Full-time Summoner

Chapter 95 Snow Flies

"What the hell happened, who the hell can tell me!!"

Hu Zhangtian, vice president of Huacheng Magic Association, slapped the table angrily, and blamed a group of his subordinates who were eating dry food, because just when he was still patrolling in the city, the Magic Association sounded the warning signal, and it was still higher than orange. Level one blue.

Huacheng has not sounded the blue alert for four or five years. Why did it suddenly sound, and it was initiated by the Huacheng Magic Association, not by the Huacheng military. This means that there is a problem in the city, but Not the border.

"President Hu! Look at the city surveillance."

A person dressed like a researcher turned on the projection and released the situation outside. It happened to be the scene of Huacheng Square, and people froze and fell to the ground.

"Huh? What are those white spots?" Hu Zhangtian noticed that the people who fell on the ground had epilepsy not long after touching the white spots like snowflakes.

Epilepsy is also commonly known as epilepsy, a sudden onset of temporary brain dysfunction, sudden fainting, foaming at the mouth, loss of consciousness, and twitching of the whole body. It is very similar to the person who fell to the ground on the screen.

But epilepsy does not vomit blood, and it is not contagious. It is impossible for hundreds of people to suddenly go out with epilepsy.

"We don't know what it is."

"I don't know if you fucking don't know how to check it!!! I want Lao Tzu to teach you from sampling!"

Hu Zhangtian collapsed. After such a big thing happened, these people are still hiding in the association. It is obvious that those snow-like things are the source, and they will not take samples and come back for investigation. That's why he hates more and more mages nowadays. After graduation, they just want to get a stable job early. When they encounter problems, they think about protecting themselves and dare not take risks at all.

However, before Hu Zhangtian finished his next arrangement, the alert was sounded again. This time the alert came from the border. The only thing I felt lucky was that the color of the alert remained blue.

In the border military camp of Huacheng, the officer in charge of the border security of Huacheng looked at the densely packed insects in the distance with the telescopic equipment, like a bowl of sesame paste, and said: "What happened to the alarm in the city not long ago, the attack of the insects should be by We sounded the alarm."

"Report to the head of the legion, the Magic Association sent a report that it suddenly snowed in the city, and everyone who came into contact with the white snow would suffer from epilepsy. Now at least a thousand people have fallen to the ground due to epilepsy."

Li Jie, the head of the Huacheng Legion, frowned. The reason why Yaodu is a key city in China is that apart from the development of Yaodu itself and the many holy places for geographical practice, there is also the fact that Zerg Kingdom is here, and Zerg tribes often attack There are eleven cities in the demon capital, but they are all small-scale frictions.

But like today, something happened suddenly in the city, and the swarm came, no matter how you think about it, it can't be a coincidence.

Legion Commander Li Jie asked, "The other seven cities have also been attacked?"

There are eleven cities in the demon capital, the three most powerful cities are the core, surrounded by eight other cities, but the demon capital Zongguo almost surrounds the entire demon capital, so the Zerg tribes attack from all directions.

"Legion Commander, when are we going to fight out? This time, I must make up enough military merit and exchange for a Spirit Seed!" A military mage who looked quite young said excitedly.

After pondering, Li Jie shook his head and said: "If you don't kill them, everyone obeys orders! Use a defensive formation to support me!!"

Some of the military mages present were dumbfounded. Every time the leader of the devil army shouted to kill, kill, and rush, he actually asked to adopt a defensive formation? Was it taken away?

"No, Legion Commander. Why did they defend themselves? Those are just green silkworms and taro worms. We can handle them."

"That's right, Legion Commander, if you want to defend, how long will you have to defend?"

Li Jie said in a deep voice: "Wait until the Magic Association finds a way to deal with those Baixue."

Everyone looks at each other, solve? The white snow didn't come down here.

The results are often similar. Not only the military mages in Huacheng ordered to take defense, but all the military mages in the other seven cities focused on defense and did not rush out to kill the enemy at all. For a while, all the military camps outside the demon city did not have a fire department , The magic of the thunder system appeared, all the light of the water system, earth system, and light system was blooming.

No matter how the swarm attacked, the military mage didn't fight back, and if he couldn't hold it, he retreated, but didn't go out to fight.

On the other side, in the Huacheng Magic Arena, several principals teamed up to set up a defensive barrier to keep Baixue out.

Because when the first warning was sounded, it snowed heavily in the arena, and the students who came into contact with the white snow went mad. Fortunately, Ji Shao felt something and pulled Zhaohua away in time. Except for some lucky elementary mages, all other students who were still at the elementary level were recruited.

A few middle-level students could only delay the onset time, and they still couldn't escape after a while.

Zhaohua walked to one of the mages who was foaming at the mouth and had lost consciousness. He would occasionally twitch all over his body, but no matter how much he yelled, he couldn't wake him up.

[Looks like the old hunter's younger sister. 】Ji Shaohan followed cautiously, she walked around wherever there was snow on the ground, not daring to touch it.

Zhaohua also thought so, this symptom was too similar to the old hunter's sister, the symptoms were almost the same, so he wanted to verify some things.

Principal Qiu saw that Zhaohua wanted to touch him, and reminded him, "Be careful."

Zhaohua nodded, but he didn't dare to touch it. He stretched out his index finger and stopped five centimeters away from the student's forehead. A gust of wind came out from his fingertips. This is the wind track, but the wind track is very small, just right Can blow a little wind like a fan.

Principal Qiu has sharp eyesight, and he can tell at a glance that the wind track is different, because the wind track used by Zhaohua in the morning was still green, but now the color of the wind track has become more white.

Principal Qiu said in his heart: "Good boy, he even has wind spirit species. How many cards does this guy have hidden."

This is the wind of healing, with a healing effect. Zhaohua still remembers that the maid in the Parthenon Temple used healing magic to confirm that the old hunter's sister was not suffering from a disease, but was parasitized by parasites, which caused brain damage. Functional impairment will be like epilepsy, because the essence of epilepsy is a problem with the brain.

puff! Ahhh! ! ! ! The moment the healing wind touched the brain, the paralyzed student immediately screamed and vomited blood. Zhaohua quickly stopped.

"Sure enough." Zhaohua saw this symptom and was sure that it was the same thing as the old hunter's sister, both of which were parasitized by parasites.

Several principals asked in a daze, "What do you know?"

Zhaohua talked about meeting the old hunter and his sister again: "That's it. After waking up, the hunter's sister didn't remember how she was recruited in the first place, so she couldn't provide any clues."

Principal Ouyang of Huacheng No. 1 Middle School said: "I will contact the researchers of the Magic Association, Zhao Hua, and I may need you to talk about what happened just now."

"Oh, I don't know when the snow will fall."

Thank you Moshang Yinguixue for the reward, the boss is encouraging, the cumulative reward of 2000 will be added immediately, it is not accurate to calculate, but the rounding is almost the same. After reading the message, the outline has these.

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