Full-time Summoner

Chapter 910: True Darkness

This is also the first time Mo Fan has seen the effect of the sword array of Brutal Sword Deadpool. No wonder the super-level military commander in Egypt was so desperate when he saw the combination of Dark Sword Master and Brutal Sword Deadpool.

This is an unreasonable power, Mo Fan realized that the power of darkness is far stronger than he imagined. Mo Fan has always used the shadow system as a magic to avoid, maybe Mo Fan has not even touched the edge of the shadow system.

Asha Ruiya not only turned into a dark sword master, like a dark Valkyrie, but now she has received a real dark offering. Armor pieces full of black light and evil atmosphere are attached to her body one by one, revealing more The arrogance of the dark sword master.

The sword in Asha Ruiya's hand swayed gently, and the sword was full of energy. Wisps of dark breath emerged from the sword body, and the dark breath slowly emerged, spreading out and flying like thousands of butterflies, Spectacular and extremely dangerous!

On the other side, Mu Ningxue's crystal arrow also began to appear, and she pinched it tightly with her slender index finger and middle finger. The two pairs of wind wings behind Mu Ningxue were also covered by white snow, turning into four pieces of silver white. The Wings of Ice Sorrow.

With Mu Ningxue's white snow flakes and flying white hair, Mu Ningxue looks as beautiful as a fairy in the snow, that white snow dances wildly beside her, that exquisite and beautiful face with Perseverance that never yields!

Mo Fan wanted to stop it, but he also retracted his outstretched hand.

He understands that without suffering from others, don't persuade others to be magnanimous. Mo Fan didn't know how much Mu Ningxue or Mu Ningxue's family had experienced in the past year since the incident with Mu He and knowing that his uncle Mu He was an accomplice in the disaster of the ancient capital.

I don't even know what their family has experienced, many of them are just hearsay, and Mo Fan's words to dissuade Mu Ningxue are too light.

He defeated Zheluo himself, Zhaohua defeated Irene, Ai Jiangtu and Jiang Yu were fighting Gamemnon, if Mu Ningxue conceded defeat to Asharuya, by comparison, Mu Ningxue would appear so awkward.

Especially if Asharuya wins in the end and Greece wins, Mu Ningxue will even point fingers again.

You must know that netizens on the Internet will not look at how hard you work, failure is failure, especially if Mu Ningxue is still guilty of [crime], if the national team loses in the end, it is because she lost to Asha Ruiya, If Asha Ruiya succeeded in bringing Greece to a comeback.

The public grievances that she has slowly subsided through a year of hard work will make a comeback. So Mo Fan had no choice but to be a bystander, watching his 'harem catch fire'.

Mo Fan's eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself: "I remember Zhao Hua in the Treasure Hunt Contest... Go back and ask him."

As Mu Ningxue's man, Mo Fan had no choice but to silently support her behind her.

call! In an instant, the aura of the two reached its peak, and the white snow in front of Mo Fan suddenly stopped, and it was still falling slowly. As for Asharuya's sword energy, the dark sword energy that was slowly rising seemed to be still.

"Darkness descends—falling into the sky!!"

"Ice Crystal Fiend Bow - Silent Arrow!"

A sword falling to the sky, this is a sword that will cut down even the sky. An arrow is still, this is an arrow that will freeze time.

Asha Ruiya swung the dark sword in her hand, with a sound of "clang", the sword light was dark, as if dragging the darkness of a world to Mu Ningxue, the sword light was like the galaxy in the universe, in this sword In front of them, all living beings seem small.

Mu Ningxue's arrow was naturally a struggle. Mu Ningxue not only consumed a lot of ice magic power, but even overdrawn the wind magic power and her own vitality. She turned everything into one On the sharp arrow.

What's even more frightening is that Mu Ningxue's domain exploded to the strongest, gathering all the surrounding ice elements. At this moment, all the ice elements between the world and the earth were condensed on Mu Ningxue's bow and arrow.

The arrow is invisible and condensed into shape. Mu Ningxue's arrow is not a real arrow but made of extreme cold. Ice is just water solidified, so Mu Ningxue's arrow this time is invisible. Her arrow is cold , is not ice, so the entity cannot be seen.

boom! ! !

The referee at the side has already seen that he is about to go crazy. Is this still a high-level mage? ? ? Why are there so many perverts this year! Is this really human?

The super mages in the auditorium saw the ice and darkness, one white and one black refused to give in to each other, the ice and snow froze the darkness, and the darkness swallowed the ice and snow. Mu Ningxue's cold power froze Asharuya's armor until it was full of ice scars, Asharuya's face turned pale and her lips turned purple, and Asharuya's dark power also corroded Mu Ningxue's skin piece by piece The black one even started to ooze black blood.

Hailong, who was quite calm at first, had his heart in his throat at this moment, shall I go? ? ? What is the origin of this girl, can she compete with Asharuya's dark sword array? ? And you don't have to lose!

Mo Fan was directly blown away by the terrifying energy, and was constantly pushed away. Both feet drew two marks on the ground. If Mo Fan hadn't resisted it with his thoughts, he might have been cold.

When the two forces finally disappeared, the area within a kilometer had changed beyond recognition. Darkness and ice raged all around, and no plant could survive, either freezing to death or being corroded and melted.

The audience in the auditorium was speechless for a long time. These two beautiful girls are so ruthless when they fight! !

Mu Ningxue's face was already quite pale, and there were some scars on her arms and neck. And Asharuya is indeed superior, but her face is pale, but no obvious scars are seen.

Asha Ruiya looked at Mu Ningxue with a serious face. To be honest, she never thought that anyone would be able to resist her sword with all her strength. Irene would not tell Asharuya about Mu Ningxue's ice bow.

Weng! ! The dark sword in Asha Ruiya's hand once again gathered strength, sure enough! Asha Ruiya more than one hit! !

Weng! Mu Ningxue raised her hands again and drew the bow, but Mo Fan had already seen that Mu Ningxue's hands were trembling, and her eyelashes were covered with frost. die!

Just when Asharuya swung the sword of darkness again, and was about to strike again, Asharuya suddenly shook her body. She felt that something was staring at her, and her whole body was like a ghost, as if a pair of eyes were staring at her behind her.

Asha Ruiya quickly analyzed in her heart: "How is it possible! This power of darkness! My power of darkness is suppressed? Domain? Impossible! My dark domain should be the strongest dark domain in the world, how could someone The Darkness Realm is stronger than me! Who is it? Mo Fan? No, it’s not him. But besides Mo Fan, no one should have awakened the Shadow Element!"

Suddenly, Asharuya looked behind Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue. She didn't know when Zhaohua was standing in the shadow of the dense forest and looked at herself, but the terrifying power didn't come from Zhaohua, but was like a baby. Riding on Zhaohua's neck like a wooden horse, that pretty doll-like black-haired little girl.

"Dark Youtong?! What the hell is that girl!"

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