
A book, the size of an ordinary laptop computer, is three or four times thicker than a normal ultrabook. The cover is a white moonlight, with no words or patterns on the whole.

If the awakening of the summoning system can still say that he is talented and that dream is just a coincidence, then this book is bizarre.

This is my own spiritual world! Is there something in your spiritual world that you don't know? ! This is interesting, I am likely to be cursed, just like the protagonist of the novel, when I was born, the enemies my parents offended gave me a little while as a baby, and then my parents asked the master to seal the curse until When I woke up at the age of 16. . . . Omit millions of characters after.

In the end, he embarked on the path of changing his life against the sky.

Of course, all of the above is Zhaohua's own nonsense. If it is what he thinks, then his parents will definitely not let him wake up.

Zhaohua bent down to pick up the book, but he couldn't feel the weight. The whole book was pure white moonlight, but Zhaohua felt that it was a bit transparent.

"Is it because of this book that I awakened the summoning system?"

Zhaohua compared his own summoning stardust, the book cover and stardust are indeed somewhat similar, and the whiteness of the moonlight can actually mean transparency.

"Hmm...can't open it."

Zhaohua couldn't open the book. The power in the spiritual world represented spiritual power, which meant that his spiritual power was not enough to open the book.

"Si, it seems that it's time. I just woke up and can't stay for too long. Let's go back first."

Zhaohua felt a tearing pain. It was because he was mentally exhausted, and his body could hardly support him to stay in the spiritual world. When this happened, he needed to quit the spiritual world in time, take a nap or do something relaxing. Things, relax and the spirit will slowly recover.

"Huh, I'm back, I don't know what Ji Shaohan awakened. Eh? Why are you so quiet?"

After Zhaohua quit the spiritual world, he felt that there was no one on his right. He guessed that Deng Le should have awakened long ago, but he keenly found that the playground was quiet and scary, and the atmosphere was not right.

Zhaohua seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned to look in Ji Shaohan's direction.

Dark green, dull dark green, Ji Shaohan's entire Awakening Stone is dark green, and a strong dark green gas is emitted from the Awakening Stone, Ji Shaohan still has his eyes closed and doesn't know what happened.

"There are only two green types. The plant type is emerald green, which is the same color as life, not the plant type. It is the undead type of black magic."

Dark green represents death, and dark green represents the color of the underworld. The gas that emerges from the awakening stone is just corpse gas. Although the corpse gas from the undead system is not poisonous, similar to carbon dioxide, humans cannot breathe corpse gas for a long time.

"I thought my summoning system was outrageous enough, but I didn't expect that there is a first system that awakens the undead system." Zhaohua knew the reason why the playground was so quiet without thinking.

Those who don't know the undead system are silent because of ignorance, and those who know the undead system are frightened. The undead system is more than one in a million, and there are probably countless mages who have awakened the undead system in the entire country.

In a huge country with a population of 1.4 billion, the number of mages is in the tens of millions. If you can count the mages of the undead department, you will know how scarce they are.


Ji Shaoan opened her eyes and saw the dark green in front of her. She couldn't help being startled. She saw the eyes around her as if looking at monsters. Ben's satchel is in the classroom. What a horrible time for a little girl.

"Don't be afraid, this is the undead system, a very rare and powerful magic system. It is a regular magic system recognized by the country and the world. This is a regular magic, which is equivalent to the summoning system. The difference is that the undead system can summon Multiple summoned beasts assist in the battle, it is a very strong magic system, super strong (like it)."

Zhaohua's voice was very loud. He not only wanted to tell Ji Shao to listen to her so that she would not be afraid, but also told the stunned classmates that the undead system is also a kind of magic, and it is recognized by the country. It is not a sorcery. It's not sorcery, it's a bullshit.

"What, it turned out to be the undead system. I thought it was the sorcery of the Black Holy See."

"I knew it was the undead system from the very beginning."

"Tch, then why don't you say it."

"After all, there are too few undead elements in our country. The whole country doesn't know if there are a hundred of them. How could I have thought that someone with the first element could awaken the undead element?"

"Is it really as Zhaohua said, can summon several undead to fight?"

"I don't know about this, but I heard that it seems to be really possible, and it seems that there are more than a few, maybe a dozen together."

"I'll wipe it!!! Is it so outrageous? How does it compare to Lei Xi?"

"Thunder type? Elementary lightning type magic may not even be able to defeat an undead."

After hearing Zhaohua's words, everyone began to discuss, and Zhaohua also breathed a sigh of relief, and made an OK gesture to Ji Shao.

"Huh? That's not right, what department did Zhaohua awaken, why didn't he respond?"

"Huh? That's right, Zhaohua has already woken up, so why did he wake up?"

"I'm afraid I failed."

"Can awakening fail?"

Careful students immediately noticed the clue, Zhaohua had already awakened, but everyone didn't see what department he had awakened, and they were all curious, and turned their attention to Zhaohua. Everyone wanted to know, as the No. 1, he had awakened what department.

"Zhaohua, do you say it yourself or should I help you tell everyone?" Principal Qiu did not speak from the beginning to the end. After awakening and becoming a mage, they need to solve the problem by themselves. The responsibility of the teacher and the principal is to guide, to give fish, not fish.

If Ji Shaoan panics when encountering such a thing, then becoming a mage will only cost her life in vain.

"It's nothing special. I awakened the summoning system. Because the summoning system is transparent, everyone couldn't see it clearly."

The scene fell silent once again, but this time it was quiet for less than three seconds before a shocking discussion erupted.

"Grass (a kind of plant)! Did you make a mistake? Summoning system! It's a summoning system!!! No. 2 in the ranking of the world's most wanted awakening system, second only to the space system's summoning system!!"

"I want to awaken the summoning system more than the space system!"

"So do I. I wave my hand to meet thousands of horses and horses. This kind of pride! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Not only No. 1 Middle School, but also heated discussions on the Internet. On the Weibo post bar in Congcheng, all kinds of people said, "Shocked!" From Chengyi Middle School, I learned the Summoning Department of Shen Zhaohua's first department of Awakening Dimensional Magic. At the moment of awakening, the gods sent thunder to destroy Zhaohua's awakening, but was crushed by an invisible big hand! ’, ‘Breaking common sense, mortal scholar Ji Shaoan awakens the undead system. When he awakens, the world changes color, ghosts cry and gods howl, and the endless magic door opens, revealing the eighteen hells! ", "Who dares to laugh, I can't say anything, eighteen evil ghosts are by my side! ’, ‘The mute girl turns into a ghost, who dares to say more! There are pictures, truth, and videos! '.

Headline parties like this swiped the screen of the same city area network.

As for Deng Le, who had awakened the Lightning Element, apart from being ridiculed by Lin Mo's pictures at the beginning, which aroused a little enthusiasm for hatred against the rich, there was no wave.

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