
In the face of Su Wenhao's inquiry, Reba Mei's eyes flashed gently, and said after a moment:

"Actually... Yes! "

Su Wenhao was slightly surprised:

"Is there really a script?"

Reba nodded, then shook her head.

"How to say, the script of the reality show is not the same as the script of the film and television drama, the rough one will tell you what kind of process this program will be, and the more detailed one will tell you what the result of this program will be."

"However, many variety shows, at the beginning, have no script, only a process."

"For example, in the first season of "Run Brother", every guest ran sweaty and out of breath, which was really confrontational, and the audience was also very enjoyable to watch."

"But in the following seasons, there was not even a drop of sweat on the guests' heads for a whole episode."

Su Wenhao replied carefully, and then nodded approvingly

"It seems to be true, why? Because there is a script? "

Reba opened the Weibo APP and casually looked at the hot search list of the entertainment sector.

"Because artists are very expensive, they are the fragrant food of every entertainment company, a cash cow, and a chicken that lays golden eggs."

"A wonderful confrontation means that there is a possibility of injury, so there are entertainment companies to hold them accountable, and some artists will also express dissatisfaction and post Weibo to rebuke the program team for not knowing how to protect artists."

"What's more, inciting fans to lead rhythmic online violence program groups."

"Later, the artists became more and more squeamish, just breaking a finger, it was like a thorny problem for the program team."

"So the program team began to make a script, which not only protected the star artists, but also ensured the effect of the program to a certain extent."

"It's just that the final cut out of the show feels less like a reality show and more like a dummy show."

Reba chattered, seemingly having endless opinions on these things.

"What I just said, don't say it outside, don't mention that I said it."

Su Wenhao raised four fingers in response with a vow:

"I send four, what Senior Sister told me today, God knows that you know I know, and there will definitely be no fifth person who knows!"

After all, Reba is a resident guest of the running man, and if she says that the show has a script, then there will be no need to go on variety shows in the future.

"However, most of the scripted ones are confrontational reality shows."

"For a slow variety show like "Longing for Life", the traces of the script are not so heavy, and it is more just to tell you a process."

"After all, that's all there is to the process and content, and doing some farm work should be a vacation."

Ding dong!

The doorbell rang.

"Hello, the meal you ordered has arrived!"


After dinner, Reba took out her phone.

"Junior Brother, let's open the black king fighter, right?"

"Work well when you work, of course you should be leisure when you are not working, and the best way to pass the time is to beat the king!"

Su Wenhao smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"But I won't!"

In fact, before crossing over, he was indeed a king lover.

I dare not say that it is particularly powerful, but it is also passable.

In the 18 years after the passage, I have almost forgotten my craft work, where can I remember what king?

Even what roles are in it, what kind of skills, and how to operate it are almost forgotten.


Reba was taken aback and looked at him like a rarity:

"Won't you beat the king?"

"It is said that this is already a national game, many boys will do it, won't you?"


Reba suddenly remembered something and obediently closed his mouth.

She forgot that Su Wenhao was an orphan.

Before being contracted, I used an old-fashioned keypad phone, and I didn't use a touch screen until a few days ago.

How is it possible to play a game in this situation?

"Hee-hee, it's going to be okay anyway, do you want to learn how to play games?"

"I'll teach you!"

Reba's big eyes flashed charmingly, and her beautiful eyes were full of excitement!

Who doesn't like being a good teacher?

Hit the king?


Su Wenhao looked down at his mobile phone, and nodded after thinking for a moment


Reba snatched his phone.

"Senior sister help you download!"

It was already in the app store because the game had a large file size, and it was finally installed after a long time of downloading.

Click on.


A voice that almost awakened Su Wenhao's DNA sounded.

This startup voice has been heard several times when playing games before, but it has long been forgotten in the past 18 years.

I didn't expect to be awakened again now.

However, because of the first launch, the game still needs to be upgraded.

Another long wait.


Su Wenhao couldn't help but yawn.

"Senior sister is already late, I'm going back, and I have to go to the mushroom house tomorrow."


Reba has been playing several rounds, and after hearing this, he looked at the screen of Su Wenhao's mobile phone before loading 98% of the progress bar, and couldn't help but flatten his mouth:

"This broken game, the Internet speed in the hotel is obviously fast, why hasn't it been updated for so long?"

"Are you sure you don't accompany Senior Sister to play a game?"

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