Full-time Summoner

Chapter 836 Pack Tree Turtle

The treasure hunting battlefield is equivalent to an independent space, because the space of the entire island is completely divided.

Although the school competition has more than one battlefield, there are only two or three, which are usually used in turn, or even used all the time. Because this battlefield is quite large, it is impossible to go all the way in a limited time, just choose a different place.

And decades of changes are enough to make this small island with a complete ecosystem undergo earth-shaking changes.

Ji Shaohan said in sign language: 【Failed. 】

Zhaohua smiled slightly, took out a small drawing book from the space magic stone, and said to her, "Isn't that just right? It is our own ability to overcome the barrier of the forbidden curse formation. If we can cheat by our ability, then It's not called cheating."

Feng Zhoulong is now almost fully researching the matter of separation. The two Ji Shaoan are connected, and their shadows are connected together. Back then in Japan, Ji Shaoan used this trick to change the shape and change the two people.

Ji Shaoan was a patient in the hospital, while little Ji Shaoan went to Japan to meet his lover.

But obviously, Feng Zhoulong couldn't figure out a way to stop them, so he thought of trying to see if the barrier at the level of the forbidden spell could separate them. That's why Zhaohua was allowed to enter the Treasure Hunting Contest when he was separated by the battlefield seal formation. , let the two Ji Shao silently try to see if they can still do shape-shifting.

The result was a failure. The shadows of the two of them were the connecting channel, the dark connection, and even the forbidden spell could not stop it. When Ji Shaohan reaches a super level, the two of them will merge into one and eventually disappear as a personality.

The two Ji Shao silently glanced at each other, and they had long since let go of it, it doesn't matter which personality disappears, it's all about themselves.

The two looked at each other and smiled: "That's true, we have strength."

[I actually want to participate in the college competition, it feels so exciting. 】Ji Shaoan wrote in the small picture book.


Zhaohua heard a few hawk cries from the sky in the distance, and Zhaohua knew that they were flying monsters for broadcasting. They would carry special broadcasting magic tools to broadcast what happened on the battlefield to the audience in real time.

Zhaohua said: "Let's go, let's go to the oasis first, you must not be photographed, otherwise we will be found cheating."

Both Ji Shaohan showed excited expressions. It feels so exciting that this kind of underground love cannot be discovered.

When Zhaohua was approaching the oasis, he found many small flying eagles hovering over the oasis in the sky, probably because he discovered that there were monsters here.

There must be monsters on the battlefield, but there are only commander-level monsters, and the weakest of each commander-level monster is the little commander. The rarity of the treasure is determined by the strength of the guardian's command.

The treasures guarded by the small commander are about 100 to 200 million, the middle commander is 200 million to 300 million, and the big commander is 300 million to 400 million. And what the supreme leader guards is naturally the biggest treasure on the battlefield, the treasure of the battlefield.

Generally, battlefield treasures are worth more than 500 million and are priceless, so there may be more than this price.

Generally speaking, even for national players, it is very difficult to defeat a small commander one-on-one. For example, Guan Yu and Li Kaifeng are very reluctant to deal with weaker commanders, but Zu Jiming is so weak. Can't win.

Therefore, many players first seek to form a team first.

Zhaohua naturally didn't need it, his cheating was simply inhumane.

With a bang, Zhaohua's wind silk shot out like a slash, causing movement in the distance. Hearing the sound of fighting, all the eagles flew there immediately.

There are more than 200 contestants here, and it is impossible for the audience to watch them all. Therefore, when the broadcast is broadcast, it will automatically filter out such scenes with sound but no one. will broadcast.

Everyone wants to see star players.

Zhaohua took his two twin girlfriends and headed straight to the oasis. Time was limited, so he got down to business first.

Zhaohua's goal is naturally not these small resources, but battlefield treasures are his goal. Of course, mosquito leg meat is also meat, I'm sorry for not taking it so close.

Now I have two wives to support, and I have to pay for food. Plus his own eight summoned beasts. Good guy, I have to raise ten by myself.

The three of Zhaohua entered the oasis, which was completely different from the desert outside. There are poplar trees growing inside, the ground is faint green grass, and there is a small lake not far away. The strange thing is that there is a strange tree in the middle of the lake.

There was only one stump left in that tree. The stump was off-white, about five meters in diameter, and there were about a hundred rings on it. Generally speaking, each tree ring represents a year, and this tree stump is actually a hundred years old.

And there is a blue gemstone inlaid in the middle of the tree stump - the water source stone.

This is the same thing as the Earth Crystal that Mo Fan obtained in the Gobi Desert in Peru. It is used to condense the soul seed. This is the condensed material of the water soul seed. The value is about 100 million. It mainly depends on this water source stone. quality.

Zhaohua's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the black shadow under the tree stump. The tree stump was the guardian demon, more precisely, it was the shadow under the water.

Hush! ! ! The dark shadow under the water knew that he had been found, and emerged from the water. It was a sea turtle. Its body was as black as ink. It was nearly ten meters in size. The strangest thing was the shell of the black sea turtle and the roots of the tree stump. It is tightly wrapped around the turtle like fingers.

The pack tree turtle is an amphibious monster. It is huge, and the tree stump rings on its back represent its age and strength.

Generally, the ten-ring tree ring is the general class, and the hundred-year tree ring is the commander class. And this pack tree turtle is about a little over a hundred years old, and its strength should be just as good as that of the little commander.

"One hundred million is money." Zhaohua said with a smile.

Ji Shaohan wrote in the small drawing book with a serious expression: 【You can buy a lot of clothes. 】

Xiao Ji Shao murmured silently: "I want to buy lipstick."

[There are already a lot of lipsticks! 】

"There are a lot of clothes!"

Zhaohua said speechlessly: "Why don't you get it first and then talk about it?"

The shadow under Xiao Ji Shao'an's feet turned into a dark field, covering the entire oasis.

Xiao Ji Shaoan represents the shadow system. The shadow system is the most special magic in black magic. It is both black magic and elemental magic in essence. Whether it is in the dark plane or the magic world, darkness exists, and darkness is shared by both sides. of.

And Ji Shaohan's awakened magic is undead, curse, and poison, and the shadow system is the only four black magic system. Ji Shao silently fixes the fourth element and awakens the shadow element.

But even if it becomes like this now, the catalog of origins and the fallen saint king have intervened, and the established facts cannot be changed. Ji Shaohan's fourth department must be the shadow department, that is, they will become one.

Xiao Ji Shaoan's shadow system has no combat power, she can only shield, condense, and control the darkness, because the magic power is in Ji Shaoan's body.

This is just to prevent people from seeing it.

Suddenly, a green light appeared.

It's been a long time since Zhaohua. Thinking about it, it seems like it's been a long time since I saw Ji Shaoan use undead magic.

A special dark green star appeared behind Ji Shaohan, and it was a high-level undead magic, the undead—the undead of the underworld, which gave her the power to summon the undead from the dark plane.

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