Su Wenhao just put the jar down.

The kunquan came over with a smile on his face, holding a white wine bottle to pour him wine.

"Brother Hao, I'm really sorry to make such a big unpleasant trouble with you today."

"This glass of wine is my apology, if you forgive me, then dry it!"


Su Wenhao was happy.

Does this guy have no intelligence?

I almost wrote the words 'I want to get you drunk' on my face.


Su Wenhao pretended to be difficult:

"I have forgiven you!"

"Let's not drink wine, I don't drink well, I'm afraid that I will drink too much and be ugly!"


Kun's eyes lit up, and his expression was full of excitement that could not be concealed.

Afraid of being ugly?

What Lao Tzu wants is that you are ugly!

The heart is full of resentment, but there is still a smile on the face, and even some blame:

"Brother Hao, if you refuse to drink this wine, then you still haven't forgiven me!"

"If you really forgive me, drink it dry!"

As he spoke, he began to pour wine into the enamel jar in front of Su Wenhao.


It is another shame for me, and another fraud of my money, when will this account not be reported today?

Drunking you and making you a bad adult is just one of my two revenge plans.

Su Wenhao looked at the slow glass of white wine in front of him, and looked up at him with a smile:

"Although you have a small belly today, snarky, kick your nose on your face!"

"But I really forgave you a long time ago!"

"I'm also worried that if I win you 10,000 yuan today, you will hate me."

Win me $10,000?

Special, you're punting me for 10,000 yuan!

The kunai squeezed out a smile and shook his head:

"How can I hate you?"

"I'm willing to gamble and lose! May the gamble be lost! Hahaha! "

10,000 yuan is really not much for him, the top class.

But shame!

This revenge is not a gentleman!

Su Wenhao asked rhetorically

"Really don't hate me?"

"Don't hate!"

"Are you sure you don't hate?"

"Sure not to hate!"

After getting the answer, Su Wenhao stretched out his left hand to take the enamel jar of Kun Kun and picked up another bottle of white wine from the ground.

"Since you don't hate me anymore, then you will accompany me to make a toast."

"All our grudges are in the wine."


The kunai pretended to be a little caught off guard and kept shaking his hand.

"No, no, no, I won't accompany you!"


He refused in his mouth, but he had already laughed in his heart, because he had already seen through Su Wenhao's routine, and now he was completely calculating!


Who was my brother afraid of?

When I go to KTV to drink beer, I always stand in and stand out!

Although I haven't drunk baijiu much, I should have no problem with my own amount of alcohol!

Su Wenhao took the wine bottle and poured the same amount into the enamel jar.

"If you don't drink it, then you still hate me, so let's have a drunken grudge!"

"Anyway, after drinking, you can go back to the house and sleep if you can't bear it."

The corners of the mackerel's mouth rose slightly.

The surname Su, I have completely understood your routine, don't you just want me to drink with you, and want to get me drunk?

Hmph, wait for the planting, this time will definitely make you a big ugly in front of Reba and others!

"Well, in that case, Brother Su and I won't get drunk or return! Dry! "

Brother Su?


Su Wenhao felt speechless for a while, how could he have the illusion of traveling to ancient times?

"Come on! Dry! "


After the two clinked glasses, they raised their heads and drank.

Bang bang bang!

Su Wenhao finished the wine in the glass in a few sips, and then the mouth of the cup turned down to signal that he had drunk dry.

On the other hand, on the side of the kunai, it is obvious that he drinks it hard.

Nima, why does this liquor taste so strong?

No matter, do it in one go!

Bang bang bang!

The kunai held his breath, raised his head and drank the wine in the cup, and then also turned the mouth of the glass down.

"I'm doing it too, fierce or not!"

Su Wenhao gave a thumbs up, his body shook slightly, and he pretended to be a little dizzy in his head:


"Our grudge has been erased."

"I can't drink anymore, I may have to get drunk if I drink it again, and it will be ugly when the time comes!"

To be honest, the kunai is also a little dizzy in the head now.

The main thing is to drink too strongly.

But seeing Su Wenhao's dizzy update, how can he let go of this good opportunity to chase after the victory?

Immediately picked up the bottle and put it up again :

"Good things come in pairs! Let's have another drink for the two of us! "

Su Wenhao stretched out his hand to cover the mouth of the cup and gently shook his head:

"I'll get drunk if I drink again!"

The kunai was not happy, and his face was pale:

"Don't give face, do you?"


Seeing him like this, Su Wenhao helplessly took his hand away.

Since that's the case, then don't blame my brother, I destroyed the flowers with my hot hands!

"Okay, then let's have another drink!"

After hearing this, Kun Kun immediately filled the cup for the two people again.



The two of them toasted again.

After putting down the wine glass, Su Wenhao shook even more.

"Wen Hao?"

Reba shouted with concern.

Su Wenhao raised an eyebrow at him lightly, and made a wink, indicating that he was fine.

Then he pretended that his tongue was a little unfavorable:

"Kun... Brother Kun, I can't stand it a little, don't drink it! "

He kind of understood it, and the more he withdrew, the harder he became.

Then let's just retreat and move forward.

With the ability of [top fitness], his physical fitness has long exceeded many people, and he dare not say that a thousand cups are not drunk, and drinking a kunai is still more than enough.

Kunhao's head was indeed a little dizzy, but seeing that Su Wenhao was a little soft, he ignited his fighting spirit again:

"How can you do it without drinking?"

"Just now we drank two cups is a double happiness, and then a Sanyang Kaitai!"


Su Wenhao couldn't help but cover his mouth and snickered.

Special, still with words?

Seeing this, He Jiong quickly opened his mouth to persuade:

"You two don't just drink and eat!"

Peng Peng said with a smile

"I suddenly found that we have three singers here, Brother Wenhao, Sister Ziqi, and Brother Kun, don't you show it?"


The kunai seemed to be awakened by this sentence, and suddenly slapped the table.

The sudden movement frightened the others.


Who is my brother? Top little fresh meat!

Singing, dancing, rapping, basketball, whatever?

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