Su Wenhao smiled after serving the lamb chops:

“Okay, it’s ready to eat!”

“Let’s serve the food together!”

Hearing this, Yang Mi and Reba immediately came to the spirit and ran very enthusiastically to help serve the food.

Soon, four dishes, a soup and rice, were all on the table.

“Oh my God, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed that you had done it all!”

Yang Mi looked at the dishes on the table, and then at Su Wenhao, her eyes full of differences.

It is incredible that an orphan who has been sponsored by himself for 18 years can have such cooking skills.

Su Wenhao smiled and said:

“Taste it!”

Reba couldn’t help it for a long time, and when he heard this, he immediately picked up his chopsticks and went to clamp them.

“Delicious, it’s so delicious!”

“It’s no exaggeration to say that this cooking is better than the high-end restaurants in this community!”

“Wenhao, which school did you learn to cook?”


Under the table, Yang Mi raised her foot and stepped on Reba’s foot.

“Oh, why are you stepping on me?”

Su Wenhao replied with a smile

“I didn’t go to school, I learned it myself from the book.”

Reba looked at him with curiosity on her face


“Wow, that’s amazing, but why don’t you go to school?”


Yang Mi kicked again, more than the strength just now.

“Oh, what are you doing, sister honey?”

In the face of Reba’s scolding, Yang Mi gritted her teeth and said:

“If it’s delicious, you can eat more, ask so much!”


Yang Mi found that she had just ignored a question and hadn’t told Reba about Su Wenhao’s life.

I didn’t expect to ask it at the dinner table.

Su Wenhao replied very calmly:

“Because I am an orphan, a kind person sponsored me for 18 years to let me live to this point.”

“It’s not easy to live, where is the money to study.”

On the first day of the crossing, Su Wenhao accepted this.

Orphan start, this is the chosen child!

Reba was confused, and his little mouth stuffed with lamb chops and rice bulged like a cute little hamster.

She looked at Yang Mi with surprise on her face.


Because there was something in her mouth, it made her not speak very sharply.

But as soon as she said the beginning, Yang Mi understood what she meant.

Yang Mi didn’t answer, just nodded.

After seeing this action, a sense of guilt rose in Reba’s heart, and she looked at Yang Mi with a reproachful gaze.

Why didn’t you tell me in advance?”

Speaking of people is not short, if it were until Su Wenhao’s life, she would definitely not reveal people’s scars just now.


Without waiting for Reba to say anything, Yang Mi preemptively said:

“Okay, let the past pass, don’t mention it again.”

“Wenhao is now a very powerful player in “Children of Tomorrow”, and there will definitely be a bright future in the future.”

“Sister Honey’s eyes have always been vicious, you have to believe me!”

Su Wenhao understood what she meant by wanting to ease the atmosphere.

“Thank you, Sister Honey, in fact, you don’t have to deliberately avoid it.”

“As the saying goes, heroes don’t ask about provenance, my starting point may be relatively low, but I will try to make my achievements not low.”

Reba swallowed the food in her mouth.

“Well said!”

“It was indeed my slip of the tongue just now.”

“Don’t worry, Senior Sister will cover you in the future, and will definitely not let you be bullied by others!”


Su Wenhao was stunned for a moment:

“Senior sister?”

“Am I entering some sect?”

Reba immediately laughed triumphantly:

“You don’t know anything about this, don’t you?”

“Brokerage companies sometimes rank seniors in the order of signing, regardless of age, whoever signs in first is the senior.”

“You just signed a contract today, call me senior sister is not a loss, right?”

“Come, shout and listen!”


Su Wenhao is a little difficult to say, this title is a bit embarrassing.

But seeing Reba’s beautiful eyes flashing with expectation, who can bear this?

“Division… Masters. ”


Reba was in a good mood, smiling, that appearance was really worthy of the three beauties of the Western Regions.

“So good! Senior sister will cover you in the future! ”

“Do you have anything to do tomorrow? Is there an announcement? ”

Su Wenhao shook his head:

“No, if there is, it is also to prepare for next week’s “Children of Tomorrow” competition.”

“There’s nothing else to do for the time being, after all, I just signed a contract.”

Reba took a sip of the water cup and completely fed the food in his mouth.

“Since there’s nothing to do, then you come with me tomorrow.”

“Senior sister takes you to meet the world.”


Su Wenhao was taken aback:

“Come with you?”

Yang Mi also looked over curiously:

“Where are you taking him?”

Reba brought another piece of lamb chop:

“I’m going to participate in the recording of “Longing for Life” tomorrow, since Wenhao has nothing to do, it’s better to take him over.”

“It may not give any shots, but it is a chance to make him familiar with Teacher He and Teacher Huang.”

“It may be of great benefit to his future development.”

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