
Yang Mi's originally suppressed anger rushed up again.

"Su Wenhao!"


Su Wenhao, who was playing with his mobile phone, raised his head and looked towards Yang Mi.

"Sister Honey, what's wrong?"


Yang Mi grinds her teeth, are you embarrassed to ask me what's wrong?

I actually agreed to Rondani for the sake of this person?

Now I regret it!

This bastard really wants to go back and hang on the beam of the house with a whip! Take candle drops!


Dragon Danny also held his mobile phone to follow the live broadcast dynamics.

Can't help but be happy.

It seems that I have done a very good business again!

Although this Su Wenhao has some talent, he is obviously a very lax person, and Yang Mi cut off this person, but it was like a treasure.

For the sake of him actually agreed to co-produce film and television dramas together.

That film and television drama is expected to invest 30 million yuan, even if Yang Mi participates in it superficially, three or five million will still have to be taken out.

According to Rondani years of market experience, it is predicted that the theme will most likely hit the street.

If it weren't for the person who recommended this theme, it would be difficult for her to refuse, otherwise she would have given this project PASS a long time ago.

Yang Mi, you are still tender, you are not very good at looking at people's eyes!



The audience was amused again.

Yang Mi stretched out her right hand towards Su Wenhao angrily:

"Give me the phone, take it!"


Su Wenhao was stunned for a moment.



He felt like he hadn't heard the word in a long time.

But seeing Yang Mi's expression, she handed over the phone with a very reluctant expression.


The audience is even more hi.

"I'm going to be laughed to death by Sister Honey and Brother Hao!"

"Laugh? I'm scared now, and when Sister Honey said the words confiscation, I looked up at the door, and I thought my mother came in to collect her mobile phone'~. "

"It's really fun, the other players are nervously preparing for the game, but Brother Hao is playing the game relaxed."

"When I was watching the live broadcast, I kept thinking about when the director would cut the lens, and I wanted to see if Brother Hao's "Sheep is a Sheep" has passed!"


The chief director of the backstage could not help but help.

At the moment when the live broadcast shot was given to Su Wenhao, netizens suddenly became active.

I'm a draft, can you focus on the game?

It's a good deal.

I complained so much in my heart, but I still let the camera focus on Su Wenhao.


In the live broadcast screen, Su Wenhao reluctantly handed over his mobile phone to Yang Mi.

After Yang Mi took the mobile phone, she felt that hatred in her heart, and she really wanted to drag this guy to the small black room and clean up properly!

"Can't you just put your mind on the game?"

Since the start of the show "Children of Tomorrow", the contestants of Yang Mi's Shengshi beauty track have been controversial.

The reason is that the first standard line chosen by the Shengshi beauty track is to look good.

This also led to the fact that the runners on this track were very unsolid in singing, and the first round of the runner's broken voice at the beginning was the best proof.

So the only bearer on Yang Mi's side is Su Wenhao! This is the hottest Su Wenhao at the moment!

However, I never expected that this bastard would actually play "Sheep a Sheep" during the game?

"I see you're itchy?"

Yang Mi said with a smile, but Su Wenhao could clearly feel a murderous aura from this smile, as if Boss Yang would pounce on him at any time!

Su Wenhao said defensively: (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Didn't you tell us to relax just now?"

Yang Mi shook her phone.

"That's how relaxed you are?"

Su Wenhao nodded, and said a serious nonsense:

"Yes, I call this a distraction relaxation Dafa, too focused on the stage, I am afraid that I will have stage fright after going on stage."

"In order to exert better strength, I had to use this method, but I didn't expect you to understand me!"

"Oh, my heart hurts!"

Looking at his clumsy acting skills, Yang Mi was really speechless in her heart, and now it is my fault?

The audience was happier.

"What the hell? Why is there a sense of déjà vu that Brother Hao is coquettish? "

"I also really want to see in Yang Mi a majesty that seems to come from the elders."

"Although Brother Hao is an artist under Jiahang Company, they don't feel like bosses and artists at all, but like elders and nights, sisters and younger brothers."

"What happened to the sudden feeling of wanting to knock CP?"


Yang Mi looked at Su Wenhao with stern eyes:

"Young Master Su, how is the mobile phone relaxed after playing for so long?"

Su Wenhao nodded:

"It's time to relax!"

Yang Mi put the mobile phone on the table in front of her:

"Then you go on stage."

"Good performance, mobile phone back to you."

"Otherwise I'll format it for you!"


Su Wenhao immediately stood up, looked at the stage with a serious expression, raised his right hand and said:

"For the phone, I'll come next!"

After saying that, he walked towards the direction of the stage.


Zhang Xiaoxiao's heart was speechless.

No way?

No way?

After hosting for so many years, he has seen people come to the stage in order to show themselves, and some people challenge themselves to come to the stage.

And Su Wenhao?

It turned out to be for the sake of the mobile phone!

It was the first time he had seen this kind of thing.

The conversation between Yang Mi and Su Wenhao was seen and heard by everyone, including Hua Chenyu and Xue Ziqian, who were sitting next to them.

I heard that there is a talent in the Shengshi beauty track, that's it?

"Su Wenhao, are you sure you want to perform now?"

On the stage, Zhang (Li Nuo Zhao) asked a little.

"Sure, very sure!"

"Because if I don't go on stage, Sister Honey won't give me back the phone!"

Su Wenhao looked aggrieved, it was like a complaint.

"Well, please prepare before the performance, after Su Wenhao's performance, the remaining players of the other two tracks can raise their hands to challenge him Yang!"

Then Su Wenhao walked to the corner of the stage, and some staff began to debug his microphone, check the music, etc.

When Yang Mi saw this scene, she somewhat regretted it.

Too impulsive, let Su Wenhao unprepared love words, rashly come to power, will it play a defeat?

Only the phone should be confiscated and then he should be allowed to sit and watch the show.

But at this point, regret is useless, so I can only hope that he really relaxes and can perform perfectly on stage.


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