Netizens in the live broadcast room recognized this male guest for the first time.

“Crouch! Kun! ”

“emmm…… Upstairs are you serious? ”

“Split head, bib pants, I’m Kunkun please remember!”

“Oh my God, the kunkun came to the beach? Hold him down and don’t let him jump into the sea, or he’ll turn into a fish! ”

“Hahaha, I especially hope that Brother Hao can sing “Big Fish” in front of Kunkun now.”


After all, it was a very well-known little fresh meat, and He Jiong immediately recognized it.

“Oh, Kunkun, what’s wrong with you!”

“Rare guests!”

Just now he forgot about him, He Jiong hurried over to get close.

“Teacher He is good, Teacher Huang Lei is good!”

“Hey, hello Ziqi, hello Reba!”

After seeing the two beauties, Kunkun directly skipped Peng Peng and Zifeng when he said hello.

Reba and Deng Ziqi responded politely.

He Jiong looked left and right, and then looked into the distance.

“No one should be here this time, let’s go back to the house!”


As soon as he sat down in the mushroom house, Deng Ziqi ran towards Su Wenhao.

“Wenhao, how did you deal with the final chant of the song “Big Fish”? Why did you think of adding such a paragraph? ”

“After I heard this song, I tried to sing that part myself, and found that although the breath was enough, the taste of singing it was much worse than for you.”

“I didn’t expect that you are still a contestant in a talent show, and now the talent shows are so rolled? Will you still sing the original song next show? ”

Deng Ziqi asked like a cannon, it was also the relationship of the singer, and she admired the boy in front of her very much.

A series of questions made Su Wenhao not know which to answer.

Reba, who was sitting next to him, was happy.

“Ziqi, you calm down, don’t scare my junior brother!”


Deng Ziqi smiled and said:

“I’m just a little excited, your junior brother is simply a humanoid instrument, and the songs you sing are really lingering after you listen to it.”

“Just now you said that he has been signed away by Jiaxing, Yang Mi is really fast enough, and if you are slower, it is estimated that he will not be yours next week.”

“You brought him to the show this time, it can be regarded as an official announcement, right?”

Zi Feng carried a few slices of watermelon and several boxes of sponsor’s milk into the house on a tray.

“Brother Hao, give you watermelon!”

Su Wenhao took it and looked outside.

“What are we going to do next?”

“Doesn’t it mean that when you come to the mushroom house, you have to work? Why hasn’t it been arranged until now? ”

Zifeng was a little shy and didn’t dare to look directly at him, so he had to look out, but he didn’t expect that the singer he had just powdered yesterday would now appear beside him.

And the real person is more handsome than when you watch it from the video.

“Teacher He, Teacher Huang, brother, they are discussing the task with the program team, and they will call us after they are done.”

The three girls in the mushroom house were all gathered around Su Wenhao at this moment.


Kun, who was sitting not far away, saw this picture, and only bit his lip with envy and jealousy.

Is this script wrong?

It’s completely different from the picture he fantasizes!

In the car again, Kunkun brain makes up for himself such a top-notch small fresh meat, I stop in this place, don’t care if it is Zi Feng’s sister or other female guests, they will be fascinated by themselves and revolve around themselves.

The result?

When I just got out of the car, I was almost forgotten on the beach.

Now the only three girls in the mushroom house are all around that boy, Zi Feng brought a plate of watermelon, how can you patronize that person, but also give me a piece!

I, Kunkun, the top stream of small fresh meat, am I so unvalued?

Who is that one named Su Wenhao? So steal the limelight!


Looking at it, Kunkun felt a raging anger in his heart, and he felt like he was being compared to others.


Su Wenhao felt the anger behind him, turned his head to look at Kunkun, and then picked up a piece of watermelon and handed it over:

“Do you eat watermelon?”


Kunkun suddenly felt humiliated, I was pitied by a little fresh meat who had no reputation?

And he fantasized that the three girls Reba, Ziqi, and Zifeng were close to him, you are a man, who will take care of you?

“Don’t eat, thank you!”

All right.

Originally, Su Wenhao was also polite, seeing that he didn’t eat, he took it and clicked two bites himself.

Kunkun glanced at the camera next to him, if it wasn’t for the live broadcast, he really wanted to pounce over to give Su Wenhao a sliding shovel!

Can someone who has practiced for two and a half years suffer this grievance?

“Guys, let’s live!”

He Jiong walked in from the outside while talking:

“After negotiating with the program team, we will go fishing at sea next!”


Reba immediately became interested:


He Jiong nodded:

“Before, we owed money to the program team for some reason, and we needed to pay off the debt by fishing from the sea.”

“And the amount of fishing is also related to whether we have a good dinner today.”

This made Su Wenhao and Deng Ziqi also interested.

It’s hard to come to the beach, if you just sit by the sea and look at the scenery, or take two steps on the shallow beach, it seems to be not interesting.

It’s a lot of fun to go fishing out to sea.

“Can you fish at sea when fishing?”


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