Full-time Summoner

Chapter 931 The New Cardinal

Among the sacred mountains of the Parthenon Temple, on one of the peaks where the saints live, the temple mother Pamis, the saint Asharuya, the great sage Cynthia, the owner of the Knights Hall Hailong, some guarding paladins, the interns The maids are all in this house used by the saint.

But they didn't come to gossip, they were called here urgently.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them, with regret, surprise, anger, bewilderment, and disdain.

Ye Xinxia's eyes were extremely cold, her expression was indifferent, she was holding the head of the saint Pennyja with her left hand, and a knife in her right hand. Pan Nijia's blood stained Ye Xinxia's white clothes red, the wheelchair, the sleeves, the skirt, and the ground were all covered in red blood.

Pennyja's head will no longer bleed, and all the blood has been dripped. Unless there is a resurrection magic, no strong healing mage can cure it. In other words, now that there is no resurrection magic, Pennyja is dead.

Pannyja's eyes seemed to see something unbelievable before she died, full of fear.

"What you said really chilled us." The palace mother sighed.

"It's so vicious, isn't life so worth mentioning in your eyes! I didn't expect that the most well-behaved saintess is such a vicious person! You are not qualified to be a saint!" the great sage Cynthia said desperately. Staring at her, he angrily reprimanded.

After hearing the great sage's scolding, Ye Xinxia's eyes slowly recovered, looked at everything in front of her, and muttered to herself: "This... did I do this? Did I kill her?"

Hailong, the owner of the Knights' Hall, said angrily, "Can you still forget what you did!"

Ye Xinxia's mind was full of doubts and incomprehensions, she had no idea what happened, her last memory was falling asleep last night.

Ye Xinxia looked at Asha Ruiya and said, "Is this your method?"

Astraea was guarded by a group of paladins, she walked forward to look at Ye Xinxia, ​​and asked sharply, "Are you real Ye Xinxia or fake?"

Ye Xinxia looked puzzled, she didn't understand what Asha Ruiya said.

Asha Ruiya nodded and said: "It seems that you really don't know, but your other soul is evil and unforgivable."

Asha Ruiya said loudly: "Go to the Holy Inquisition Court! Judge Ye Xinxia."

"Yes! Lady Saint!"


Early the next morning, Zhaohua's family still sat together to eat breakfast. This month, Zhaohua completely relaxed himself. After all, more than a year of experience and competitions were tense and dangerous, and it was rare to have a vacation with his family.

Zhaolang ate a mouthful of Chaos with a spoon, and said while chewing, "Holy...the Court of Appeal has made a move."

Zhang Ning picked up a piece of shrimp rice roll with chopsticks, nodded and said, "Son, the craftsmanship has improved."

Why is there a Cantonese breakfast in Greece? Because Zhaohua cooks.

Ji Shaohan wrote in the small drawing book: 【Delicious! d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)]

"Whoa~~~" Xiao Ji stuffed his mouth so much that he couldn't hear what he was saying.

Zhaolang said, "One more bowl!"

Only Ding Yumian was quite speechless, didn't Zhaolang just say that the Holy Inquisition Court made a move, no one cared about it! ! The Parthenon Temple is closed, no matter how stupid Ding Yumian feels, something is wrong! Doesn't this family care about it? This is a big matter related to the soul of Parthenon. This is a world event! ! !

Gu Suoyu said flatly: "In the eyes of the people of Wuyang City, eating is more important than the world. You will naturally talk about it when they are full."

"Wuyang City?"

"Oh, it was still called Wuyang City in ancient times, but now it's called Yaodu."

Sure enough, after half an hour of eating, when the two Ji Shaohan ran to wash the dishes, Zhaohua asked: "The trial meeting should have a mage come to judge and supervise, after all, Ye Xinxia is a registered mage in our country, even if she is not our country Ye Xinxia’s guardian is Mo Fan’s father, Mo Jiaxing, in terms of magic law, so it’s impossible for Mo Fan’s face to let others take advantage of him.”

Zhao Lang nodded and said: "There is a super-level and full-spirited Forbidden City mage who came here. Whether it is the investigation results of the Forbidden City or the Parthenon Temple, the results are the same, and Ye Xinxia has not been discovered. The traces of human control, the spiritual trial confirmed that Ye Xinxia did not lie. That is to say, Ye Xinxia was not controlled, but she didn't know that she killed someone."

Ordinary people naturally didn't know about Ye Xinxia's killing of Pan Nijia yesterday. After all, it was still in the trial stage, but high-ranking magicians like Zhao Lang and members of the trial committee must have known about it.

Zhao Hua said: "Then according to the results of the trial of the soul system, Ye Xinxia is right that he didn't kill anyone."

Zhao Lang nodded and said: "Well, but the accusation of the Holy Inquisition against Ye Xinxia is that there is a second soul in Ye Xinxia's body, killing Pan Nijia, so her current external personality soul does not know, similar to multiple personalities."

When Zhaohua heard this, he couldn't help frowning. Could it be that Ye Xinxia, ​​like Ji Shaoan, connected to himself in the scientific world through the power of the soul? And the two selves merged into one early, resulting in this weird phenomenon? If this is the case, the matter of Ye Xinxia may be used as research material to study the method to undo the fusion of the two Ji Shaoyin.

The Parthenon spirit is the theocracy of the holy plane. Since Ji Shaohan in the scientific world can do it, then Ye Xinxia in the scientific world can also do it. Although Ji Shaoan is more special, she not only has the power of theocracy, but it can even be said that Ji Shaoan itself is the power of the gods.

Simply put, the Parthenon spirit has self-awareness.

But obviously Ye Xinxia is not in this situation.

Zhaolang said: "However, the people of the Holy Inquisition Court didn't just accuse her of killing Pennyja, but the reason why she killed Pennyja."


"Well, according to the investigation, Pan Nijia learned a secret the night before yesterday, so she went to look for Ye Xinxia to verify it late at night, but she was killed by Ye Xinxia."

Zhaohua asked suspiciously, "What secret?"

Zhang Ning said: "According to the investigation feedback from the Forbidden City Court and the Judgment Committee, a letter recorded by Pan Nijia was found in Pan Nijia's residence, which said: Ye Xinxia is the Cardinal Sa Lang of the Black Vatican."

"Huh???" Zhaohua's face was covered, you are kidding me.

Zhaohua said speechlessly: "How is this possible? Sa Long is a super mage. It was confirmed during the catastrophe of the ancient capital, and don't you all know the true identity of Sa Long? How could it be Ye...Xin... Huh? Ye Xinxia is Wentai's daughter, and Sa Lang is Ye E, Wentai's married couple. Isn't Ye Xinxia Sa Lang's own daughter?!"

Sa Long's true identity is actually known by some high-ranking magicians. After all, Sa Long's real purpose is to avenge Wen Tai with the help of the Black Vatican.

And Sa Long is also a poor person. Twenty years ago, he thought that his husband was killed, and he joined the Black Vatican and fell into the devil.

Later, a few years ago, I learned that Wentai was not dead at all and became the Queen of the Fallen Saint. After knowing that I was deceived, I hated the world. I joined forces with the ancient capital of the undead empire to sacrifice millions of people in the ancient capital to become the god of death. understand.

Ye Chang, a strange woman of that generation, ended up like this in the end. Sure enough, the word of true love is the most harmful.

Zhang Ning said: "The Black Vatican has something called a blood stone, which was made by a special method when the cardinal was loyal. The blood stone can confirm the identity of the cardinal. Several years ago, the Holy See and the Black Vatican The Pope once had a game, and although the Pope escaped, he got the bloodstone belonging to Sarang on the Pope."

"The Holy Inquisition has confirmed it with blood stones last night. Yes, Ye Xinxia is Sarang, or the successor carefully cultivated by the previous Sarang Ye Chang. The reason why the pope appeared a few years ago is because Ye Xinxia Inherited the position of the new cardinal and became Sarang."

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