Su Wenhao's words surprised everyone on the deck and in the live broadcast room.

Reba asked in disbelief

"What did you just say? Eating sharks tonight? "

As she spoke, her expression looked in the direction of the deck.

That shark is already dying.

Thinking of eating this thing tonight, Reba's mood is very complicated, both some psychological obstacles and some curiosity at the same time.

Everyone else is similar, and who wouldn't want to taste what a shark tastes like?

What's more, this is still a large number of unprotected animals that can be used by small sharks!

What an unattainable opportunity!


He Jiong swallowed his saliva, already fantasizing about the taste of sharks.

"But I don't know if Teacher Huang Lei will get it."

Su Wenhao moved his wrist:

"I'll get it!"


He Jiong looked at him in surprise:

"You know how to cook sharks?"

Su Wenhao smiled and nodded:



Reba frowned and looked over, not saying anything, but very puzzled in her heart.

Didn't my junior brother live in the mountains for 18 years? How do you cook marine life?

I guess there is similar content in those books I read.

But what kind of food book will teach you to cook sharks?

The boat boss took out a net pocket and dragged the dying shark into a nearby tank with a little seawater.

"Then I'll help you put it up first, otherwise it will die on the way back, and it won't be fresh when you eat."

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

"Lying groove, Reba actually dropped a shark! I want to go fishing too! "

"Finally understand why I am in the Air Force every time, because the pattern is too small, real men should go sea fishing!"

"Sea fishing? You just didn't see Reba almost pulled into the sea? In case you hook a great white shark, who will catch whom? "

"People with deep-sea phobia don't dare to think about such a thing as sea fishing."

"I didn't expect that Brother Hao actually planned to eat sharks, which is also very surprising and expected!"


When everyone gathered around the shark, the kunai also looked over, but he did not leave his position, still holding the rod with both hands.

It is certainly very strange to catch a shark, but relatively speaking, he cares more about winning or losing with Su Wenhao!

Now Su Wenhao is also a grain of nothing, even if he catches a shrimp, it is a win!


At this time, the kunquan suddenly felt the fishing rod sink sharply, and his expression was overjoyed, and he exclaimed excitedly:

"Hooked! Hooked! Finally hooked! "

"Su Wenhao, you lost!"


The kunai laughed excitedly while frantically shaking the wheel on the rod to collect the fishing line.

It's just that the smile looks a little hideous, and it is a little low IQ.

Reba approached Su Wenhao and whispered

"Look at you, you're driving people into madness!"


Su Wenhao scratched his head with an innocent face.

"You can't blame me, I still haven't figured out why he hates me so much?"

He was also a little worried in his heart.

Are you going to lose?

There is nothing to bow to each other in public.

The problem is to give 100 yuan!

The kunai grew more and more excited, and his laughter echoed throughout the deck.

"Hahahahaha! Boom! "

"Su Wenhao, look at what I caught!"

After speaking, he felt that the fishing line had almost been closed, and then suddenly lifted the rod hard!

Everyone on deck looked over, curious about what was so excited about the kunai.

Even the photographer aimed the lens.


A long strip of things was pulled out of the sea.

Then landed on the deck and bounced a few times.


Make a few crisp sounds.

The kunai ran over excitedly to see his loot.


"Let me see what I dropped... Groove! "

After seeing what was on the deck, Kun Kun couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth.

Fishing rod!

There is a wet fishing rod lying on the deck!

Take a closer look, the hook of this fishing rod and the hook of the rod in the hand of the kunquan are actually enough together!

This probability, the red line drawn by the old moon is not so accurate, right?

After seeing this thing, the kunquan was stunned.

Su Wenhao was happy.


"Catch a rod with a fishing rod?"

"This strength is indeed extraordinary!"

Reba and the others were already laughing forwards and backwards.

The live broadcast room is even more joyful.

"Hahaha, I've seen fishing, I've seen the Air Force, but I've never seen a fishing rod!"

"Che, what is this? I lost the key in the river last year, and I didn't find it when I touched the neighborhood, but I went fishing two days ago and actually caught it! "

"The last time I fished was in the middle of the night, and I caught a body with a sharp rod, which scared me to death, but why is the body so light? Bold to take a closer look, especially an inflatable doll! Gan Lin Niang! Who has no sense of morality and throws his wife into the river? "

"To be honest, I really fished out the tools of the wanted criminal, and I was rewarded by the police department at that time."

"Hahaha, the angler is really a very magical existence, except for fish, it is possible to catch anything!"


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