Just having fun, the staff came over:

“Dear players, let me introduce you to the process of the competition.”

Then he took a dossier and spoke in detail.

A moment later.

“Okay, that’s about the process.”

“Specific rules, when the game is held, the host will introduce it to everyone.”

“Okay, when you guys appear, please follow me!”

Then, under the guidance of the staff, the 12 contestants walked towards the studio together.


Host Zhang Xiaoxiao said to the live broadcast camera:

“Dear audience friends, welcome to the live broadcast of “Children of Tomorrow”!”

“Today brings you the second round of the preliminary round of [Shengshi Beauty Circuit].”

“First of all, let’s have our star promoter!”


Amid the applause of the audience, Yang Mi walked on slender legs and appeared on the stage with two other judges.

“I still want to bring you a wonderful draft today!”

“Please also support our players!”

After taking a seat, Zhang Xiaoxiao continued:

“Let’s welcome the 12 contestants with the warmest applause!”


The applause broke out again.

The large screen on the stage slides away from the middle to the sides.

The 12 contestants waved their hands and walked out, came to the middle of the stage, and stood facing Yang Mi and others.

Yang Mi looked at everyone with a smile in her eyes, stayed for a few seconds when facing Su Wenhao’s four eyes, and then looked elsewhere.

However, her afterglow has been staring at Su Wenhao.

She had heard about writing the theme song for “Big Fish and Begonia”, and she also knew about the other party’s payment of 40,000 yuan.

I really deserve to be raised by me, it is so good.

What many people can’t do for two years after their debut, they can do it within two hours of appearance.

Because he did not sign a formal contract, Su Wenhao is not yet considered his debut.

Among the 12 people in front of him, Yang Mi is looking forward to him the most.

But now that she is recording a program, and it is still a live broadcast, Yang Mi can’t focus too much on Su Wenhao.

“Wow, what an eye-catching handsome guy, 12 handsome guys, 12 happy!”

“Among them, I saw Su Wenhao at once, tall and handsome, which made people drool.”

“I’m also here for Su Wenhao, I’ve listened to that song “Lifetime” several times, and the more I listen to it, the more I like it.”

“The audio track extracted from the live broadcast has a lot of noise, kneeling to make a studio version!”

The netizens in the live broadcast room are also very excited to discuss.

As a judge and host of “Children of Tomorrow”, Zhang Xiaoxiao has to control the process.

“12 contestants, please say hello to everyone! Start from left to right. ”

Under his command, the contestants introduced themselves in turn.

“Hello everyone, my name is Su Wenhao!”


When Su Wenhao introduced himself, the scene burst into the warmest applause of the day.

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at the script in his hand and continued:

“Next, I want to introduce the rules and the order of appearances for this preliminary round.”

“There are 12 people in the second round of “Children of Tomorrow”, and after the competition, 4 players will advance to the next round, which means that 8 people will be eliminated, so please treat it with caution.”

“Let’s talk about the order of appearance, in the week after the first round of preliminary rounds, the program team opened online voting, and the contestants will appear in order of most votes to least.”

“But there is a privilege here, that is, the player with the first vote can choose the order of appearance, which means that you can appear as many as you want.”

“At the same time, the first player with the vote also has a benefit, that is, they can sit next to Yang Mi and watch the game together.”


After hearing this, Yang Mi instantly straightened up.


She didn’t look at the rules before she went on the court today, and there is such a thing?

She glanced to the side, there was a sofa next to the single sofa she was sitting on, even if someone was next to her, the distance was relatively far away, and it was acceptable.

After hearing this rule, whether it was the audience, netizens in the live broadcast room, or those contestants, all their eyes lit up and became excited.

It is already a good deal for the first place to be able to choose the order in which they play.

I didn’t expect that I could sit next to the big beauty Yang Mi and watch it together, this benefit is too enviable, right?

Even if it is eliminated, this kind of thing can blow for half a year.

“Have you eaten?”

“What? How do you know that I once watched a variety show with Yang Mi? ”

“I asked if you ate it?”

“That’s right, I’ll sit next to Yang Mi!”

Just thinking about it is exciting.

Zhang Xiaoxiao took the microphone and said:

“Who can be so lucky? Let’s take a look at the big screen! ”

Then everyone turned to look at it together.

Photos of the 12 contestants appear on a large screen, with the number of votes shown below.

Zhang Xiaoxiao took the microphone and said loudly:

“In the past week, the player with the highest number of votes was.”

“Su Wenhao!”

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