Full-time Summoner

Chapter 801 Discovery

"I like it... I actually won with one less person at the beginning..."

"It's over!"

"Who is that white-haired woman? Why haven't I seen her information and reports? Has no one paid attention to such a fierce woman?"

"Damn! I bought the Japanese national team to win! That Mingbu Song is so strong that he even lost!"

"Hehe, did you receive the news that Mingbu Song is the trump card of the Japanese national team, possessing the combined magic of shadow and curse, so you bought Japan to win?"

"Ah? You actually know it too."

"I'm afraid you are a fool. If you win like this, then Japan will be the number one in Asia. How could it be that country? I really think that if they lost last time, they will lose every year."

After the match, without a doubt, Mu Ningxue with three thousand silver hair became the focus of the audience. The light she bought with her life became even more dazzling in this opening match.

This light has gradually illuminated the darkness and haze of his uncle Mu He.

Looking at the brilliance and fame that his daughter bought with her life on TV in the distance, Mu Zhuoyun had mixed feelings in his heart.

"Oh, I'm really useless as a father."

When the referee announced the victory of the Guofu team, not only the Guofu team's spectator seats, but also the entire competition stage welcomed boiling applause. Of course, those who didn't applaud and cheered were the ones who lost money, and those who yelled particularly loudly obviously bought the right one.

"Oye! We won!!"

"Goddess Mu is too strong!"

Feng Li also nodded in satisfaction. This time, no one dared to say that Mu Ningxue is not suitable for the national team. Those high-level executives barking there must be dumb. This slap in the face is really cool.

"Hey Mo Fan, your wife is... Huh? Where's Mo Fan?"

Zhaohua pointed to Mo Fan who was helping Mu Ningxue massage her shoulders, handing over clothes and a thermos cup on the Bidou platform, and said, "It's up there."

"Hehehe, Xuexue, you've worked hard, you're so good, you beat Japan to pieces."

Mu Ningxue took two steps away and said, "Mu Nujiao is more difficult."

! ! !

Mo Fan's back was in a cold sweat, his forehead was sweating, and he was holding grass? ! Death proposition! Mo Fan felt that the crisis this time was more dangerous than the last time he fought against Ka Suo and the executioner of the black Holy See.

Fortunately, the Great Mentor appeared in time and saved Mo Fan's life.

"Everyone gathered in the lounge. Although the Japanese national team was defeated by us, it does not mean that they have no hidden cards. And according to the strength of the Japanese national team, they will definitely be able to enter the top sixteen. Then we will meet .”

"Rest and assembly, we did poorly in many places and almost ruined the game."

Feng Li glanced at Guan Yu and Li Kaifeng. Needless to say, the official fish, the pig, is the teammate of the iron pig. Li Kaifeng was not much better, he was actually deceived by someone else's Shadow Element. Not only did he almost get himself out of the game, but he also hurt Mu Ningxue.

Fortunately, Mu Ningxue saved a hand, otherwise this hand will become Ai Jiangtu'ah, we admit defeat. ’ gone.

In the spectator stands of the Japanese team, Mochizuki Chikaru, who had an unknown relationship with Mo Fan, glanced at Mo Fan and said, "That country is stronger than expected this year."

"Well... Although Lanzi is very strong, she is not easy to control. If she loses control, she will be in great trouble. The Holy Inquisition Court will definitely take action."

"And their one named Mo Fan has a terrifying natural talent. Even if Lan Zi plays, it's hard to say if they send that Mo Fan."

And Yuyi Ningmeng, who was also sitting on the side, murmured to herself after hearing this: "The frog at the bottom of the well has short-sightedness, and there are stronger ones."

Just when Mochizuki Chisun heard it, looking at it, the two of them felt like they were fighting for something, and sparks appeared. It may be something subconsciously aware of.


The players of the national team cannot stay on the field, because the next game, India, No. 3 in Group A, will face Peru, No. 4 in Group A. They can only watch the game in the lounge through the broadcast.

However, no one actually waits in the waiting room for the game to start, because there will be a tactical arrangement time and personnel selection time before each game, and you need to watch ten minutes of advertisements.

Everyone decided that tomorrow morning, Grand Instructor Fengli would choose the games that need to be watched and then analyze them in detail. The others would still focus on meditation and self-cultivation. Especially the official fish has been poisoned so badly, so he must be raised quickly, in case he is required to play.

And Zhaohua and Mo Fan were just about to eat a hot pot and drink a cup of milk tea. When celebrating, Zhaohua had just left the players' lounge when he saw two Ji Shaos waiting at the door.

And not only Ji Shaoan was there, Gu Suoyu was also released by Ji Shaoan, and Ding Yumian was also there.

"Huh? Ding Yumian?" Mo Fan also recognized Ding Yumian, a student of his own school who also majored in the fire department, and one of the school belles of the Pearl School.

Zhao Manyan nodded in satisfaction and said: "There are not many opportunities for Mingzhu to play together."

All the members of the national team were there, including Mu Tingying and Nanrong Ni, who also went to the dinner together. After all, competition is still the main thing now, and no one dares to mess around.

Zhao Manyan looked at Zhao Hua and said, "Do you know Ding Yumian?"

Because Ding Yumian was with Ji Shaoan.

Zhaohua shook his head, and said flatly: "I don't know her. I've heard her name from Ji Shaohan. I wouldn't have known she was Ding Yumian if you didn't tell me."

Of course this is a lie.

How could Zhaohua not know about Ding Yumian, he was the one who found the vampire when he searched for the information of the Tribunal. Although he didn't go to the capital to find the vampires by himself, he knew the secret agreement between the vampires and the court of the capital.

Zhaohua almost turned over other people's information. The incident about Ding Yumian's disaster victims, except for herself, was only known to Zhaohua, not even the two Ji Shaohan. This is a top secret of the court .

Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan didn't even know that Ding Yumian was the princess of the vampire clan.

"My parents haven't come yet?" Zhao Hua asked.

The two Ji Shaohan shook their heads as if pasting and copying.

He thought that Ji Shaohan would be with his parents, but now it seems that they are the only girls watching the battle. Zhaohua could imagine how many bees and butterflies would come to strike up a conversation with these few people sitting together.

Ai Jiangtu said: "Let's go together, let's book a box, don't you mind the hot pot?"

Ji Shao giggled and said: [I don't mind! 】

After thinking for a while, Ding Yumian also nodded and said, "Then respect is worse than obedience."

Nan Jue looked at Ai Jiangtu and asked, "Why isn't your sister Ai Tutu here?"

Ai Jiangtu spread her hands and said, "She said she prefers to stay at home and watch the game, and she doesn't want to run out."

Mo Fan looked at the short blonde girl Gu Suoyu and asked, "By the way, this cute blonde girl is your sister again."

Gu Suoyu looked at Mo Fan, the strange man, and opened his mouth with a hiss, revealing two fangs, and spread a pair of black bat wings behind him, and Mo Fan took a few steps back with his commanding aura.


Everyone in the national team was stunned, hold the grass? ! Or a commanding level vampire!


Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan looked at each other in dismay. They had eliminated a vampire when they were in Pearl Academy. That was when they rescued their vampire maid Liu Ru, and that incident turned Liu Ru into a vampire.

Gu Suoyu said with a smile: "Strange Shushu, next time don't hit up little sister casually, you will be caught easily like this, I am older than your grandpa's grandpa."

Mo Fan couldn't laugh at this moment. Of course he knew that vampires were dark creatures and could barely be considered undead. Of course they lived longer than humans. After all, Liu Ru also became a vampire later.

It's just that Mo Fan didn't notice the change in Gu Suoyu's eyes when he saw the little loach necklace hanging around his neck when his momentum exploded.

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