Full-time Summoner

Chapter 847 Death Knight

There were many broadcasts, and naturally it was not just the battle between Zhaohua and Lanzi. For example, Nanjue quickly found Ai Jiangtu, and found Jiang Shaoxu, Zhao Manyan, Jiang Yu, Mù Nujiao and others to start sweeping the resources.

Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue are also working hard to fight monsters, but there are only two of them, even if they are very strong, the speed will inevitably slow down a little.

The battle between the two of Zhaohua was also considered to be a very high-profile one, so the broadcast was resumed soon, but only the cherry blossoms and traces of the battle were left on the ground, and no human figures of the players were seen. So the competition official directly announced in words that the final result was that Lanzi was sent away using the teleportation scroll, while Zhaohua remained in the battlefield.

"It's been said that we will win, but you little Japanese girls still want to win against us Da Zhaohua! How is it possible?"

"That is to say, why didn't you come out when you called so fiercely just now, don't pretend to be disconnected from the Internet."

At this time, Zhaohua naturally didn't have time to pay attention to so much. Japan can extort five or six million at most, which is far from enough. Ji Shaohan and the others haven't obtained the battlefield treasure for so long, it should be more difficult than imagined.

Zhaohua used the wind track to rush up Longshi Mountain and entered the mountain from the 'Longkou'. Zhaohua felt that the evil dragon of destruction was inside.

For ordinary people, stepping into Longshi Mountain will not feel much, but Zhaohua, as a high-level mage, will be different if he steps on Longshi Mountain, especially Zhaohua has beast tamers like destroying evil dragons.

He could feel the incomparably majestic rhythm coming from the mountain, it was a kind of pressure on the soul, there was no doubt that it was Longwei, and it was quite strong.

Zhaohua ran along the mountain, started the wind track, went against the trend, and finally came to a deep valley. Standing in this deep valley like a dragon's mouth, Zhaohua jumped into the deep valley without a second's hesitation.

Zhaohua fell crazily, and he didn't know how long he fell in the deep valley. Zhaohua controlled the wind to let him descend slowly, and he didn't worry about going to the wrong place. After all, there should be only one way.

With a loud bang, Zhaohua finally landed, and there was a universe inside the mountain. The mountains around here were illuminated by some light system magic stones, and there was a cave in front of him.

Obviously, this is where the battlefield treasure of the Treasure Hunting Contest is located, and the meticulous design around it all shows that this is a man-made stone cave.

Zhaohua summoned Sanwei and Xiongda to protect him, and looked at the huge cave slightly. This cave is located inside the mountain, quite deep underground, and Zhaohua doesn't even know where it extends.

Zhaohua saw the footprints of the destroying evil dragon on the ground, and knew that they had already entered. Zhaohua walked inside, and there was a huge stone gate in front of the cave, Zhaohua could feel that the stone gate was a sealing formation to prevent the monsters inside from escaping.

And Zhaohua heard the sound of fighting behind Shimen.

"It seems that they haven't solved it yet, but that's right. Gu Suoyu is watching Ding Yumian outside now. The two of them don't have much combat power. It is indeed a bit difficult to defeat the Supreme Commander." Zhaohua looked at it and revealed With a smile, he murmured.

Zhaohua entered and used the wind track, pushed open the stone door with the help of the wind, and then closed the stone door to prevent people from disturbing.

Inside the stone gate is a wet swamp, and the sound of water drops can be heard.

boom! ! As soon as Zhaohua came in, a gust of wind blew in. Zhaohua took a closer look and saw that the Destroyer Dragon was blown away heavily, and the Destroyer Dragon was distracted because it heard the sound of the stone door opening and closing.

"Long Yi, you can't do this."

Roar! ! How can a dragon be said no! Even if it has abandoned the power of the dragon clan, the pride is still there!

The evil dragon of destruction rushed to the place where it was fighting, and continued to fight the target.

Zhaohua took a closer look, although it was a bit dark here, but because of the light magic stones around, he could still see some.

"Black Tiger Snake Beast?"

Zhaohua saw a black tiger beast no smaller than a dragon. This tiger beast had saber teeth, black hair, and yellow eyes. The strangest thing was that the tail behind it was a huge python. The giant python is nearly 20 meters long. This black giant python has three eyes. The inverted triangular snake eyes are as sharp as the eyes of death. The prey it stares at has only one dead end.

Zhaohua couldn't help complaining: "Isn't this anticlimactic..."

But what surprised Zhaohua was the undead creature that attacked the black tiger and snake beast together with Long Yi. The naive frog was naturally there too, but Zhaohua chose to ignore it, because it was croaking and dancing, occasionally using its tongue attack.

Zhaohua approached the two Ji Shaohan, pointed at the undead creature and asked, "Did you make that one?"

Ji Shaohan wrote in the small drawing book: [Awesome, the undead creature created by combining four kinds of black magic—the death knight. 】

Zhaohua looked at the knight riding a black horse, it was wearing armor similar to a dark swordsman, and it was holding a bone machete in its hand. The armor on his body exuded a curse, and Zhaohua saw some purple lines on the knife.

Every time Zhaohua attacked, he could see that the curse on the knight was constantly attacking the black tiger snake beast. The purple light on the knife should be poison. This knife is probably a poisonous bone knife obtained by tempering bones with poison, and his crotch The shadow-born warhorse is equivalent to shadow magic, which can invade the darkness to avoid attacks and take the opportunity to sneak attack.

Good guy, it really is all four magic systems, but it's a bit like building blocks, pieced together.

The poisonous bone saber in the death knight's hand turned into a blow of purple light, colliding with the sharp claws and blood light of the black tiger snake beast again and again, and each collision caused violent shocks.

The swamp on the ground was shimmering with shock waves, and the sound of thunder-like collisions could be heard throughout Longshi Mountain. If it wasn't because it was in Longshi Mountain, Zhaohua and Lanzi might have heard it when they were fighting. arrive.

Although the evil dragon of destruction also attacked together, it was very difficult for the evil dragon of destruction with only a small commander's strength to deal with the snake's tail. Even after being poisoned, Ji Shaohan had to detoxify it.

Zhaohua looked at the death knight. Although the undead made a joke, it was spliced. But it has to be said that it is really strong. The knights on top have the strength of a great commander, and the shadow descendants under the crotch are equivalent to providing high-level shadow magic for dodging, which can be used to attack and retreat.

If it weren't for a higher level, the Black Tiger Snake Beast whose strength reached the Supreme Command would probably be defeated. The addition of the two Ji Shaohan is equivalent to fully awakening all the magic of the black magic system.

The undead created are indeed very powerful.

Ji Shao said silently: "The treasure of the battlefield has been found, it should be the gem hanging around the neck of the black tiger and snake beast."

Zhaohua looked at the gemstone necklace, it was a crystal clear gemstone like a diamond, the gemstone was as big as a baby's fist.

Zhaohua narrowed his eyes slightly, and he saw that there seemed to be something inside the gem.

Suddenly, the jewel shone brightly, and a dragon roar sounded. Roar! ! ! The sound of the dragon's chant shook the heavens and the earth.

"Spiritual attack??!!!"

This dragon chant actually has the effect of mental attack!

Mistaken. . . . May be too tired, cheating ah. not found

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