Full-time Summoner

Chapter 889 Admit

From the beginning of the game to the end now, Jerome's teammates asked him three times if he could beat Zhaohua. Because the two are both wind and summoning, it is inevitable that they will be compared, and Jerome himself regards Zhaohua as an imaginary enemy.

The first time was when Zhaohua played for the first time. When he was playing against the South Korean national team, he asked Jerome if his summoning system was stronger than him, and Jerome answered in the affirmative that his Evil Worm Kingdom was stronger.

The second time was when he entered the eighth class not long ago, and asked Jerome if he could beat Zhaohua, who also had the wind-type summoning system, instead of asking about the separate summoning system.

And Jerome answered at the time that he would definitely win.

Now is the third time. The team members look flustered and their expressions are a bit unnatural, as if they want to get an affirmative answer and a comforting question from Jerome, who is the captain and is also the strongest.

But the result was that Jerome couldn't even speak words to comfort and stabilize the players.

Grand Duke Irene sat on a chair and said in a deep voice, "Admit it, we really can't beat them."

The other members of the British national team were dumbfounded. What was the vice-captain talking about? This is the grand duke controlled by mind magic, it's fake.

"Irene, we in the UK have never said to admit defeat. Although we lost to the United States last time, when did we admit defeat!"

"Irene, have you forgotten the pride of our British Empire? If that incident hadn't happened in the United States, they would be nothing more than the poor slums of our British Empire."

The United States was indeed just a marginal land of Britain. The United States used to be a barren land with a few scattered human villages and human tribes, struggling to survive in the land of demons, fearing every day.

It can be said that the once powerful Britain liberated them, provided them with magical awakening and education, and allowed Americans to slowly gather into a town and a federation. Fifty-three of these federations form the current United States. The United States is not a completely independent country, they are combined.

Although the United States is indeed stronger than their "old master" now, the British still think that they are stronger in their bones, thinking that they are still the "sun never sets" magic empire that can destroy the demon empire and liberate mankind.

Irene put away her gentle and quiet appearance outside, showing a capable and indifferent expression, and looked at her teammates.

As the Grand Duke and the first heir to the largest family in the UK, Irene launched a summoning beast training plan in response to the situation. If you say that she is a little woman who doesn't know the world and is at the mercy of others, it must be a big mistake .

Irene gave a cold glance, and the already noisy national team lounge suddenly became quiet. They all understand that Jerome is indeed the strongest, but in the national team, the person in charge is the Grand Duke Irene who holds the title of Princess of the British Royal Family.

Irene asked in a cold voice: "Do you think that as long as we can suppress Zhaohua and prevent him from summoning that powerful fire beast, we will have a chance to defeat them?"

Hibbert, who majored in the light system, said submissively: "I think Irene, your psychic system and that magic tool can definitely not give him the opportunity to use the magic door summoning. Ultra-level magic is not so easy to use. Against Spain You can see that it takes a lot of time.”

Irene couldn't help sneering, and said: "Not only that, but he will consume all his magic energy when using that special magic, and it can't last for a minute at all. Thirty seconds after he summoned the fire beast, he started to use the magic weapon to replenish it." His Summoning magic has been activated. Indeed, I am confident that I can stop him from using that magic. But what about you?"

"Are you confident in stopping the other four people!" Irene asked.

"We...we still have Jerome here."

When Jerome heard it, he didn't know what expression was on his face.

Irene sighed and said: "There is only one Jerome, but the other party has five."

"Jeruo's Fengli domain can automatically produce revenge effects on all those who attack him, and his natural talent increases the capacity of his chaos system, allowing him to absorb the magic of the third level with a high-level chaos cultivation base. , with the chaos system, Jerome can hit five without injury, and with the summoning system, Jerome is indeed the first player in the competition."

"But there are five opponents, and Jerro and I can't win at all."

Destroyer Mage Siston said: "The rest of them aren't that strong either."

Irene smiled when she heard it, shook her head and said calmly: "I already knew that the man named Mo Fan was very strong when I was in the National Pavilion, so I deliberately approached him during the Treasure Hunting Contest, thinking See where the limit of his strength is."

"But in the end, I saw that Mu Ningxue was even more terrifying. She not only has a very high level of ice cultivation, but also has a magic ice bow that can kill the Supreme Commander with one arrow."

"Shoot with one arrow!? How is this possible!"

The great mentor next to him nodded and said: "It's true. Later, when I entered the Poison Valley with other great mentors, I found a completely frozen corpse of a poisonous beast. The freezing power may have half a super-level magic or even It is the power of the complete super-order ice system."

Irene didn't tell her teammates at the beginning, because she planned that if they match up, she will be responsible for dealing with Mu Ningxue, and Jerome will deal with Ai Jiangtu and Mo Fan alone, which is enough to deal with.

As a result, not only Mo Fan's strength is beyond imagination, but even the humble Zhao Manyan has stronger magic defense than Bilton, and Ai Jiangtu's space power has improved a lot. Plus the most difficult summoning mage in front of him.

If we say that Jerome Wanke Mofan is such a destruction mage, then Zhaohua happens to be Jerome's nemesis. Chaos system doesn't work for mages like Zhaohua, and Zhe Luo of wind system can't surpass him too much, and even his speed is not as good as Zhaohua.

It can be said that Zhaohua is Jerome's nemesis.

Even if there is no restraint, Zhao Hua and Mo Fan's fusion of the flame field has already given them a headache.

"If there are only one or two people, then we will not be afraid. Three or even four still have a chance to fight, but the team formed by five of them is perfect and impeccable. Even the remaining three places, the sound department, the mind department And those three people from the summoning department are not weaknesses."

Irene is not afraid of Egypt. If they meet again, Irene believes that they will win. They are not afraid of Greece. Even if the saint comes, she is confident that she can win. But this time, she was a little jealous.

Erin thought she would not be jealous of others, because she was born to be jealous. Now she understands.

That's just because I haven't met a person who is loved by thousands of people.

Irene muttered to herself, "Is he really a person favored by God? How could he summon so many powerful summoned beasts?"

"Are you afraid? It's not like you, Her Royal Highness Princess Irene."

Suddenly, a female voice came from outside the door, the voice was holy and charming, and it made people feel numb.

"Saint Asharuya?"

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