Full-time Summoner

Chapter 947 Summoned Beast Conference

The Summoned Beast Conference is different from the Hunter Masters, National Competition, and Tianbang Ranking Competition. The Summoned Beast Conference is somewhat similar to auto shows, comic exhibitions, and academic exchange conferences.

Hosted by our country, the difference is that the Summoned Beast Conference is held every year.

Although this is an academic exchange conference held by our country itself, it is actually the highest-level conference in the world. Unlike other countries, the magic inheritance of our country from ancient times to the present is related to beasts, such as totem beasts, mountains and seas Alien beast.

In ancient times, they were guarded by the summoning plane, and there were only two ancient magic empires with the most powerful summoning magic, a tribal country headed by the ancient Indians in Peru, and our country.

Obviously, the ancient Indians have become extinct, so the only country that has not cut off the inheritance of the ancient summoning system from ancient times to the present is our country.

Naturally, the conference on summoned beasts held in our country is also the most famous in the world, and it is also a worldwide exchange conference.

Just like the Healing Magic Exchange Conference held by the Parthenon Temple itself, it is also the highest level in the world.

This time, the Summoning Beast Conference was held in the imperial capital, and Zhaohua finally doubled the share price of his beast taming company by 18 times in just half a month after a series of low-level moves.

Of course, it does not mean that it has risen eighteen times from its listing to half a month later, but that the stock price of the original shell company has increased eighteen times since it was acquired.

Zhaohua himself spent 300 million to buy this company that was originally selling animal taming supplies from the beginning, and then changed it into a specialized animal taming company. When Zhaohua and others joined and went public, the released stock price was already Six times as much as before. Then it tripled in half a month.

Now Zhaohua, Jiang Yu, and Jiang Shaoxu, eight people, just sold a little bit, and immediately returned their capital and made hundreds of millions, and they still have 92% of the stocks in their hands, although these stocks are Not for sale.

If we just look at the estimated net worth, the eight Zhaohua members are each worth tens of billions, but more than half of them are water.

Jiang Yu was waiting for the arrival of the three of Zhaohua at the Imperial Capital Airport, and the two of them, Ji Shaohan, naturally followed.

Seeing Zhaohua, Jiang Yu immediately shook his head with a wry smile and said: "You are really awesome. When my master saw that my asset valuation was higher than his, he would lament that he was old. Whatever you say, it is harder than the old man. How much money have you paid over the years? How did this money come about, and why is there so much.”

Zhaohua said with a smirk: "Stop making trouble, those stocks cannot be sold. If too many stocks are sold, the stocks in our hands will immediately turn into blank paper, which will cause panic in the market. You don't want to be scolded either."

Jiang Yu said with a guilty conscience: "But I don't think it's good to do this. After all, we don't have any actual achievements. If it goes on for a long time, we will still be found to have no strength."

Zhaohua patted Jiang Yu on the shoulder and said: "It's time for you to come out. When you have some research to release, you can do experiments in our company first. Anyway, you are also going to research on summoned beasts." Yes."

Jiang Yu was taken aback, looked at Zhaohua in surprise and said, "You figured it out early in the morning? Are you plotting against me?!"

Zhaohua smiled and said, "What are you calculating? This is not a platform for you to show off."

"You bastard!!"


Because the most important summoned animal baby pet auction has not started so soon, Zhaohua and Jiang Yu are looking around. In addition to the baby pet auction that starts at night, it will also attract summoning mages from all over the world. Come and see something new.

Naturally, the two Ji Shaoyin couldn't be interested in these things, so they went to visit the Summer Palace.

"Speaking of which, the Bird's Nest venue is quite big."

Zhaohua and Jiang Yu walked into the arena wearing hats and masks and found that it was much bigger than it looked from the outside, because Zhaohua saw some very large summoned beasts.

Both Zhaohua and Jiang Yu knew each other at that booth, and it belonged to the Victoria family from Grand Duke Irene. It was an extremely handsome flying dragon, with a yellow-brown body and a pair of bat wings spread tens of meters wide, which belonged to a typical biped flying dragon.

The scale armor on his body can fully protect himself from being attacked, and the two-legged flying dragon in front of him, Zhaohua and Jiang Yu guessed that it should have reached the strength of sub-command, seeing that there is nothing unusual about the quiet being touched by others, the two-legged flying dragon The taming level of the flying dragon is five or even six stars.

And this flying dragon naturally attracted a lot of spectators, and the Victoria family came to promote their family's success in taming the flying dragon.

Jiang Yu shrugged and said: "Their family can only brag, how many years have passed, and they still brag about how powerful their animal taming methods are everywhere, but in fact, after so long, mass production is still fast, I still When I was in the elementary level, I heard them say 'soon', and 'soon' until now I am advanced."

At this moment, at the booth of the Victoria family, a young man held a loudspeaker magic tool and said loudly: "We have achieved mass production and are now accepting orders from major magic families. The first mass-produced How to Train Your Dragon appeared."

Zhaohua turned his head to look at Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu was dumbfounded in surprise. The slap came so fast! ?

Zhaohua glanced at Jiang Yu and asked, "Why don't you go and see how they introduce you."

Jiang Yu nodded fiercely. If it is really energy production, it will be an epoch-making progress. When the time comes, there will be a one-stop manpower, so why should we be afraid of demons? !

Of course, if you are not afraid of monsters, you are just joking. After all, if you give the resources to raise dragons, then the resources of natural mages will not be enough. Now the entire magic world is short of resources.

Zhaohua and Jiang Yu approached the booth wearing masks and hats. There were a few baby dragons at the booth of the Victoria family, and their bloodlines were not miscellaneous dragons but pseudo-dragons. Commander level.

"Their family does have a way of breeding and cultivating dragons. Good guy, the ferocity of pseudo-dragons has disappeared."

Jiang Yu and Zhaohua naturally knew that such a pseudo-dragon would not be strong enough, not as wild as a wild one. But no matter how gentle they are, they are all dragons, and they can kill other weak monsters with one blow.

Zhaohua and the others got nothing after listening to it for a while, because the breeding method of dragons and how to get rid of their ferocity are all secrets, they just talked about how awesome their family is and what kind of suffering they have experienced.

"Victoria seems to have a sub-dragon-level baby pet put up for auction," Jiang Yu said.

Zhaohua nodded and said, "Well, I haven't received the contract summon of the third department yet."

Jiang Yu said speechlessly: "You are really awesome. Others will have to raise both of them for a lifetime. Which one is yours? Is it the ninth one? Are you not tired?"

"There are still two prodigals in the family." Zhaohua said with a smile.

While Ji Shao was shopping outside, the two of them sneezed suddenly at the same time, why did it feel like someone was talking about him?

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