Full-time Summoner

Chapter 796 The first round against Japan

Disaster victims, the explanation is very simple, people who bring disaster. The essence is that due to various reasons, people with strong power in their bodies can bring disasters to the surroundings because they cannot control the huge power in their bodies.

The difference between a disaster victim and a powerful talent owner lies in whether they can control it.

Because of Ji Shaohua's affair with them, Zhaohua got to know some information about Ding Yumian, and also checked a little bit through the trial meeting.

Ding Yumian herself has the blood of vampires, half of which are humans and half of vampires. More importantly, Ding Yumian has the phenomenon of returning to her ancestors.

The vampire itself has a very powerful hypnotic ability, which can lure the target to be sucked blood without knowing it. It is said that the ancestor of the vampire has a psychic pupil, one of the most powerful eyes in the world. People in a city dream about the things of their life overnight, but when they wake up, they still think that they are alive in the dream, which is like a dream, which is quite scary.

Although Ding Yumian is not so terrifying, she does possess extremely powerful spiritual power. When Ding Yumian was studying at Pearl Academy, because she couldn't control her power well, she inadvertently activated mind control while sleeping, hypnotizing everyone in the female dormitory.

Fortunately, Dean Xiao of Pearl Academy found that he did not make a big mistake in time, and because of this reason, Ding Yumian could not leave Dean Xiao's sight until he could completely control his own power.

In fact, Ying Yan was also a victim of the disaster. It is said that his innate talent was due to the undead flame left in his body when his grandfather fought with an emperor monster with the blood of a phoenix, which was passed on to Ying Yan from another generation.

Ying Yan almost caused a big problem when he was born. But who made the Ying family rich, powerful and powerful, went to the Parthenon Temple to ask Yizhisha, who was not a goddess at that time, but was already the strongest saint, to make a move and use the Parthenon magic to stabilize her Live the undead inflammation.

Ding Yumian was in a much worse situation. Vampires are not recognized in our country. They are only recognized as special human beings with legal status in the United States and Europe. And the vampires in the west are even less likely to help Ding Yumian, they wish to kill Ding Yumian to prove that they are orthodox.

Don't let Ding Yumian shake their family status.

And now not only Ding Yumian, but even Ji Shaohan has come to Venice, this is definitely not a simple coincidence, even Zhaohua doesn't know what the Supreme Judgment wants to do, or what Shao Zheng, a magician who is good at scheming, wants to do.

"Is Lao Feng here too?"

Ji Shao shook his head dumbly, and wrote: [Old Feng didn't come, but Ning Ma and Wolf Dad came. They came to Venice earlier than us, but it seemed that we had something to do, so we came in first. 】

Zhaohua's eyes are serious, and Zhaohua now knows that his mother Zhang Ning is doing her best for the country because she wants to find resources for the treatment and survival of her father Zhaolang, in exchange for the country's protection and resources.

If there is any organization that can find such things as magic medicine and fairy medicine, there is probably none except for the countries represented by the five national flags hanging high on the top.

But after thinking about it for a while, Zhaohua stretched his brows. His parents have participated, so there is nothing to worry about, and where is this place? Italy! My grandfather's base camp! He panicked.

"Be careful, just stay with Ding Yumian, if there is something that asks Gu Suoyu to take action, don't attract attention." Zhaohua warned.

"We don't make trouble."

[Don't cause trouble! 】

Zhaohua glanced at the two of them, and said suspiciously: "I'm afraid that something will mess with you."

After Zhaohua sent Ji Shaohan to the auditorium, he returned to the national team. It happened that the mayor of Venice, Balabala, had finished his opening speech, and it was the national team's turn to play.

"Oh! Look quickly, it is the players from the legendary eastern country who are coming to you now! The most powerful magic empire in Asia, who were defeated in the last national competition, are they going to dive into the sand this year? Long Tengyuan, the dragon chant everywhere, once again regain the glory that belongs to that red angry dragon!"

Hearing this introduction, Mo Fan complained: "Who wrote this word...why so..."

Ai Jiangtu said: "Master Feng Li."

"Why are you so awesome? It's so beautiful, so good, perfect! Awesome! The great teacher is amazing!"

Zhaohua looked at the representatives of several organizations sitting in the main position, Asian Magic Association, European Magic Association, American Magic Association, African Magic Association, Oceania Magic Association, Holy Inquisition, Parthenon Temple, Hunters Alliance , Magic Family Alliance, Magic Business Alliance. This can be said to be the ten strongest international organizations apart from the five permanent members of the Magic Council.

"It's all here... This year it's all here."

Zhaohua is not like Mo Fan, he is from this world, so he watched the broadcast of the last few national competitions at home. This year not only the organization is here, but all the top leaders are here, and even big figures from every country are present.

For example, in the Hunters Alliance, the last hunter, Hobo, came from Egypt, and the one from the Parthenon Temple was Saintess Pennyja, one of the candidates for this year's Goddess.

It made Zhaohua feel that a storm was coming.

After introducing all the countries, it is finally time to start. Naturally, according to the rules, the first round is the drawing of lots.

Feng Li said: "Ai Jiangtu, you are the captain, you go to draw lots."

Ai Jiangtu was also crazy, cool and tyrannical, nodded and strode towards the magic circle of lottery. This magic circle ensures that the lottery is fair.

Ai Jiangtu stretched out his hand and grabbed it directly. In less than a second, he took out a ball of light. He didn't fumble around. He didn't even bother to look at which one he touched. He threw it to the referee next to him and walked off the stage.

That expression is like saying, it is your misfortune to be in the same group as us, and we will eliminate you at will.

Zhaohua glanced at the huge water curtain made of water and light magic, on which was the lottery arrangement for each country, and Zhaohua saw that the country's national flag was the first in the upper left corner.

Number one of Group A!

And number two of group A has come out, that is the national flag of Japan.

Before Zhaohua could speak, he heard Japanese voices coming from beside him.

Mo Fan asked: "Our opponents are they?"

Zhaohua nodded and said: "Well, I can only say that the road to the enemy is really narrow. The list of Group A is out, Japan, India, and Peru."

Jiang Yu said: "These are really predestined people."

Nan Jue analyzed: "We are considered a good draw this time. Japan was eliminated in the top 16 in the previous ranking, India was in the top 32 in the previous ranking, and Peru did not enter the top 32 in the previous ranking."

Zhaohua shook his head and disagreed with Nan Jue's statement, and added: "Look at Group B."

Just now, all the groups in Group B came out, and the opponents in the second round were from Group B.

Everyone looked at the list, good guy, the strength of Group B is much stronger.

Zhao Manyan said tut tut: "Britain, Spain, South Korea, Israel. In addition to South Korea's previous top 32, Spain and Israel were both in the top 16, and both of them were in the top 16, and the UK was last. The runner-up of the year, only lost to the United States in the final."

Mù Nujiao said helplessly: "No wonder I heard South Korea and Israel shouting lucky."

Mo Fan said: "Japan is also talking about it."

In other words, if the Guofu team does not want to meet the old British team in the second round, then they must get the first place in the first round. I am afraid that the other three teams in Group A do not want to meet the UK in advance. Everyone Desperate for sure.

Thanks to the head of Qidian Reading: 20181103030022857 (Pengcheng Wanli) for the reward of 10,000 coins. Add more.

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