Full-time Summoner

Chapter 864 The White Fox Emperor of Kunlun Mountain

The lifespan of humans and summoned beasts is not equal. After the death of summoned mages, how should summoned beasts deal with this problem has become a headache for the Magic Association.

After the death of the summoning mage of the contract summoned beast, the contract will naturally disappear. Not to mention that the summoned beast can only have one summoning contract in its life, even if it can contract multiple times, it is useless.

There are no summoned beasts that have completed their growth and are willing to devote their entire lives to human beings. They are only loyal to their masters, and even the master's heirs are useless. The land of demons is their ultimate belonging.

That's why I haven't heard of any ancient magical families with guardian beasts. Otherwise, ancient families like the Mu family, Zhao family, and Victoria family would have several monarch summoned beasts staying in their homes. The core disciples of the family now have a commander-level summoned beast.

The summoned beast with a longer lifespan loses the constraints of the contract, and is undoubtedly no different from a demon.

After the death of all summoning mages, the summoned beasts are nothing more than three ways to deal with them. The first and the most common one is to be buried with them. Legend has it that the Sphinx, the national beast of Egypt, was the contracted summoned beast of Khufu during his lifetime. He died with Khufu and then became an undead.

And the reason why Jiang Yu was so surprised was because Irene's Victoria family followed the method of burying summoned beasts, and the premise of this method was that the summoned beasts were much weaker than the summoner.

So Jerome and some other summoning mages don't need to train the monarch. After all, the super mage can't beat the monarch, let alone kill it. To be buried with them is to kill contracted summoned beasts, which is quite cruel to contracted summoned beasts and some real summoners.

Just like Jiang Yu wanted to kill Ye Luosha, Mo Fan wanted to kill Little Flame Fairy, and Zhaohua wanted to kill Lanxinghu and Guigui. Of course, that's impossible, and they wouldn't do it.

Of course, there are also contracted summoned beasts that voluntarily follow their masters to death. Legend has it that the fifth line of the ancient king is the summoning line, because he only has four magic lines known to the world, earth, chaos, space, and undead. And the Fifth Department searched all the ancient books but couldn't find it.

And some people speculated from the fact that the Lord of the Dead Lord of the Eight Directions resembles a dragon, whether the ancient king's contracted summoned beast was it, a dragon, and the fifth line of the ancient king was the summoning system. One of the kings, guarding the ancient king to the destruction of the world.

However, there is also a way not to kill the contracted summoned beast, that is, release and return.

Release is easy to understand, take the initiative to cancel the contract, release the summoned beasts to the demon area, and let them live in the demon land.

The most famous black restricted area in China and the top ten forbidden areas in the world - the Godless King of the Great Demon Kingdom in Kunlun Mountains. It is said that a powerful summoner in ancient times released his contracted summoned beasts in Kunlun Mountains.

The reason for this guess is that although Kunlun Mountain is densely populated with monsters, even more than the Amazon Rainforest, it is extremely peaceful.

It is one of the areas with the fewest monster riots in the country. Of course, this must be intimidated by domestic military mages, but at least the emperor-level monsters have never descended from Kunlun Mountain to attack nearby cities.

And there is such a legend because the largest fox tribe demon country in China is in Kunlun Mountains. A hunter mage accidentally encountered a white fox with pure white body and spiritual eyes on Kunlun Mountains.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a summoning mage whose contract summoned beast was a white fox, and he really raised that white fox to the emperor level.

This person is Ning Caichen. He is also the originator of the beast tamer and the pioneer of the method of animal taming. The story of the fox fairy and Ning Caichen is still being circulated.

That's why some people speculated that the emperor on Kunlun Mountain might be the contract summoned beast released by Ning Caichen after his death, the white fox fox fairy.

But you must know that the summoned beast is a monster, and putting the summoned beast back to the land of demons is undoubtedly letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and it may even be the summoned beast of a summoning mage who killed the mage.

It's like if Mo Fan was old after a hundred years, he would put the little Flame Fairy back to the place where he was born, so that the Flame Fairy family could thrive again. But after thousands of years, an unstoppable group of monsters will appear. No one can guarantee that this group will not destroy the city.

The last one is similar to releasing life, except that what is released is not the monster area, but the contracted summoned beasts are placed in the summoning plane.

A summoner only performs a reverse summoning once in his life, opening the dimensional channel and putting the canceled contract summoned beasts into the summoning plane.

Summoning magic comes from the summoning plane, so summoning magic, like black magic and white magic, is a means for other planes to plunder the resources of the magic world.

The trading of black magic, the belief in white magic, and the return of summoning magic are all the same. Every time more summoned beasts return to the summoning plane, the summoning plane will have more power, and the magic world will lose one point of resources.

High-level summoning mages all understand this truth, so this method is the least used.

Zhaohua said to Jiang Yu: "This is someone else's business, but one thing is for sure, Duke Irene, she hides her strength."

Mu Ningxue said suddenly: "Well, Irene did hide her strength. When I was surrounded, I felt that although Irene had a hard time coping with it and was injured and consumed a lot of mana, she actually didn't have a fatal Most of the wounds are scratches...and...when I strayed into the Poison Valley of the Battlefield Treasure 32 years ago, facing the two Supreme Commanders chasing after me, I saw a trace of hesitation in Irene's eyes."

"But when she saw me using the ice bow, her hesitation disappeared."

Zhaohua nodded and said: "You may not know that the Duke of Irene has become the Grand Duke of Irene some time ago. He is no longer the first heir of the Victoria family, but the sole heir of the Victoria family."

"The reason is that she proposed and implemented the plan to cultivate summoned beasts promoted by Europe and the Americas. And Jerome's summoning system is the showcase of their Victoria family to the world."

"It is said that this plan has earned more than 10 billion in turnover from the US national team, Peru national team, Sweden, Italy and other national teams. Of course, the profits are definitely not so exaggerated, but the next one may explode. growth, it may even lead to changes in the rules of the competition, and even affect the whole world."

Zhao Manyan exclaimed: "This chick's methods are too strong. If anyone marries her, wouldn't she be so soft."

Jiang Shaoxu shook his head, and said with a solemn expression: "If it is really what Zhaohua said, then Irene, who is the sole heir of the Victoria family, means that she has the ability to use that magic tool, which is Lian Chao. A powerful magic tool that even super mages covet."

Jiang Yu and Zhao Manyan were at a loss, and asked, "What magic tool is so powerful?"

"A flute." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"Flute? Sound-type magic cutting tool?"

Zhaohua shook his head and said, "Have you ever heard of a British fairy tale [The Pied Piper of Hamelin]?"

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