths suffered before they die, will be assimilated, and will take what happened to wraiths. Everything in the body is reflected in the possessed person.

Not to mention concentrating on using magic, if you don't go crazy, you are considered amazing.

When leaving Congcheng Hot Spring, Zhaohua asked Ji Shaohan if he was a thief, and Ji Shaohan replied that he went to rob a tomb. This is not a joke, because Ji Shaohan really dug a grave.

Later, Ji Shaohan told Zhaohua that when she entered the hot spring, she heard someone calling her before she went to the hot spring, because it was very close. The two hunted many monsters, and they were extremely courageous.

After approaching, he found a pair of coffins exposed, because in the wild, Ji Shao was afraid to use undead magic, so he had to dig it with his hands, and got a wraith in the end.

Ji Shaohan was very careful, she found that the clothes worn by the skeleton lying in the coffin should be women, and found that there were many scratches, and the coffin was locked by iron chains, presumably it was buried alive.

In other words, Ji Shaoan is a necromancer, and it would be cool to be any other mage.

Wraiths will attack all living beings, because they need to vent their emotions to the creatures, assimilate them, and let them feel their original pain.

Zhaohua looked at the killer in the air. Although he was not dead, his spirit had already been destroyed, as if he was dead. His eyes turned white, and saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.


Zhaohua shuddered, and the wraith actually laughed in his ear, no one is afraid of the haunting in broad daylight, but Ji Shao, who was beside him, snickered.

She could see Wraith, and knew what Wraith had just done.

Zhaohua said angrily: "If you don't take it back, a mage with enough mental power can beat it to death. Some old mages in China still hate the undead system very much, especially the generation of wraiths. The controversial undead, if you encounter this kind of old mage, they will be able to break her up with one move."

"Small saplings need more nutritional care, thank you for voting for it," said the little tree who wanted to become a big tree.

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