Full-time Summoner

Chapter 859: The Treasure Hunt is Over

Zhaohua weighed the alien bone in his hand. This is the alien bone that Zhaohua discovered at the beginning, which was protected by the devourer. Although it takes a lot of materials to make the alien bone into a magic tool, it is not as good as a complete magic tool. Precious, but the bone is the key material, so it is quite valuable.

"It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get it. It just so happens that Yake took it away."

Zhaohua looked at the time, and there was still one-third of the end time left.

"Let's go, there is not much time left, as much as you can get."

Zhaohua and the others didn't even think about robbing people in the past, and now there is one third left, and the weak people are also appearing one after another. Those who stay are the strong or powerful teams, plus Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue have made such a mess, everyone is vigilant, let some people in your team who don't plan to stay on the battlefield bring their resources together Go back and leave first.

So Zhaohua didn't intend to rob, but just killed monsters to get resources, as much as he could get.

Feiying couldn't take pictures of Zhaohua, the reason is very simple, the one who destroys the evil dragon is higher than Feiying.

Far away in the Forbidden City of the imperial capital, Zhao Hao looked at the relay magic weapon with a sad and aggrieved face.

"Ah, I'm going to Venice, if this continues, my grandson will be snatched away by that old man!!"

Zhaohao is sour! Seeing my grandson shine at the biggest game in the country, but I can't go to the scene to support. The most uncomfortable thing is that when Zhaohua called out that his grandfather was Cafiero instead of saying that his grandfather was Zhaohao, the pain was really worse than when he fought against the seven angels of the Holy City and blocked the Holy Throne. It will be even more tragic when the face of the creature descends.

He was also a super big shot who was famous all over the world at the beginning, who doesn't know him, Emperor Hunter Zhaohao! ! !

Zhaohua's grandma, Qilin, grabbed Zhaohao by the back of his collar and said, "Stop messing around, if you leave the Forbidden City and go to Venice now, the whole continent of Europe will be blown up."

Zhaohao said with a rather aggrieved expression: "Grandson is going to be taken away, don't you care about it as a grandma?"

Qilin covered her mouth and snickered and said, "Why are you panicking? When you come back from the game, you can take him and the two grandparents to practice and show off your strength."

Zhao Hao said overjoyed: "It makes sense, I love you more than my heart."


The Treasure Hunting Contest is also coming to an end very quickly, the rest of the time Zhaohua is sitting on Long Yi's back looking for the resources that have not been taken away.

After all, a lot of time has passed, no matter how big the battlefield is, it does not have unlimited resources. The official resources of the Treasure Hunting Contest are limited, so even if Long Yi is flying fast, Xiao Ji Shao’an has a strong perception, and Zhao Hua He Ji Shaohan and the others killed the monsters so fast that they finished before Feiying even arrived.

In the rest of the time, I only got four treasures, and the value was average, probably some resources that slipped through the net or were looked down upon by others.

As the teleportation scroll glowed brightly, the teleportation player was forced to leave, and the game officially ended. As for Ji Shaohan and the two of them, they got here and left. Even after the game, everyone was still discussing which country's hidden trump card had such strength.

Although the results of the Treasure Hunting Contest do not directly affect the results of sixteen to eight, it will have a certain impact. Because the total value of resources obtained by each team has a ranking. The game of sixteen to eight is also a high-ranked game against a low-ranked one.

Because the robbery of Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue is also counted, in the final statistics, Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue combined to obtain resources worth 2 billion, which has already removed Irene's part.

Of course, it is not the two of them that won the most for the Guofu team, but Ai Jiangtu's six-member team, the six of them are almost all the resources they find. The importance, the total value of 3.6 billion resources was slashed by the six people, but if it is not too much, it is far inferior to the robbery by Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue.

Zhaohua got more resources than Mu Tingying's group of four, with 1.1 billion. The four of Mu Tingying only had a pitiful 600 million, and Guan Yu and Dongfang Lie were even worse. Because they were alone and formed teams with other countries, they finally got 80 million, which was almost nothing.

"Why Zhaohua did you get so little? I thought you would get more." Jiang Yu said curiously.

Zhao Manyan said: "This is just counting resources. Didn't you hear that his phone rang six times in a row just now? One hundred million at a time! Damn, I have never tried to deposit 600 million in a bank card in a row."

Zhaohua replied calmly: "I have to share this with the other two, and the actual amount is even less."

Jiang Shaoxu seemed to understand something, and said with something in his words: "Which country are those two people from, are you willing to put resources with you and count them into our country's amount?"

Jiang Yu didn't speak directly. What he asked at the beginning was that he thought there should be more, meaning, you are kidding me, why is it only 1.1 billion, and the strength of those two people is more than that.

Zhaohua just smiled and said nothing, and everyone in the Guofu team acted as if they hadn't seen it, and they didn't ask carefully.

The resources that Zhaohua obtained are actually only so much. The value of the alien bones obtained by Yake is 400 million, and the few resources swept in the last third of the time are not expensive. A little over 600 million, plus 100 million water source stones that carried the tree turtle at the beginning, so Zhaohua is indeed only 1.1 billion.

At least that's all the audience really saw.

And this is also very reasonable, because Zhaohua disappeared after a battle with Lanzi from Japan. Everyone actually thought that he was resting, recovering his magic power and wounds. Who would have thought that this guy cheated, relying on his wife's Powerful and grandpa's methods, even got the battlefield treasure.

The medicinal resources obtained from battlefield treasures and Xanadu were all brought back by Ji Shaoyan, and they were not included in the actual value.

And the sum he blackmailed Japan was not counted, it went directly to Feng Zhoulong.

If everything is added up, Zhaohua's total value can even catch up with Ai Jiangtu's group of six. Of course, who told him not only to be able to cheat, his grandfather told him the map of the battlefield treasure in advance, and the two Ji Shaohan are really strong, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get so many resources.

"But fortunately, no one got the battlefield treasure this time. You know, that bitch Mo Fan just listened to others and ran to get the battlefield treasure. Who knew it was thirty-two years ago. In the end, nothing was taken I got it, but my hand was cut off by the monster, and Mu Ningxue passed out from overdrawing her magic power."

Zhao Manyan was the first to know that Mo Fan was admitted to the hospital. He didn't expect that Mo Fan was actually carried out, but even Zhao Manyan didn't know that Mo Fan actually got the battlefield treasure from 32 years ago, and it was still a treasure that could be greatly improved. A mind stone that increases spiritual power.

Zhaohua was also speechless. Thirty-two years ago, what if the black tiger snake had been allowed to grow for thirty-two years? If a sub-lord escapes, then he and Ji Shaohan will have no choice but to run away.

Naturally, Zhaohua would not tell others that he took the battlefield treasure this time, otherwise he would not be able to explain why he fought with Lanzi and still has the ability to get the battlefield treasure, which makes no sense.

Be a little more low-key.

In the final statistical ranking, the United Kingdom ranked first. Jerome once again proved that he is the strongest. He also led the British National Six, but he got more resources than Ai Jiangtu and the other six. 1.2 billion, plus Irene received 400 million from Mo Fan alone, and the other players and substitutes of the British national team got a lot of resources, which is quite high overall.

The national team is only supported by the three major generals of the national team, Mo Fan, Ai Jiangtu, and Zhaohua. Naturally, it is not as many as others, and it is even surpassed by Germany by 70 million, ranking third in the overall ranking.

But the United States is even more miserable. Yake and Hannah are two of the top players in the US national team. They are actually zero eggs, which makes the last championship, the United States, ranked fourth.

Japan is also miserable, Lanzi also has zero eggs, and the others are not very strong, ranking thirteenth.

With the end of the treasure hunt contest, a super heavy news bombarded the whole world.

Saint Andrew died.

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