Full-time Summoner

Chapter 793 In short, it is very cute

"This is the gap between having a field and not having a field."

It is obvious to all that Dongfang Lie not only has a soul-seed, but also has a very powerful natural talent, which can increase the fire magic by a level for no reason.

But even so, the two level-five Fierce Fists that had been added were blown away in front of Zhaohua's fire domain.

Zhao Manyan was speechless, and said a little bit like crying: "I'm afraid there is a big soul in Zhaohua's fire domain."

He, Zhao Manyan, is the second son of the Zhao family! Their Zhao family searched all over the world, but they couldn't find a soul-species with a domain at a sky-high price. They could only buy two small soul-species, one light and one water.

Why are their resources so terrifying, where did they come from?

Jiang Yu patted Zhao Manyan on the shoulder and said: "Forget it, old Zhao, Zhaohua's background is quite terrifying, he is the grandson of a very powerful Forbidden Curse Mage. Although your Zhao family has a great family, it is impossible to just Take care of you alone."

On the field, Dongfang Lie didn't believe in evil, and once again condensed the Fire Fist, but he believed it before it came out, because when he condensed the Fire Fist, he already felt that he could have read the star chart's well-behaved Xingzi, and in Zhaohua's Fire Fist In the domain of the system, the star in his body felt terrified, unable to read the star map, and even failed once.

"Damn! He... What the hell is his fire domain, I feel that even the stars are trembling!"

Dongfang Lie was going crazy, it was the first time he felt that his flame was suppressed like this, this domain was more terrifying than all the fire domains he had encountered!

Mù Nujiao looked at Zhaohua solemnly and said: "Intermediate magic cannot break his domain, use high-level magic."

Dongfang Lie couldn't help saying embarrassedly: "Within his domain, I... may not be able to use my high-level magic."

Dongfang Lie was only on the guarding team, and his family did not give him resources to support him. He relied on his own frugality and the meager resources of the National Pavilion, and borrowed money everywhere to break through the high-level of the two departments. Just controlled more than half of it. The fire department is not very skilled either.

The soul seed was temporarily given by the family, so one can imagine how miserable it is.

Mù Nujiao said: "You will find an opportunity in a while, even if you use magic tools, you must also use high-level magic. He probably won't be able to use all his strength. We have to show the strength we should have."

Mù Nujiao used the wind disc——tear, and a gust of wind passed by. Mù Nujiao originally majored in the wind department and then majored in the plant department, but later she switched to the plant department. Mù Nujiao is similar to Dongfang Lie, the plant department can release high-level magic, but the wind department has not finished controlling the high-level magic.

Zhaohua looked at Mù Nujiao's tearing, thought for a while, forget it, don't use the power of the wind element. With a stomp, the pillar of fire blasted by Fiery Fist Nine Palaces destroyed the wind disk and tore it apart, and the remaining pillar of fire rushed towards the two of them.

Zhaohua is almost releasing water from the Pacific Ocean, if this doesn’t work, then I can only feel sorry for Mo Fan.

Boom! ! Mù Nujiao and Dongfang Lie both used magic shields to neutralize the attack. However, to Zhaohua's surprise, Mù Nujiao took out a lightsaber-like magic-cutting tool, activated the magic-walking tool and the wind track flash step, and rushed over.

Zhaohua glanced at Mo Fan who was the referee next to him, then looked at Mù Nujiao and said, "Huh? You don't think I really can't beat you, do you?"

Mù Nujiao's blue eyes revealed tenacity and said: "I must enter the national team!"

"That depends on your abilities, Fierce Fist—Disha."

Boom, boom, the ground cracked, and flames gushed out, heading straight towards Mù Nujiao.

"Armor equipment!"

Mù Nujiao put on a piece of blue water armor magic equipment. This armor magic equipment has water magic and has a certain restraint effect on the fire element. She figured this out, so she wanted to use magic armor to resist Zhaohua's fire magic.

Zhaohua smiled, put away the Tianyan Domain, and spread out two pairs of wind wings behind him.

"Wings of the Wind—Guardian with Four Wings."

With a bang, Mù Nujiao's lightsaber struck Zhaohua's wings of wind, even the magic cutting equipment and Mù Nujiao's tenacity could not shake Zhaohua's four-winged protection.

Mù Nujiao shouted: "Dongfang Lie!"

Dongfang Lie gritted his teeth, without Zhaohua's domain, he finally completed the high-level fire magic Tianyan funeral, but Dongfang Lie's is not the Tianyan funeral - Yan Yu, but the high-level second-level Tianyan funeral - — Hellfire.

A huge flint appeared above the training ground and fell from the sky with a roar. Even in the Guofu team, there were not many people who could use high-level second-level magic. The second level of hell flint was used.

Zhaohua looked up at the flint that swooped in, and then at Mù Nujiao who was wielding a knife and a gun in front of him, and couldn't help laughing: "It's not very good for a girl to hold a sword with both hands, go and hold his hand. "

Zhaohua grabbed Mù Nujiao's arm, turned and spun with the force of the wind rail, and directly sent Mù Nujiao flying, and the target was Mo Fan.

"Don't be afraid, Jiaojiao! I'll catch you!!"

With a slap, Mù Nujiao, who hadn't hugged Mo Fan earlier, hugged him firmly this time, and even rolled a few times on the ground.

As for whether the two of them have kissed or touched somewhere, Zhaohua doesn't know, because now he has to deal with this huge flint.


Zhaohua summoned Lan Xinghu. Lan Xinghu stood on Zhaohua's shoulder, looked at the Hellfire Stone which was already close at hand, his body glowed blue, and a hexagonal water shield appeared, ten layers!

Ten layers of water shields lined up in front of Zhaohua, shielding him from wind and rain, and resisting the impact of flint.

Kaka, boom! boom! boom! boom! Even if Lan Xinghu had reached the commanding level, Dongfang Lie's high-level second-level fire magic plus the power of the soul-seed were still very strong, and the ten-layer water shield was constantly broken.

Although the power has also decreased, it cannot be completely blocked.

Huhu! ! The ice crystals on Blue Star Fox's neck glowed faintly.

Zhaohua stroked Lan Xinghu's hair and said, "Don't make a fuss, you don't need to use the nine-tailed form, don't really want to let people go home. Four-winged guardian——winged shield!"

The four wind wings behind Zhaohua flew out, and the four wind wings combined to form a green winged shield. When the flint broke through the ten-layer water shield, the half-shrunk hellfire hit the winged shield with a bang, and the green and red forces fought against each other.

"Zhaohua can already do magic form transformation."

"Well, why is his control so terrible."

"It should be the credit of his summoned beast. When Mo Fan is possessed by Little Flame Fairy, his fire control power will increase several times, and he can use the Flame Sword."

"But his little wind girl can't be possessed."

"I don't know."

The Hellfire Stone, which had been neutralized by Lan Xinghu for most of its power, could not break through the protection of the high-level and second-level wind magic, and dissipated in the air.

Zhaohua lowered his head to look at the three seeds on his arm, which were left behind when Mù Nujiao was thrown out by him.

Zhaohua pinched the three seeds with his hands, and took a step back.

"What does he mean by that?"

"What he meant was that he recognized the strength of the two of them, and it's okay to be a substitute."

After Mù Nujiao blushed and ran away, Mo Fan jumped onto the fighting platform with a smile and said, "The competition is over."

Mo Fan looked at Zhao Hua and asked curiously: "What does your girlfriend look like, that makes you so calm in the face of so many temptations from the outside world?"

During the training period, if anyone wanted to say that his heart was as calm as water, and he didn't touch women, then only Zhao Hua was the only one. Even Ai Jiangtu was rumored to have a problem with Nan Jue. But Zhaohua is really the kind who does not see evil and does not approach evil.

He usually treats people well and is quite easy to talk to. Even now he treats Mu Tingying and Nanrong Ni as teammates. They are really like Bodhisattvas and all living beings are equal.

This made Mo Fan very curious, what kind of woman can make her man not steal outside! There really isn't a cat that doesn't steal.

Zhaohua thought of Ji Shaohan, and smiled from the bottom of his heart: "In short, it's very cute."

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