Full-time Summoner

Chapter 833 Yi Zhi Yarn

"Khufu? The man who was once the greatest and most tyrannical existence among the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, known as the Pharaoh?"

If anyone in this world has the ability to allow a super mage to break through to the practice of forbidden spells, then Khufu is indeed one of them.

He built the largest and most mysterious land pyramid in the world, and was a powerful dark mage no less than an ancient king during his lifetime. There is the largest and most terrifying undead empire in the current Egyptian land.

The boy Pharaoh that Zhaohua killed with Qin Zhan was not even qualified to be Khufu's bodyguard, and Essendel happened to be majoring in the Shadow Department, so Khufu really had the ability to make him break through.

Moreover, the red-gauge seabed female dead emperor who was resurrected back then was indeed resurrected by relying on the underwater pyramid, and it was easy for Khufu to secretly change the forbidden curse formation. After all, he was once a great dark forbidden curse mage. He is also the creator of undead magic in ancient Egypt. He successfully combined the curse system and the undead system to create mummy, an undead creature with the power of curse.

It's not that the undead magic originated from Khufu, but that Khufu created a method that is more suitable for human use, making the Egyptian undead magic famous forever.

However, the undead magic method of the ancient capital of our country is different from that of Egypt. The ancient king also has his own unique method of undead handed down, and the ancient capital academy also has a set of special methods for awakening the undead.

Back then, Ji Shao'an first awakened the Undead system, but so many mages awakened in the whole country, there were only 20 mages whose first line was the Undead system. But the second series of Awakening Undead will increase significantly. Because if you go to the Awakening House in the ancient capital to get admitted to the academy of the ancient capital to awaken, the chances of directional awakening the undead system will be much higher. Of course, many people are very interested in the undead system.

Zhang Ning looked at his son and asked, "What do you think?"

Zhaohua released the dark pupil, and said noncommittally: "Nine truths and one false, or all true but false."

It should be true that the power of Essendel to break through the forbidden shadow curse came from Khufu. The secret change of the forbidden curse array turned the sealing barrier of the water system into a displacement energy-gathering forbidden curse array. It should also be true that it came from Khufu. It is not surprising that Zhaohua is even related to the Parthenon.

But when it was said that Saint Ander was the leader and planner of the whole thing, Zhaohua didn't believe it a hundred times.

The biggest question is the two 'what', why and why.

Why did the saint Andre secretly change the forbidden curse formation to help the ancient queen of Atlantis resurrect. Why did Saintess Ander let the Dead Emperor Khufu cooperate with her.

Regardless of her being called a saint, she is still the closest candidate for the throne of the goddess, but that's it. Khufu can kill her with a single slap, and that was more than ten years ago, what power can Saintess Ander have?

The family behind her? Her super talent? Or the name of the Parthenon?

But in Hufu's eyes, these are just things in the ant's nest, not worth mentioning.

But Zhaohua believes that everything in it is true, Essendel's memory is true, there is no concealment, no concealment, and no modification.

Zhaohua, the Eye of Reality, has also heard of it. Even a real Forbidden Curse Mage cannot hide from this thing. Otherwise, why did the Holy Sepulcher spend so much effort to get this thing out. That dark death fart is nothing, there are many ways to kill Essendel.

I just entrusted Zhang Ning or Cafiro to do it. What the Holy Inquisition wants is the real eye in the dark plane, which goes straight to the netherworld and sees through all the truth in the world. The ability to destroy heaven and earth, but the miraculous power it possesses is truly unique.

But Zhao Huaxin?

Believe me.

That's why Zhaohua said it was 'nine truths and one falsehood, or all truths but falsehoods. ’, he didn’t believe it, mainly because he didn’t believe that Ander had this ability. Even if everything is true, but the whole thing together becomes false, the scheming behind it is not simple.

Zhaohua asked his mother, Zhang Ning, and asked, "M...Sister Ning, is there a way to hide it from the eyes of truth?"

Zhang Ning nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, but not."

Zhang Ning looked at the crack in the sky that day. Although the light of the Eye of Reality had disappeared, the light of the Eye of Reality came from there.

Zhang Ning said with a serious face: "The Eye of Reality is owned by an ancient mysterious Dark King in the Dark Plane. There is only one way to hide it from the Real Eye, and the strength is better than him. But the strength is stronger than the real Dark King with divine power. Throughout the ages, Xuanyuan has not been able to do it even in myths and legends, neither your father nor your grandfather can do it."

"If it weren't for the strong barrier between the planes and the fact that the real power of the dark theocracy cannot be used in the magical world, our world would have disappeared long ago."

Zhang Ning hugged Ji Shaohan from another world who was listening attentively, and said happily, "If Xiao Ji just appeared back then, there might be some way."

Da Jishao pursed his mouth a bit unhappy, Zhang Ning hugged him right away. It would be great if I gave birth to a girl back then, the girl is soft and fragrant, and she can be hugged directly.

Zhaohua's eyes flashed, and he said, "That is to say, the result of this trial is the 'truth'?"

Zhang Ning nodded and said, "Well, this is a direct trial of Essendel's soul, which cannot be faked. Unless Essendel is the same as Wentai."

Zhaohua couldn't help smiling wryly. He knew that Yizhisha wanted to get the Parthenon spirit in his brother Wentai's body back then, and charged him with an unwarranted charge, saying that he had colluded with demons and joined forces with the Holy Inquisition to launch the Dark Sacred Order. Judging Wentai with eyes, revealing the Parthenon spirit in his body.

Who knew that the Parthenon's soul was no longer with Wen Tai, and the result of the trial was that Wen Tai "released" the soul and gave it to his wife Ye Chang, who later became Sa Lang.

Originally, Ye Chang was also a saint, and she was of the completely opposite type to Yi Zhisha, the kind who was quiet, gentle, and caring about the world.

The Dark Sacred Judgment also indirectly proved Wen Tai's innocence, but who would have thought that today, more than ten years later, the highest court in our country will know that Wen Tai has become the Fallen Saint King.

In fact, more than ten years ago, the Supreme Tribunal was already investigating Wen Tai, and as a result, a dark sanctuary took place, and Wen Tai died. Now that everyone is dead, what can we do? It was only now that the Supreme Court found out that he had been fooled around and deceived for more than ten years.

Zhang Ning said with a smile: "It seems that you don't believe this result."

Zhaohua's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said meaningfully: "Saint Andre doesn't have that ability, unless she is a goddess, controls the Parthenon Temple and possesses the soul of the Parthenon, then she is eligible to make a deal with Khufu."

Zhang Ning looked at his son and said with a smile, "As expected of my precious son. Hug one."

Zhaohua pushed his mother away and said, "Mom, your personality is broken. You used to be gentle."

"Isn't that pretending? Now that you know everything, I won't pretend."

Zhang Ning patted Zhaohua's head and said, "You're right. Our country is also investigating Yizhisha. It's better to say that your father and I are mainly responsible for this."

"The results of it?"



Zhang Ning nodded solemnly and said: "Well, although the Parthenon Temple said a few years ago that the goddess Yizhisha abdicated due to serious illness, in fact, Yizhisha died a few years ago, and the cause of death is unknown."

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