Su Wenhao suddenly remembered something, at the end of the second round of preliminary rounds, his reputation value reached 1 million!

The system seems to have something turned on.

Because the show was still being recorded at the time, he didn’t care, and he would have the energy to understand it in the plane.

Then he moved slightly and unfolded the system panel in front of his sight.

【Heavenly King System】

Host: Su Wenhao

Ability: Top singing voice, top fitness

Reputation: 115,6673


After seeing the numbers, he couldn’t help but take a breath.

1.15 million!

How good it would be if it was money!


This thing is worth more than money, because you can’t buy it with money.

The value of the work exchanged for 1 million prestige is probably greater than 1 million!

“System, what do you mean when you say that you have turned on new functions?”

He asked in his mind.

“Dingdong, return to the host, currently turn on the system lottery function.”

“Draw? What’s in it? ”

“Dingdong, back to the host, anything is possible!” Each draw costs 1 million reputation points, please ask if the lottery is drawn. ”


Su Wenhao hesitated.

He wanted to keep the 1 million to redeem the song, but on second thought, he still has 1 exchange voucher in his hand, which can be worth 1 million.

“Then I’ll take a lottery.”

“Dingdong, deduct 1 million reputation points, and the system lottery begins!”


A stack of golden cards appeared in front of Su Wenhao’s sight, shining brightly.

Golden Legend?

“Dingdong, please draw a card with the content of the prize you won in this lottery.”

Su Wenhao stretched out his finger, and then:

“Point the soldiers, fight on horseback, point out who it is, follow me!”

Soon pulled out one.

The golden card came directly in front of his line of sight with his back to him, then reversed.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a skill: top cooking in this lottery!”

【Top cooking, you have now become a top chef, whether it is Chinese or Western, you can bring any dish at your fingertips! 】


Then a stream of information poured into his mind, Su Wenhao is now an old chef in the back kitchen for many years, giving him any ingredients can make a sumptuous meal!


After seeing this ability, Su Wenhao was about to cry.

In the past 18 years, he has eaten sauerkraut beef noodles almost every day, and he sometimes has the illusion of eating them, as if there is a smell of smelly feet?

Sometimes in order to be nice to yourself, I will add heiji ham sausage.

Fortunately, when the system was turned on, I obtained the ability of [Top Fitness], and made up for all the nutrients lost in the past 18 years.

If you have this ability, you can make yourself less hard for at least these 18 years!

It’s not bad to have it now, at least you can have a big meal later.


Just thinking about it, Yang Mi, who was sleeping on his shoulder, let out a grunt, rubbed her little head on his shoulder, and then fell asleep again.

Su Wenhao smiled slightly.

Unexpectedly, Boss Yang, who was fierce in front of people, was like a little milk cat after falling asleep.

He looked up at the luggage rack above, and in the trunk there was a yellowed picture book, the only item he had left about the fox.

Since you can’t find [Fox] in a short time, let’s go your own life path.


After the plane traveled for a while, it began to drop altitude.


When landing, the cushioning of the landing gear makes a sound.

Yang Mi was awakened from her sleep by this sound, and she often flew around by plane, and she had taken this sound when she landed as an alarm clock.

She slowly opened her eyes.


That’s when I realized what I seemed to be leaning on.

Look up.

It turned out to be Su Wenhao’s shoulder!

Yang Mi instantly came to her senses, quickly sat upright, stretched out her hands to cover her face.

My cheeks are a little hot.

Oh my God, who am I leaning on his shoulder?

Yang Mi was like a frightened little milk cat, timidly looking towards Su Wenhao.


She breathed a sigh of relief, Su Wenhao leaned on the back of the chair as if she had fallen asleep, if she saw her gaffe, wouldn’t she have to laugh at me.


Su Wenhao did not sleep, but was just closing his eyes to recuperate, feeling the pressure on his shoulders suddenly disappear, so he opened his eyes and looked over.

Giggle…… Hee-hee.

Yang Mi smiled awkwardly:

“How long did I sleep?”

Su Wenhao recalled very seriously:

“After telling me about the fair-skinned and beautiful female assistant, you fell asleep.”


For a moment, Yang Mi suddenly felt less shy.

A fair-skinned and beautiful female assistant?

Do you remember it until now?

“Ahem, don’t have those strange memories, why didn’t you wake me up after pressing on your shoulder for so long?”

Su Wenhao gently moved his shoulders:

“Because I saw you sleeping soundly, I didn’t want to wake you up.”

I didn’t want to wake up.

After hearing this, Yang Mi was very happy, and you have a little conscience.

However, Su Wenhao’s next sentence made Yang Mi want to strangle him.

“Boss, you drool when you sleep, and lo and behold, your clothes are all wet by you.”


Yang Mibei bit her teeth lightly, and the good feeling that had just emerged disappeared in an instant.

“Shut me up!”

“You don’t care about beautiful women!”

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