Full-time Summoner

Chapter 952: Heavenly Crown Purple Linden Sacred Tree

Zhaohua said seriously: "It should be that a large number of creatures died in that war, and the blood stained the earth, and it was near the Tianguan Zilin tree, so this seedling was born. This seedling may have absorbed it for thirty years. The flesh and blood of the dead creatures from the previous battle might even have a bit of the power of the Tilia Tree."

Zhaohao looked at his grandson Zhaohua and nodded in satisfaction.

Zhaohua was well prepared from the very beginning, whether it was from the initial data collection or seeing the particularity of this seedling.

This seedling is definitely underestimated. Even the auction is arranged at the very end. Everything is cheaper.

So there are some more common things in the back, and things like the ghost mother flower demon, in fact, no one wants to be a summoned beast, only necromancers or summoners who have awakened the necromancer and summoning systems need it, pay attention There are not many people here, but Zhaohua has seen some clues based on some introductions.

When Zhaohua saw the introduction at the time, he felt strange, because if Zhaohua's speculation was true, it meant that it took thirty years for the seedling to germinate.

The growth cycle of plant monsters is relatively long, but according to Zhaohua's calculations, the nutrition in that battle was quite sufficient, which completely exceeded the nutrition needed by the ghost mother flower demon.

Just like cultivating summoned beasts, if there is a lot of nutrition provided, the germination time of the ghost mother flower demon must be faster, but now it is much slower.

Therefore, Zhaohua's analysis is that the seed of this ghost mother flower demon is not simple, that is, the body of this flower demon is a bit special, which requires a lot of nutrition and takes a long time.

Of course, this is not necessarily the reason. After all, it is speculated that it was because of the great war thirty years ago that the corpses were scattered across the field, and the blood flowed into a river to raise the ghost mother flower demon. This is just a guess.

What if it's not, it's something in recent years, so Zhaohua just treats it as a spare tire.

After hearing Zhaohua's analysis, Zhao Hao said with a smile: "It is said that your father also participated in the war between the White Magic Falcon and humans back then."

Zhaohua was startled, and asked curiously, "That was thirty years ago. At that time, my dad was only eighteen or nineteen years old, right, around the third year of high school?"

Zhao Hao nodded with a smile and said: "It's our fault too. Your father's identity could not be discovered after your father was born because of the problem of unicorn blood, and at that time I was only left with a sliver of soul. It was Qilin who forcibly continued Life is not dead, at that time your grandma was distracted and had no choice but to let the people of Zhaojia Village raise her, and they didn't give your father any help."

"Because of his unicorn blood, he practiced very quickly. At that time, he had already reached the bottleneck of the third level of the elementary fire system, and he had no money to buy resources to break through, so he ran to Yantai Kunyu during the annual vacation of the third year of high school. Look for resource breakthroughs on the outskirts of the mountain.”

Zhaohua's eyelids twitched, and he ran to the monster area of ​​Yantai Kunyu Mountain at the third level of the elementary fire system? ? This is really bold!

Zhaohua was taken aback, and asked suspiciously: "Isn't it right? Why did he go to the outskirts of Kunyu Mountain? Isn't there a demon area in Congcheng?"

Zhao Hao snickered: "It's not because of the unicorn blood. Your grandma is not as simple as an ordinary unicorn, but a purple unicorn. Your father also suffered a lot back then. And the linden of the Tianguan linden tree is a very Good resources, especially suitable for your father, and the Tianguan Zilin tree just moved from other places to the outskirts of Kunyu Mountain at that time, your father may have sensed something in the dark."

"The results of it?"

Zhaohao said: "The result... your father was confused and didn't know what to do, so he followed others to fight monsters. At that time, it seemed that some hidden totem beast betrayed mankind, and joined forces with the White Magic Falcon to completely occupy the Tianguan Zilin tree. , Later that totem's hermit guardian family fought with their own totem beast."

"In the end, humans won, the totem beast died, and the white magic eagle was expelled. Your father also got a blessing in disguise, and obtained the top purple linden from the Tianguan linden tree. The magic tool seems to be kept by him now."

Ji Shao, big and small, stared at each other. This legendary story is more exciting than novels.

It is conceivable that Zhaolang, who was only at the third level of the elementary fire system, had to work hard to survive the battle between the monarch and the super mage, and got a chance.

Seeing his grandson's adoring eyes, Zhaohao coughed twice and said, "Actually, your grandfather was so brave when I was young, and he was able to escape from the hands of the monarch and monsters when he was in the middle class."

Zhaohua didn't hear Zhaohao boasting about himself, but continued to ask: "Then did my dad go to find the Tianguan Zilin tree again?"

Zhaohao shook his head and said, "I don't know about that, but there shouldn't be any. As for the reason, you can go back and ask him."

Zhaohua picked up the phone directly, what year is this, do you still need to go back and ask? Immediately, he sent a WeChat message to his father, asking him if he had been to the outskirts of Kunyu Mountain again, and climbed the huge purple linden tree with the crown of the sky.

And Zhaolang replied almost in seconds, writing: [No, I always felt that the area around the Tianguan Zilin tree was not so safe, as if I was being watched all the time, you don’t want to go, do you? There is a huge crisis hidden in that place. 】

Zhaohua chatted for a few words and didn't continue the conversation. Originally, Zhaohua wanted to ask Zhaolang if he had seen a dirt area like the ghost mother mud, and it was impossible if Zhaolang hadn't been there for 30 years. Know.

The ghost mother flower demon seedlings are Zhaohua's third choice. The ghost mother flower demon Youji Shaoan doesn't have to worry about growth, and the ghost mother flower demon actually has great growth potential.

The ghost mother flower demon is born with three attributes, plant, undead and curse. And if there is a mutation during cultivation, plus the poison attribute or the shadow attribute, then the ghost mother flower demon with four attributes has the potential to reach the monarch level.

And there are ghost mother flower demons with four attributes. Of course, with four attributes, it is not a ghost mother flower demon, but an Asura flower demon. This kind of flower demon only exists in some extremely special places, and the birth conditions are very strict. Harshness cannot be cultivated artificially.

Because it has three black magic attributes, it is similar to the legendary three-faced ghost god Asura, so it is called Asura flower demon.

[The auction has started.  ̄O ̄)]

At this time, the auction finally started. Zhaohua and his grandfather chatted so much to ask Zhaohao to give some advice, because in addition to these three kinds of demon pets, there are other pets that are also good and have great potential. They are all very good, but they don't have a good compatibility with Zhaohua's summoned beast, so Zhaohua didn't think about it.

If the Haiyuan evil dragon and the unknown sea serpent egg were not auctioned off, Zhaohua would also consider something else.

Of course, the premise of all this is that these things are really what the seller introduced. If there is something tricky, it is naturally impossible.

And the first pet is the dragon egg of the sea dragon.

The atmosphere on the field was instantly heated up.

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