He Jiong originally planned to stop, but after hearing the conversation between the two people, he obediently closed his mouth.

The atmosphere has come to this, if it is broken by yourself, I am afraid that I will not find this feeling.

He gestured to several fishermen next to him, signaling them to prepare for rescue, and if an accident really happened, he would save people immediately!

The fisherman nodded, took off his coat and shoes and socks, and was always ready.


Although Reba said that he believed Su Wenhao, he was still panicked in his heart.

Although she closed her eyes, she also knew that she was now on the guardrail at the bow of the ship, and a little further on was the endless sea.

The sea breeze kept blowing on her face, and the salty taste made her regret this decision a little.

At this time, a big hand wrapped around her waist from behind, and then a wide body came up.

It’s Su Wenhao!

Just like Jack in “Titanic”, his feet are on the same railing as Reba, and his whole body is behind Reba.

With [Top Fitness], he not only has a strong sense of balance, but also has strong muscle strength.

With your feet on the dangling railing, rest your left arm on the side to secure your entire body.

After feeling Su Wenhao behind him, Reba’s nervous heart calmed down.

Su Wenhao’s left upper arm leaned on the rope next to him, and his hands slowly opened Reba’s hands.

Reba was still a little nervous at first, but when she felt the leaning behind her, she relaxed again, followed Su Wenhao’s hands together, and opened her arms to face the sea breeze.

Su Wenhao put down his hands and gently wrapped them around Reba’s waist.


Feeling the touch on his waist again, Reba couldn’t help but tremble.

“Relax, don’t be afraid!”

Su Wenhao’s gentle voice sounded.

Reba said silently in his heart: That… My reaction is not fear.

After Su Wenhao made sure it was safe, he said again:

“Open your eyes!”

With the background sound of “My Heart is Eternal”, Reba slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, Reba’s vision is only an endless sea and a blue sky!

The sea breeze is constantly coming towards you.

Reba’s long hair, skirt, streamers, all fluttered with the sea breeze.

The exotic expression gradually became excited, and the beautiful eyes kept flickering and full of vitality.

“Junior Brother, I’m flying!”

Reba’s voice was filled with excitement and joy.

This is not exactly her line, but her own sincere feelings!

Before opening her eyes, she experienced very painful tension and struggle inside.

I’m really afraid of falling into the sea, but I’m afraid of missing this rare experience.

At this moment, she finally understood Ruth’s lines.

This feeling of galloping in the sea,


The “Longing for Life” program team has used drones to take aerial pictures of this picture.

More than two million viewers in the live broadcast room have seen everything through the live broadcast room.

“What a beautiful picture, I thought it was just a spoof, but I didn’t expect it to be so restored!”

“At the beginning, when Reba stood on the railing at the bow of the boat, I was so nervous that my heart was about to jump out, but the sea below was constantly surging, and it was too dangerous to fall!”

“Although it was dangerous just now, it also made the shot more real, just when Reba closed his eyes, his face was full of nervous expressions, until Brother Hao appeared behind him, he relaxed, this is not something that can be acted!”

“emmm…… There is a saying that I don’t know how to say it, this picture is inexplicably a little bumpy, what’s going on? Senior sister and brother’s CP? ”

“The hero sees the same, this picture is too heartwarming to watch, even more heartwarming than when I watched “Titanic”!”


In a lounge.

Assistant Xiao Guo said with surprise and worry:

“Sister Honey? Sister Honey? Are you okay? ”

On the coffee table in the lounge, there are several crushed bananas, as well as pounded oranges and grapes.

Yang Mi still held a whole banana in both hands, and a harmless and kind smile appeared on her face:

“I’m okay!”

“I’m so good!”

“You get out!”

Saying that, his hands slammed hard, and the banana was destroyed.

Knock knock.

Xiao Guo swallowed and quickly took out the lounge.


Yang Mi patted the banana on the coffee table and looked at the phone screen with a huff.

In the picture, Su Wenhao and Reba are still hugging together, standing at the bow of the boat happily enjoying the sea breeze.

“Don’t be angry, hehe, don’t be angry!”

“Why should I be angry?”

“What a beautiful picture!”

“Look at how happy the comments of netizens are, and I have to knock on the senior sister and brother CP!”

“Wow, there are still 99 roses giving away!”

“How good!”

Yang Mi said to herself, her left hand touched the last complete orange in the fruit bowl, and the five fingers of her right hand picked it in as if she had practiced nine yin and white bone grasping.

Reba !!!

You bullhead!!!


There are still about four days to go on the shelves, ask for a first order in advance, and 15 more on the first day of listing!!!

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