Su Wenhao clapped his hands, his eyes did not dare to look directly at him, and responded with a clear conscience:

“Great! Very good! ”

“Brother Kun’s level of singing and dancing, tsk, I’m beyond the reach of the dust!”


If you say such an unconscionable word, you won’t be struck by lightning, right?

Kunkun staggered back, and seeing him like this, the staff quickly ran over and helped him back to the table.

As soon as he sat down, he touched his glass:

“Here, let’s drink another one!”

“And where?”

“Oh, by the way, peace in all seasons!”

Seeing him like this, Su Wenhao also felt that he could no longer drink.

“Brother Kun, don’t drink the wine, just stop here?”

Hearing this, how could Kunkun agree:

“I didn’t drink you down, how can I stop?”

After singing and dancing, the three cups of white wine that Kunkun drank began to rise, and his speech began to widen his tongue.

But the wine is terrifying!

A glass of wine under the belly.

Sanity Value-1!

Courage is worth +5!

Language ability depends on talent, some people drink the big tongue, others drink and talk like a faucet.

Su Wenhao is happy, the good guy even said the truth?

Sure enough, it wanted to knock me out.

This enamel jar has a disadvantage as a wine glass, and it is impossible to see how much wine is inside.


Kunkun picked up the enamel jar and touched it with Su Wenhao, and did not look at how much wine was inside, so he looked up and drank.

Knock knock!

After drinking, you can no longer taste the wine, just drink it in your stomach!


Su Wenhao just wanted to say something, but Kunkun had already finished drinking the wine in his cup.


In desperation, he had to take the enamel jar and drink it.

The wine became more violent, and he shook his hand to grab the bottle:

“I… We…… One more drink… Drink a… Five Blessings! ”

Su Wenhao had already seen that He Jiong and the others hurriedly stopped it.

Now it’s a live broadcast, if something really happens to anyone, it’s not good for anyone.

At this time, a somewhat strong sea breeze blew over the mushroom house, and everyone’s hair and clothes danced with the wind.

Many people are able to stay sane when they drink too much, but as soon as the wind blows, they will immediately get drunk.

This is ‘falling to the wind’.

Kunkun had already drunk a lot and was already on his head, but was blown violently by this sea breeze, and instantly became dizzy and the sky swirled.

I only feel that my body is soft.


The whole person was lying on the table.

Seeing this situation, the people in the mushroom house panicked, could something be wrong?

Huang Lei, as a frequent dinner and drink with friends, has seen a lot of this situation, and said very calmly:

“Don’t panic, it’s just that you drank too much.”

He Jiong had also seen this and waved to greet the two male staff:

“Lift Kunkun to bed and let him sleep in the innermost bed.”

The staff immediately ran over and carefully set up the kunqu and walked towards the mushroom house.


After Kunkun was taken away, Su Wenhao and the others all breathed a sigh of relief.

It can be regarded as quiet.

Su Wenhao looked at the liquor bottle that had just been knocked down by Kunkun and couldn’t help but shrug his shoulders.

Five Blessings?

It seems that you are blessed!

Reba asked with concern:

“You drank as much as Kunkun and he drank you all right?”

Su Wenhao shook his head lightly and replied very calmly:

“If you listen to me, you know that I have no problem, at least I won’t fall when the wind comes.”

Huang Lei gave him a thumbs up and looked at him with a smile:

“You can drink this amount, drink so much and haven’t gotten on your face.”

“Originally, I was going to have some drinks with you, although we met for the first time today, I admire you very much.”

“When I saw Kunkun fighting with you, I thought I had no chance, so it seems that we can have a second half.”

Su Wenhao picked up the enamel cylinder in front of him:

“These five blessings Linmen didn’t drink with Kunkun, just to honor Teacher He and Teacher Huang!”

He Jiong also picked it up:

“We don’t drink so fast, taste slowly.”

“Fu, you must enjoy it slowly to be called happiness!”

Su Wenhao nodded:

“That’s right, then we have a long stream.”


After clinking glasses, each took a small sip.

After He Jiong put down the wine glass, he seemed to think of something:

“Although Kunkun has already drunk it, he has already performed the show.”

“Do you have to show it too?”

Hearing this, Zi Feng instantly came to the spirit.

“Brother Hao, you can sing a song too.”

“When I watched “Children of Tomorrow”, I was already a fan of you, and now I can listen to your songs with my own ears, which is even more enjoyable for me!”

Su Wenhao smiled and nodded:

“Okay, then I’ll bring you a new song.”

“Hmm… Is there a guitar? ”

After hearing this, Zi Feng immediately stood up.

“Yes, there is a music corner in the house, all kinds of KTV instruments are in it, I will go and get it now!”

Looking at the back of Zi Feng running, He Jiong couldn’t help but be happy:

“This girl suddenly became so positive, but I was also curious about what kind of song Wen Hao would bring.”

Reba looked at Su Wenhao more curiously:

“You can play guitar?”

Su Wenhao smiled and asked rhetorically:

“Or else? Bounce cotton? ”

Reba blinked in surprise and didn’t speak.

A child who grew up in the mountains, looks so good, has such a good figure, sings well, can cook, and now he can actually play the guitar?


Or will I go to the mountains for a few years?


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