Zhao Xiaoli felt that Su Wenhao was really too much, and felt that Su Wenhao was just giving a face.

Their family has a very high status in the entertainment industry, and ordinary people will do everything in order to coerce them.

Their family has never been rejected.

Especially Zhao Xiaoli, who grew up with a golden key since she was a child, no one dared to refuse her.

However, at this moment, Su Wenhao actually rejected her, which made Zhao Xiaoli's heart not to mention how angry she was.

Zhao Xiaoli's whole person clenched her fists angrily, and said through gritted teeth:

"This Su Wenhao is really too much, he thinks he is something, he is just a small actor, there are many leukemia experts in the world, do I need to find him?"

Zhang Hailin heard Zhao Xiaoli's words, his face was really embarrassing, how ugly, and reminded Zhao Xiaoli.

"Although there are many leukemia experts in the country, their level is not as good as mine, if I can't save Mr. Zhao Leixin, then others can't save it."

Zhao Xiaoli didn't believe in this evil at all, rolled her eyes, and said very disdainfully towards Zhang Hailin:

"Do you think I'll believe your? You are just a trash, you don't have the ability to rely on some side doors to deceive people, if I believe you and Su Wenhao, I am a fool. "

Zhang Hailin never expected that Zhao Xiaoli actually said such a thing.

Her words are really hurtful.

I am also an expert, and I am also the top expert in the country.

Zhao Xiaoli actually dared to say such a thing, how could Zhang Hailin accept it?

Zhang Hailin is also an expert with a head and a face.

When ordinary people see his words, they will be respectful.

However, Zhao Xiaoli actually disrespected herself so much, which made Zhang Hailin almost angry to death.

Zhang Hailin pointed at Zhao Xiaoli, and his whole fingers trembled with anger, and said to Zhao Xiaoli angrily:

"You are really a fool, Mr. Zhao Leixin was killed alive by you."

Zhao Xiaoli heard Zhang Hailin's words, and felt very unhappy in her heart, feeling that Zhang Hailin was simply disrespectful to her when she said this.

So Zhao Xiaoli's whole expression became indifferent, and said very domineeringly towards Zhang Hailin:

"I shouldn't have brought you here today, I've already hired a better leukemia specialist, and this specialist is coming soon."

After Zhang Hailin heard Zhao Xiaoli's words, a trace of disdain crossed his face, and he said towards Zhao Xiaoli without curiosity:

"You just pull down, only I am the best leukemia expert in the country, no one is stronger than me, those people you are looking for are just garbage in front of me, they still have to consult me."

Zhao Xiaoli heard Zhang Hailin's words, a sneer crossed her face, and said to Zhang Hailin:

"In the whole country, you may be the top leukemia specialist, but if you look at the whole world, you are not necessarily the top."

Hearing Zhao Xiaoli's words, Zhang Hailin's entire expression became solemn.

He suddenly had a feeling that Zhao Xiaoli had found a more powerful expert.

Suddenly, at this time, a bodyguard hurriedly came to Zhao Xiaoli's side and said to Zhao Xiaoli:

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Smith is here."

After Zhao Xiaoli heard the bodyguard's words, a smug smile slipped across her face and said to the bodyguard:

"Hurry up and invite Mr. Smith in."

After Zhang Hailin heard the name Smith, his whole expression became surprised, and he couldn't help but ask Zhao Xiaoli:

"Is this Smith the Smith of Eagle Sauce Country?"

Zhao Xiaoli said to Zhang Hailin without hesitation:

"That's right, it's Smith from Eagle Sauce Country, he's the world's top leukemia expert, much stronger than you."

Zhang Hailin's face crossed with a trace of disbelief, and he couldn't help but ask Zhao Xiaoli:

"Why did you invite him?"

A confident smile crossed Zhao Xiaoli's face, and she said towards Zhang Hailin:

"It's really a coincidence, this Mr. Smith happened to come to Tang Kingdom for tourism recently, and after learning that he was coming, I invited him over at a high price, and now I don't need you anymore, you hurry up." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhang Hailin heard Zhao Xiaoli's words, and the whole person's expression was really as gloomy as it was.

This Zhao Xiaoli actually gave herself an eviction order.

And also let yourself roll.

What should I do about this?

This made Zhang Hailin really feel quite embarrassed.

Zhang Hailin thought about it carefully, and he couldn't leave yet.

Although this Zhao Xiaoli is not very polite to herself, Zhao Leixin is very good to herself.

If he left at this moment of crisis, wouldn't he be too sorry for Zhao Leixin?

So Zhang Hailin's expression became serious, and he said to Zhao Xiaoli:

"'I won't leave, I'll leave when I see Mr. Zhao Leixin wake up safely.'"

A trace of disdain crossed Zhao Xiaoli's face, and she said to Zhang Hailin:

"As you like, anyway, we have more of you here, not much of you, less of you, and it's the same with you or without you."

Zhang Hailin really felt a great humiliation.

Usually, when he treats others, how dare the patient say such a thing?

However, Zhao Xiaoli actually said such words, which made him really depressed to the extreme.

Although he felt very depressed in his heart, Zhang Hailin still forced himself to endure it.

I want to see if this Shi Mi (Qian Nuo Zhao) Si can cure Zhao Leixin's disease.

If Smith can cure Zhao Leixin's disease, this is also a good thing.

But if Smith can't do anything, he must invite Su Wenhao to come to the country.

If Su Wenhao is not invited, in the end, Zhao Leixin is likely to die completely.

At this time, a blond foreigner slowly walked to the ward.

After Zhao Xiaoli saw this foreigner, she did not hesitate and directly greeted him warmly.

This foreigner is none other than Smith.

After Smith and Zhao Xiaoli exchanged polite pleasantries, his gaze fell on Zhang Hailin's body.

This made Smith frown, and couldn't help but ask Zhang Hailin:

"Are you Mr. Zhang Hailin?"


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