Full-time Summoner

Chapter 824 Trading

"AHH!! My hand!!"

The few people who followed investigator Nader saw the person coming, and hurriedly moved out of the way like snakes and scorpions. The minimum cultivation level here is high-level, and they are all members of the Italian Magic Association.

Unlike our country, the duties of the Western European and American Magic Associations are not only to study magic, but also to arrest magic criminals. Our country is the most special magical country. There is a trial society, which leads to more magic associations. It's just the study of magic.

Judgment power has always been in the hands of the Tribunal rather than the Magic Association.

Italy is a European country, and the Magic Association here naturally includes the arrest of magic criminals and the trial of prisoners, which is equivalent to the police.

Zhaohua has always been with the old god, calm and leisurely, not paying attention to the people of the Italian Magic Association at all, drinking tea carefully to warm up his body.

Cafiero was once the ruler of the Hall of Assassins and the former godfather of the Italian Magic Mafia. He secretly handled things that were inconvenient for the Magic Association and the Holy Inquisition.

Because the magic mafia in Italy started out as a civil self-defense force. At that time, Italy's national power was declining, and mages were not enough to protect such a large territory. Some marginal villages and small towns spontaneously organized magic troops, and then united to protect their homes and resist demons.

It's a bit like a crisis village in China.

Finally, after years of changes, it slowly evolved into this.

So in a sense, Zhaohua is actually a related household of the Holy Inquisition.

Nader is a super mage. He knows the relationship between Cafiero and the Italian Magic Association better than his subordinates. Even if he has retired now, the rotten ship still has three catties of iron. Who would dare to offend this local viper.

Clutching the pierced arm, enduring the pain, his mouth was tightly shut, not to mention the screams, he dared not say anything wrong.

Seeing Cafiro, Zhaohua smiled and said, "Grandpa, are you free to watch my game?"

! ! ! ! ! ? ? ?

Nader's face turned pale, and he said tremblingly, "Grand... Grandpa?! Godfather Cafiero is your grandfather?!"

Zhaohua smiled and nodded, which almost scared Nader into peeing. Why the hell didn't you say it earlier!

Zhao Manyan opened his mouth so wide that he could swallow a duck egg. Zhao Manyan's Zhao family had their magic industry in Venice, so how could they not know who Cafiero was. The previous godfather of Italy's most powerful magic black organization was also a curse mage.

A big man who covers the sky with one hand in Italy!

Even if some people don't know, they know a thing or two from the expressions of the investigators of the Magic Association. Zhaohua is someone with a real background!

Cafiero walked a little bit with his crutches, and the people from the Magic Association hurriedly gave way to a passage. Cafiero said, "My good grandson, why don't you go with grandpa?"

Zhaohua nodded, supported Cafiero, the old and the young walked out of the lounge talking and laughing in front of everyone. Cafferon's happy expression made some members of the Italian Magic Association think that they had admitted the wrong person.

Not long after, the Italian Magic Association issued an announcement, announcing that Zhaohua had a very special birth defect, and could only awaken the summoning system. He had three summoning systems, and used a special weapon newly developed by Professor Feng Zhoulong from the Yaodu Magic Association in battle. Magic is a weakened magic gate call.

But anyone who cares can see that Zhaohua failed to use it, and then an uncontrollable situation appeared.

Zhaohua came to Italy some time ago not just to practice and play, but had already prepared everything in advance to clean himself up.

He knew that he would have to defeat many powerful enemies in the school finals, and it was impossible to continue to conceal the situation. When he had three tamed beasts and so many multidimensional summoned beasts, there was no way to explain the two summoning doors.

So Zhaohua directly pushed all the problems to his three summoning systems. Anyway, he is the only one in the world who only awakens the summoning system, so it's normal to be special.

If you have any questions, don't ask them. Asking is caused by natural talent. Asking is the new magic developed by Feng Zhoulong.

Cafiro and Zhaohua were sitting outside an open-air cafe, Cafiro looked at Zhaohua and said, "Use that magic as little as possible."

Zhaohua said with a wry smile: "Grandpa, you are a Forbidden Curse Mage, you should know that is not my wish."

Zhaohua didn't want to either, it was obvious that his magic had been controlled. The Demon Gate is a very special item. It belongs to both the magic world and the summoning plane. It will appear between the two worlds, so it is not surprising that Fengling can crush it and then reorganize Zhaohua.

It's just that Zhaohua didn't understand what Sister Feng Ling was doing and why she suddenly intervened. Really meddle.

Cafiro said: "The Holy Sepulcher is easy to deal with. There are many uncertainties in the magic gate of the summoning system. I have often tried magic gates with super mages in the past because of venues, tributes, special soul species, and heavenly species. And other problems are connected to other places on the summoning plane."

"After all, the magic gate is two-way, and it may not necessarily lead to the three holy places. Some people even tried to lead to the dark plane and the holy plane, and almost caused big trouble."

Zhaohua carefully remembered that this kind of historical story is quite precious, and it might be useful in the future. It turns out that the magic gate can also connect to other places.

Cafiero said: "On the contrary, the committee of the national competition may be a bit troublesome, and several other countries may put pressure on you to ban you from using it."

Zhaohua smiled and said: "Hee hee, this is my natural talent. If they say they can't use it when they get it, then they shouldn't use it. But it's really not easy to use. After using it, I have no magic power. This is equivalent to Self-destruct style."

At this moment, Zhaohua saw his father approaching with a sad face, because he had more than a dozen large and small bags hanging on his hands, and he was carrying a sleeping ghost on his back.

And Zhang Ning is like a big sister, talking and laughing with the two Ji Shao and Barbara, not knowing what to say.

After putting down the things, Zhaolang complained, "This is more tiring than fighting the monarch."

Zhaohua opened the contract space and took Guigui back, probably because he was tired from walking. Zhaohua guessed that the three of them really wanted to buy the whole of Venice.

The two Ji Shao sat beside Zhang Ning on the left and right, listening carefully. The small picture book was directly used as a notebook. Neither Zhaohua nor Zhaolang thought that their rival in love was a woman!

Zhaohua shook his head helplessly and said, "What do you want to drink?"


Ji Shaohan even directly used sign language instead, and the two of them didn't know why they were so fascinated by what they heard.

When Zhaohua was about to call the waiter, he saw several mages in blue armor blocking the entrance. Zhaohua recognized these as the guardian knights of the Parthenon Temple. Apart from the guardian knights, there were a few People walked slowly.

"Grand Judge Durante, Saint Panicia, and Ebert, the president of the Italian Magic Association?"

These few people are all sitting in the highest positions. As representatives of major international magic organizations to watch the competition, Zhaohua certainly knows these people.

St. Pennyja bowed slightly, and said with a smile, "Greetings from Jiu Shu, Godfather Cafiero."

Cafiero nodded. It is not surprising that he has friendship with the candidates since he is from Europe, but Cafiero did not publicly support a candidate.

Cafiero said: "My grandson doesn't need to bother so many people with such a small matter."

Ebert, the president of the Magic Association, couldn't help but smile wryly. It's a trivial matter for you. Even if everyone can see that it wasn't your grandson's intention, it was an accidental connection, but there is a big horror in the place where your grandson is connected!

Grand Judge Dulanke said: "I am here this time hoping to ask Godfather Cafiero to make a move."

Cafiro couldn't help frowning. He had retired for a long time and stopped taking action, and it might not be a good thing to make Duranke, who is a four-line ultra-level, helpless.

Cafiro took a sip of his coffee and said flatly, "I've already retired, and I won't make any more moves."

Dulanke continued: "Regardless of success or failure, the Holy Order will revoke the ruling against your daughter and abandon the investigation of your grandson."

Cafiro smiled, and said without hesitation: "Let's listen to it."

"Assist the Holy Order in arresting Essendel."

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