Chapter 74: A song “Eliminate Sorrow” moved the audience!!

Zhang Xiaoxiao glanced at the desk and said.

“Here’s asking Su Wenhao to bring you a song, “Eliminate Worry”!”

The audience clapped.

This name is the first original as soon as it is heard.

Although everyone was laughing because of the conversation between Yang Mi and Su Wenhao just now, they are looking forward to his performance even more!

Many people in the live broadcast room were attracted by his performance in the first two weeks, and he has become the program’s rating password, and he is the contestant most anticipated by the audience! Not one of them!

Su Wenhao held the guitar and sat down in the middle of the stage with a stool.


Yang Mi raised her eyebrows slightly, when she watched the live broadcast room of “Longing for Life” before, she saw Su Wenhao playing and singing “Ordinary Day”, and he knew for the first time that this guy could also play guitar!

It was the first time I had listened to it in person.

The audience and netizens in the live broadcast room also reacted to this.

“Does Brother Hao want to sing while playing the guitar?”

“I was surprised to see this scene in the mushroom house, I didn’t expect Brother Hao to have this skill!”

“It’s really exciting, I wonder what style this song “Eliminate Sorrow” will be?”

In the eyes of everyone, the lights on the stage dimmed, and the sense of atmosphere came out at once.

Su Wenhao’s fingers gently plucked the strings, with the accompaniment of the band teacher, and the melodious melody wandered in the studio.

He sang softly to Limai in front of him: “When you walk into this joyful field, you have all your dreams and thoughts on your back.” With all kinds of makeup on your face, no one remembers what you look like. ”

As soon as he opened his mouth, it attracted everyone’s attention, and many listeners were secretly taken aback

Originally, I thought that Su Wenhao was rushed to the stage by Yang Mi, and he would not sing well because he was too hasty.

Now they find that their worries are superfluous.

Su Wenhao’s play was too stable, and he grabbed the ears of the audience as soon as he opened his mouth.

The opening lyrics are also fantastic.

Fun field?

Isn’t this just the entertainment industry, the interpersonal circle? All kinds of makeup on all faces.

Who doesn’t wear a mask when interacting with people? Smile on the surface, cry inside.

“Three rounds of wine passed you in the corner, stubbornly singing bitter songs. Listening to it drown out in the hustle and bustle, you pick up your glass and say to yourself.

A glass of worship to the rising sun, a glass of respect to the moonlight. Awaken my yearning and soften the cold window.

So you can fly against the wind without looking back.

Not afraid of rain in the heart and frost under the eyes. ”


The audience listened and took a breath in surprise.

The lyrics are full of philosophy!

Especially the cup of worship of the rising sun and the cup of moonlight in the back make people feel the loneliness from his singing!

On the big screen on the stage, the lyrics were scrolling to Su Wenhao’s concert.

Each of the three judges will also get a copy of the lyrics.

Yang Mi’s expression was full of tenderness, and she felt that the boy on the stage seemed to be glowing, warming her heart.

Hua Chenyu’s face was full of disdain.

Is this called a song?

What kind of stuff? Also respect the rising sun and moonlight?

And this tune, I really can’t enjoy it!

Xue Ziqian’s expression was full of shock, he glanced at the lyrics, and then at the people on the stage.

He admits that he directly just despised the runner from the beauty track.

The lyrics of this song “Eliminate Sorrow” are full of loneliness, and the seemingly ordinary music adds loneliness to this song!

What a good song!

“A cup of respect for the homeland, a cup of respect for the distance.

Guard my goodness and urge me to grow. So the road north and south is no longer long.

The soul no longer has nowhere to rest. ”

The sense of loneliness was once again conveyed to everyone through Su Wenhao’s singing.

“Respect the homeland, respect the distance.”

“The soul is no longer nowhere to be placed!”

These two lyrics stung the hearts of many people.

How many people leave their homeland and leave their homeland for a distant place for the so-called dream.

But far away can accommodate the body of every wanderer, but there is nowhere to place their soul.

Otherwise, there would be no New Year’s home.


This is the most intuitive feeling for everyone who is far away.

Many listeners resonated with Su Wenhao’s singing.

“Listening to this song, I feel a little panicked in my heart, as if I have been pierced!”

“Since I went to university, I have left my hometown and my family, and at first I could only go back to my hometown once every six months, and I only went home once a year after graduating from work, and now I have not returned home for three years.”

“It’s so sad, I am a little depressed when I listen to this song, as if Brother Hao is using his singing voice to talk to my heart, dissecting the lonely side that I have been showing not far away.”

“I was drinking and listening to songs, and I was already in tears.”

The chief director watched the barrage in the live broadcast room backstage, and then looked at Su Wenhao sitting on the stage under the lights.

It’s like seeing a future superstar.

A singer who can communicate with people’s hearts through singing, how many can there be in the entire entertainment industry?

After singing the first part, Su Wenhao picked up the microphone and whistled.

Whistle, basically blow if you have a mouth.

But this kind of thing is also divided into three, six, nine, and so on.

If you blow well, you can perfectly interpret a piece of music with a whistle, like a walking humanoid instrument.

Blowing is not good, all kinds of leakage, air leakage, you can’t hear what is blowing at all.

Su Wenhao’s ability to [top ventriloquism] came into play at this time.

This whistle blows very well and adds a bit of loneliness to the whole song.

It is similar to the last chant of “Big Fish”.

The moment the whistle sounded, the tear glands of the audience finally burst, and many viewers couldn’t help but shed tears.

Yang Mi looked at Su Wenhao with tears in her eyes.

Only she knew what this person had been through in the past time.

Living in the mountains for so long, the loneliness he experienced was all melted into the song.

You used to be lonely, right?

Is it like in your lyrics.

“Three rounds of wine passed you in the corner, stubbornly singing bitter songs.”

Don’t worry, you won’t be lonely in the future, I will warm you! However, on stage.

When Su Wenhao whistled, he kept thinking in his heart.

“I must perform well, I have found the trick to “Sheep and a Sheep”, if it is formatted, I can get jade disease!”

If Yang Mi knew what Su Wenhao thought in her heart, she would definitely shout: Give me back my touch!

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