Full-time Summoner

Chapter 937 One Vote Veto

"The one-vote veto power of the five permanent council members of the United Nations." Zhao Hua silently stepped aside, watching Councilor Shao Zheng and a group of the same high-level players playing games.

The Magic United Nations, which is composed of all countries in the world, has a special rule, that is, if there is any resolution, as long as one of the five permanent magic council members uses a veto, the resolution will not be passed.

This is the so-called consistent principle of the magic empire.

And very fortunately, our country is one of the five.

Ding Yumian asked suspiciously: "But this so-called veto power is just a rule, will they abide by it?"

This is just a rule, but is it really useful? Isn't this kind of thing just a casual talk, in case people don't follow it.

Zhaohua looked at Ding Yumian and said with a smile, "How did you become the new ruler of the vampire clan in the devil city when you are so naive?"

Ding Yumian's eyelids twitched, he said, why are you swearing!

Zhaohua said: "You made a mistake. It is not that the Magical United Nations gave these five countries a veto power, but these five countries created the Magical United Nations. The fundamental and core purpose of creating the Magical United Nations is to It is to prevent human mages from having a world-class civil war."

"And the way to prevent the outbreak of large-scale civil war among human beings is to "maintain the unanimity of the great powers", and this unanimity of the great powers means that the so-called five permanent members of the magic council all maintain the same pace, and the final form of expression is a veto power."

Zhaohua's eyes flashed, revealing a glimmer of fierceness, and said: "This one-vote veto is not just a verbal statement, it means: I am against this matter no matter what, even if a world war breaks out and the power of human magic drops. No hesitation."

"To have a veto power requires extremely strong strength, that is: Even if you and other countries agree, if you unite, I will beat you all back."

Ding Yumian is a vampire, so she doesn't understand human politics. She always thought that human beings would be very united because of the foreign enemy of demons, and everyone would unite to deal with demons.

But Ding Yumian overlooked one point, human beings are selfish, everyone wants to make their country more peaceful and stronger. When a precious resource appears, human mages will rob each other to make themselves stronger.

Ding Yumian didn't know how precious the teleportation formation held in Shao Zheng's hand was. It was a space teleportation formation at the level of a forbidden curse, and once activated it would consume the energy of one or even several earth cores.

And its effect is very simple, that is, ultra-long-distance transmission. Yes, the usage is also simple, teleport one or several people and send them back to the original place.

It is true that the army leader needs to guard the monster area and cannot move around, but he uses this space teleportation formation to go to some small countries, and then casts a few forbidden spells and then comes back. It doesn't take a minute before and after.

The emperor monster has the ability to destroy space teleportation, so this method cannot be used to deal with the emperor monster. If it is used to deal with the monarch's monster tribe, not only will it be revenged by the emperor monster, but it will not be very profitable.

But this kind of teleportation array is still invented, and only those five countries have this level of teleportation array.

Like Ding Yumian, many people don't understand that countries like the United States and the United Kingdom that have real Forbidden Magicians are willing to use the word "discussion" to talk to countries that don't even have Forbidden Magicians, instead of hanging Forbidden Magic over their heads Forcing your consent is already a giant step in civilization.

The simplest one is the Pistil of the Earth. No country will let go of this curse-level resource. If it appears in other small countries, you turn it over to the Magic United Nations and distribute it to them, and grab it from others. The results will not be any different.

Similarly, the one-vote veto power of the five countries is not used casually. The most used one is actually abstaining from voting. Once the veto power is used, you must bear the most serious consequences.

Facing the union of the whole world.

Our country tried it 50 years ago, facing all the magical alliances of countries majoring in white magic in Western Europe and America, and our country did achieve a veto.

Nothing can be done without the nod of our country.

Just when everyone was silent and the atmosphere became quite tense, suddenly a male voice came.

"The EU's approval does not mean that we in the UK are also in favor of it, and the UK is against it."

The five permanent members of the Magic Council are naturally ranked by their strengths, and the last ones are France and the United Kingdom, which were attacked by the Atlantic Kraken hundreds of years ago and their strengths have weakened.

And these two countries are both in Europe, so in order to balance the power of the world, increase their own country's voice in the world, and prevent the monster from attacking on a large scale again, the European Union was formed.

What Zhaohua didn't expect was that the United Kingdom, which has always been an EU member, now opposed it, while France obviously agreed.

"John?! What do you want to play now?" An elderly man's voice said with a little exasperation.

"Mark, we, the UK, won't play with you anymore. We will announce Brexit in January this year. That boy from the three summoning department is right. We, the UK, are not cowardly enough to place all our hopes on a human being who is no longer human." Dark creatures." The British leader said.

Zhaohua was taken aback, good guy, he just heard a bombshell out of nowhere, the UK is going to leave the European Union? And just two months later, on January 1st, it officially left the EU?

Shao Zheng said with a smile: "Then it seems that we need to vote again."

Zhaohua turned to look at Mo Fan at this moment. Good guy, the demon Mo Fan is about to be beaten to death by Mulan, and this group of people is still voting here, and Mulan doesn’t know what special ability he has used, some dark dead insects are crazily gushing out from him, and they are sucking the blood of the people of Athens City. Blood, life, and then supplemented to the body.

The dead flying insects on the body of the body that should have been unable to get out of the barrier were able to pass through the barrier of the Dark Holy Order. The black undead insects passed by like smoke and dust, and those believers who did not have time to hide in the hall of faith instantly turned into A white skeleton.

The skeletons were scattered on the ladder of thousands of people, and the horrific scene shocked the whole mountain.

Zhaolang looked solemnly at the black exposed heart of Mu Yan, and said: "It seems that you are right, this worm heart and those black dead worms were bestowed by Wentai, and I am afraid that these black dead worms do not belong to the dark plane. Only things can pass through the Dark Sacred Order."

"Wentai is experimenting, he is trying, using the scorpion experiment, if he fuses the Parthenon spirit that already belongs to the magical world, can he be considered a creature of the magical world, and can he pass through the barrier of the plane."

Zhang Ning nodded and said, "He succeeded. I heard that the Parthenon once killed a worm emperor in ancient times. It seems that this worm heart belongs to that worm emperor."

Zhaohua couldn't help but feel heavy. Wentai actually prepared everything early in the morning. He even remotely controlled everything in the magic world. Zhaohua and others don't know how much Wen Tai still has to stay in the magic world.

Can Ye Xinxia escape once, can she escape a second time? The soul is originally Wen Tai's, if Wen Tai wants to get it back, Ye Xinxia has no way to keep it. Ye Xinxia, ​​who lost her soul, would lose her lifespan at least, and at worst, die.

The spectacle of the Tropic of Cancer Tower and Brexit are all real~~~ Don’t writers who follow current events vote?

O(∩_∩)O haha~

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