Full-time Summoner

Chapter 845: Forbidden Technique vs Suffering Technique

"What are you doing! Why is there no broadcast!"

"That's right! We'll have to wait and see if you guys can do it!"

"Garbage, shady, shady!!"

The battle between Zhaohua and Lanzi disappeared in the most exciting part, one can imagine the mood of the audience in the auditorium. It's like reading a novel and finding the end of the latest chapter, the author wrote the most exciting part and then broke.

It's annoying!

"What is it called! It doesn't matter, our Great Japanese Empire will definitely win you."

"Damn, didn't you see that our Zhaohua burned your girl to nothing with the flames? Don't give your eyes to others."

"Hehe, didn't you see the pink light in the end? They still have a backhand."

"Hammer, you are dying."

On the Internet, people from the two countries are arguing on the Internet using translation software.

And Yuyi Ningmeng has already taken the lead to rush to the referee meeting of the competition. If it is true as the great teacher said, then Lanzi. . No, Crow Sakura is quite dangerous. Her cultivation base is also ridiculously fast. Now that the plant department is already at the third level, if the technique is triggered, she will be an extremely dangerous person.

Even if they all know that Zhaohua is very strong and has a lot of cards, they will inevitably be worried.

"The Treasure Hunting Field has been sealed. Those who cannot be teleported in, we have already contacted the referee to check the situation."

"Tsk, your isolation seal is really useless, who is this isolation, you can't enter in case of any situation!"

Feng Li was quite dissatisfied, it was obviously an accident, and he was so isolated. This isolation formation was used to prevent the local magic family from sneaking people in because it had happened before.

When Yuyi Ningmeng and the others arrived, they happened to see Feng Li there, and they also recognized this great teacher.

"Mom, what should we do now?" Yuyi Ningmeng said.

"I can only wait. Now that the referee has passed, there should be a result."

"I'm afraid the referee will fall too."

Yuyi looked at the great mentor and several high-ranking magicians, and said with a faint smile: "But no matter what, our country can only stop at the top sixteen. I just hope that people can report us to the Magic Association. Speak softly."

"If it is said that the Japanese national team knew that she was a victim of the disaster and let Lanzi play, and concealed her true identity, intending to create a catastrophe...then we will be in big trouble."

Mochizuki Mingjian said with a wry smile: "Well, no one can take away the treasures of the battlefield in my session, and only at the end of the previous sessions did a team join forces to take the treasures of the battlefield. There are two people in this session to return them." met earlier."


On the other side, the green light has covered the cherry pink.

"It's just that they are too weak, don't compare me with those people."

"Ancient summoning magic."

"Spirit Assimilation - Fenglin!!"

With a loud bang, the cherry blossom sphere wrapped around Zhaohua exploded, and all the cherry blossoms scattered to the ground, turning into the most ordinary cherry blossoms.

Zhaohua's figure was revealed in front of people, surrounded by emerald green light, behind him grew the same sword wings as the little wind silkworm, and a crown woven from the leaves of the wind language tree was worn on Zhaohua's head. There is a storm wrapped around his body, and the arc of thunder jumps, completely like a god in the storm.

Black Pearl's Asian pupils turned emerald green, and Fanfengyi turned into a robe to protect Zhaohua.

The weirdest thing is that a circle appeared behind Zhaohua. This green circle was the fairy domain of Xiaofengcan. The domain was completely materialized and turned into a ring of spirits.

The summoning mages in ancient times were not like what they are now, and the current summoning mages are more like breeders. The biggest difference between the summoning mages in ancient times and the present is the way of fighting.

The current summoning mages hide behind and let the summoned beasts fight, while the ancient summoning mages fought side by side. Because the summoning mages in ancient times had two goals in their lives.

First, let the summoned beast become stronger. Second, make yourself as strong as the summoned beast.

The ultimate goal of the summoning magic in the past was to assimilate, turning oneself into a spirit, a demon, and a demon, which is similar to the dead emperor. Of course, this means that you give up your human identity.

So it is also a matter of course that after the human mage became stronger, it became a forbidden technique.

"Huh, this form is really hard to control."

Zhaohua exhaled a breath, just a breath, the surrounding wind disk immediately rolled up, and the surrounding cherry blossoms that fell to the ground were swept away.

Zhaohua has not been fully assimilated, the little wind silkworm is still sitting on Zhaohua's shoulder but it is closing its eyes, and only half of Zhaohua's body has been assimilated, half of the wings and crown.

Zhaohua looked at Lanzi, as if feeling threatened, self-defense, the surrounding land trembled, more cherry trees became more, and all the surrounding cherry blossoms turned into waves.

Zhaohua stretched out his hand and waved violently at the sea of ​​cherry blossoms, blowing an invisible wind.

"Wind Elf Magic - Silk Slash."

Wow, every cherry blossom petal is divided into two. You know, the cherry blossom petals are only the size of a fingernail, and every piece of the densely packed ocean of cherry blossoms here has been cut and smashed.

Silk Slash, now Zhaohua has managed to control a large number of silk threads at one time to send out high-density wind slash.

Zhaohua walked towards Lanzi from the passage cut by the silk, and watched Zhaohua walking, and all the cherry blossoms around him came one after another, but when these hard and sharp cherry blossoms were close to one meter, there was no exception. Being chopped off, not a single cherry blossom survived.

When Zhaohua got closer and closer to Lanzi, cherry blossoms grew rapidly on his body, but the strange thing was that these cherry blossoms could not take root. Zhaohua's skin was not like human skin at all, it was wrapped and protected by a wind membrane.

When Zhaohua approached, Lanzi felt scared. After all, Zhaohua is a stranger, even an enemy, and she subconsciously has a fear of strangers.

With a cry from Weng, the cherry-red hair behind Lanzi moved automatically without wind, and the power of Lanzi's attack increased again, cherry blossoms grew in larger areas of forests, plants, and land, and Zhaohua, who was closest to him, almost blinked. The whole body is covered with cherry blossoms.

Cherry blossoms grow faster than they fall.

"Wind Elf Domain."

The spirit ring behind Zhaohua glowed brightly. Under the green light, all the elements were decomposed and reassembled in an instant. In this small area, it was almost the same as the absolute forbidden area created by Feng Ling with a snap of his fingers, except for the range It's not that big, but the effect is the same.

In the vacuum zone, all elements in the entire field are decomposed and disappeared.

The hard cherry blossoms turned back to soft and lost their magic power. Even if they were attacked, all the cherry blossoms were scattered on the ground.

Zhaohua walked up to Lanzi who had fallen to the ground with a terrified and relieved expression. At this time, Lanzi slowly closed her eyes, trying to seek relief.

Zhaohua stretched out a finger and pressed it on her forehead, an elf ring appeared, bound her, dismantled the little remaining plant-type magic energy in her body and said, "Don't be stupid and close your eyes, use the teleportation scroll to go back."

Lanzi opened her eyes in surprise, and said, "But...my... my surgery will kill people."

Zhaohua said with a puzzled face: "Why do you think that surgery can kill people?"



Both sides saw the confusion in the other's eyes.

Lanzi's face was confused, wouldn't the surgery kill people?

Zhaohua is also confused, isn't Lao Tzu doing well now?

There is a similar circle of book friends who read books at the starting point in the animation video of the forbidden technique, you can refer to it. By the way, make a card.

There is also an update today!

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