Full-time Summoner

Chapter 944: Zhao Hua's Dirty Money-Making Plan

It is true that Zhaohua has now taken over Mr. Shao Zhengda’s Bee Project, but Zhaohua does not mean this when he said that he has been promoted and his salary has been raised. Zhaohua is no longer the judge, but has become the chief judge.

Because metropolises like Yaodu, Modu, and Didu are really too big, consisting of dozens of districts, Yaodu has eleven districts, and Demondu has more, with 16 districts .

And each district has a trial meeting, so in order to better arrange work, the eleven districts of Yaodu will naturally have a position in charge of coordinating. For example, Tian Qingbai, he is the chief judge in charge of the presidents of the judging committees in the eleven districts, and Zhaohua has won glory for the country and demonstrated his strength after going through the national competition, so he naturally won a high position.

The chief judge of the Yaodu Judgment Society.

Although the judge is indeed lower than the presiding judge, the chief judge is different. After all, Zhaohua is now in charge of all the judges in Yaodu. The presiding judge can command judges, judges, trainee and intern judges and other positions.

But for the command of the position of judge, Zhaohua's current command ability is higher than that of the presiding judge.

However, Zhaohua did not use the identity of Fengnao to contact Zhu Meng, but directly contacted Zhu Meng with his own name, Zhaohua.

When Zhu Meng heard the battle between Mo Fan and Lu Zhantian, he couldn't help but feel a headache. He just came back from the Parthenon, didn't he say he was going to revive the little Flame Fairy! Why did you start a fight with Lu Zhantian?

Zhaohua did not go to order Zhu Meng, but used himself as Mo Fan's teammate. It happened that because of the mission of the judge, he knew that Mo Fan was causing trouble. After discussing with Mo Fan, he made a plan and hoped that Zhu Meng could cooperate.

"Hey, can't that guy Mo Fan let me calm down for a while, and want me to run to Lu's house again, I just had a two-day vacation." Zhu Meng couldn't help complaining about Mo Fan, he was really restless.

Zhao Hua said with a smile: "Then please trouble Mr. Zhu Meng."

After Zhaohua hung up the phone, she contacted Ding Yumian, and asked her to pay attention to Bora and Mo Fan, and not to fight again while chatting, and asked Ding Yumian to contact Bora after Bora finished processing.

Ding Yumian stomped her feet angrily when she found out, she managed to let the vampires have some status in the Demon City, so that they would not be hunted down by the Judgment Council. Now that Mo Fan did this, he brought a great monarch vampire to kill, and he immediately returned to Liberation Before!

Zhaohua breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly, this job as a bee brain is really difficult.

Zhaohua picked up the phone, opened a WeChat group, and posted: [The preparation is complete, it can be announced to the public. 】

【receive. 】

【receive. 】

Zhaohua's plan to make money is very simple and complicated. Mu Ningxue and Mo Fan plan to establish a magic family, which belongs to industry, but Zhaohua is not engaged in industry. Zhaohua is very simple, just want money, and the easiest to get money The method is not to earn, but to cheat!

Small money depends on saving, big money depends on earning, and huge money depends on rolling. And quick money is by cheating.

And the most legal way to cheat money is the stock market. Zhaohua is not going to buy stocks, but the one who sells stocks.

After the game, Zhaohua has joined forces with Jiang Yu, Jiang Shaoxu, Zhao Manyan, Li Kaifeng, Guan Yu, Dongfang Lie, Mu Tingying and Nanrong Ni, members of the nine national teams to form a team with their own fame. a company.

Zhao Manyan is missing, so there are only eight people including Zhaohua, but these eight people are one of the most popular people now.

Zhaohua took the lead, using his three-line summoning system and the reputation of three commander-level animal trainers to open an animal trainer company to sell animal trainers.

Of course, what happened to Zhaohua's animal taming? Zhaohua himself knew that he didn't have any animal taming skills at all, and he hired others to do it.

Because Sanwei and Xiong Da relied on their own special summoning magic power, and Ji Shaohan relied on Ji Shaohan to destroy the evil dragon, there was no special way to tame the beast at all.

But it doesn't matter, as long as outsiders don't know about it, it's fine for others to think that Zhaohua has special skills.

What Zhaohua wants to do now is not to cultivate beast tamers, but to use his fame in the national competition and the title of the youngest and strongest beast tamer to make money. What he wants to do is to use his financial skills.

Zhaohua first bought a "shell company" that was already on the market, and then announced to the outside world that the eight members of the national team, together with Jiang Yu, two summoning mages, will set up this beast taming company and sell the tamers they are responsible for cultivating. beast.

But Zhaohua didn't want to use his outstanding performance in the national competition to make money, but to make money by copying high stock prices and then selling them.

Because the company's shares are all in the hands of Zhaohua, Jiang Yu, and Jiang Shaoxu, they only need to wait until the company's re-listing to continue to raise the stock price.

How to raise it is very simple, assuming that each of the eight of them owns 12% of the stock, and then Zhaohua sells 1% of the stock, and sells the stock at a price that is more than twice the market price.

Naturally, it is impossible for anyone to buy it like this, because it is more than double, but this is what Zhaohua wants. Of course others don't buy it, Jiang Yu and the others can buy it. Then Jiang Yu and others sold their own at twice the price that Zhaohua sold, and Jiang Shaoxu bought it back.

Under such a cycle, things that were originally only one yuan are constantly being traded at higher amounts in the stock market. Naturally, it will make people feel that if someone buys such an expensive item, it must be worth so much money. In this way, the stock price will naturally be raised.

But at this time, in fact, all the stocks are still in the hands of the eight of them. They just enter with their left hands and exit with their right hands, but the value of the stocks they own has multiplied several times or even dozens of times, and everyone's value has skyrocketed.

At this time, they only need to sell one tenth, and the invested money will come back, and they still have 90% of the stocks in their hands. And because the eight of them still hold 90% of the stocks, that means the price is still under their control.

When the price is low, you can buy back 10% of the outside, and then sell it after the circulation is raised, and so on.

There are two prerequisites for doing so, the first being capital. At the beginning of the sale to raise the price, if someone buys at a high price with money and accumulates a large amount, and Zhaohua and others are not rich enough for others, then the stock will eventually be in the hands of others, knowing that there is nothing in the company, it will be over. .

That's why Zhaohua brought Zhao Manyan and Mu Tingying over. There are only a few richest families in the country, so let's eliminate these families first to reduce the risk.

The second is fame, which is also the most important. Because your price has suddenly soared so high, any fool will know that it is strange, who will buy 10% of the last 10% you want to sell?

But now the eight of them are the most famous in the country, especially Zhaohua, his beast taming is simply a miracle, and everyone thought he had some special beast taming skills during the National Competition.

Therefore, no one will doubt why the stock price has soared so high. They will only think that someone knows the inside information and thinks that Zhaohua and others are going to research something awesome, so the stock price will continue to rise.

This is the so-called [cut leek].

But now, Zhaohua has met all these two conditions. As for meanness. . . This is not within Zhaohua's consideration.

Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue are honest people, doing business honestly, but he is indeed a dirty heart.

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