Chapter 82 This guy’s movements are too intense, right?!!

Su Wenhao followed Yang Mi and flew back to Hengdian by plane.

“I’m a little sleepy, last time I slept comfortably on your shoulder, will it be convenient for me to sleep for a while this time?”

After closing the curtain of the seat, Yang Mi rubbed her eyes and asked.

She used to sleep on planes a lot, until the plane landed.

But sleeping against the window is very uncomfortable, and sometimes when encountering air currents, the plane will be violently bumpy, and every time Yang Mi will be woken up, and then panic for a while.

The last time she slept on Su Wenhao’s shoulder, she found it very comfortable and slept peacefully until the plane landed.

Su Wenhao thought for a moment, and then compared two fingers.

“200 yuan once!”

“It’s the price of fast food.”

“If you want a monthly subscription, 800 yuan!”


Yang Mi was amused: “Sister put a pillow on your shoulder, you still ask me for money?” ”


How many male artists want this opportunity can’t get it.

This bastard is a little bit of a villain!

Su Wenhao asked rhetorically: “Then do you want to close the deal?” ”



After answering, Yang Mi felt very spineless, but that sense of security was really comfortable!

Then she took out her wallet from her satchel, took out a wad of red bills and counted them.

“This is 1,000 yuan, and the extra 200 yuan is for you to put a whistle.”

“You can’t sleep until the plane hits the ground, don’t want to deliver anything if the flight attendant comes to deliver something, and if the other party has to open the curtain, move my head away.”


Su Wenhao looked at her puzzled: “Why?” ”

Yang Mi shrugged: “Of course, to prevent scandals!” ”

“Many people like to make something out of nothing the most, and seeing a little picture can make up a blockbuster movie for your brain, which is quite troublesome to deal with.”

Su Wenhao thought about it, stretched out his hand to take the pile of money, and counted two kicks very seriously.



Yang Mi was a little speechless.

What’s the matter, you even count the money? How much do you distrust me?

“Be sure to be prepared to put the whistle!”

Su Wenhao compared an OK gesture: “Wrap it on me!” ”

Yang Mi patted him lightly on the shoulder, and then leaned her head up.

A sense of security arises, something that neither the assistant nor the agent can give when they are around.

After adjusting her breaths a few times, she gently closed her eyes, probably because she was too tired from running around during this time, and soon Yang Mi fell asleep.

Since he received the money, Su Wenhao was also very competent to work as a human flesh pillow, and he glanced outside the door curtain, always paying attention to the movements outside.

When nothing happened, he opened the system panel.

Host: Su Wenhao

Ability: Top singing voice, top fitness, top cooking, top instrument, top ventriloquism

Prestige: 888,1024 hiss!

After seeing the prestige figures, Su Wenhao was secretly taken aback.

More than 8 million!

So high! Well……

I have the impression that the last time I looked at the system panel was the last time.

At that time, I had just finished recording the mushroom house and took a plane directly to Yanjing, and it seemed that there were about 3 million left.

In other words, in less than a week, he added another 5 million in prestige!

Now it seems that when talking to three music platforms today, I made the right decision to make the songs free to listeners!

Because only let more people know his name, see his figure, and hear his voice.

to gain more visibility, and then get more prestige points!

Looking at the value that was about to rush to 9 million, Su Wenhao suddenly felt that he had become a local tycoon.

No more scrambling and searching.

“System, master wants to draw!” Draw three times! ”


When he said that he drew three times, Su Wenhao had a sense of squandering, although it was not spending money, it was as cool as spending money!

“Dingdong, deduct 3 million reputation points, the system lottery begins!”

Among the pile of golden legendary cards, Su Wenhao chose one.

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: 1 million yuan in cash!”

[1 million has been deposited in the system warehouse, and can be transferred to the bank account designated by the host at any time! ] 】


After hearing the lottery results, Su Wenhao couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

“1 million? Can you still draw cash? ”

“Dingdong, everything is possible in the system lottery!”


Su Wenhao’s eyes glowed.

Good fellow, if this is pumped out a few hundred million, then do a yarn? Directly to the peak of life!

He licked his tongue, and the whole person became more energetic.

Take advantage of the chase and watch Lao Tzu draw another jackpot!

“Dingdong, congratulations to the host for getting: thank you for your patronage!”



After hearing the system broadcast in his mind, Su Wenhao was confused and thought that he had heard it wrong.

Looking at the card he drawn, the four big characters written on it [Thank you for your patronage] flashed with golden light.

For the first time, Su Wenhao felt that gold was so spicy in his eyes.


He suddenly moved excitedly, and Yang Mi, who was resting on his shoulder, was almost awakened, and his head rubbed a few times on Su Wenhao’s shoulder.

Su 893 Wenhao quickly stretched out his other hand and gently patted her shoulder like a child.

“Be good, keep sleeping, keep sleeping.”

Only after Yang Mi’s breathing stabilized did he continue to look at the card floating in front of him that only he could see.

The four big characters on the [Thank you for your patronage] glow with gold and gold rim look very dazzling!

The corners of Yang Mi’s mouth rose slightly without looking for the edge.

Why is this guy moving so intensely? Woke me up!

But Yang Mi did not open her eyes, because she was indeed too tired, in order to complete the gambling agreement, she was running around every day, she was indeed too tired, and soon fell asleep again.

“What the hell? Empty prize? Are there any empty prizes? ”

Su Wenhao didn’t notice Yang Mi just woke up at all, because his attention was focused on ‘thank you for your patronage’ at this moment.

The last draw was 1 million in cash.

Does this become an empty prize?

Great joy and sorrow, big ups and downs, who can endure it? 1 million popularity value to drift?

“Dingdong, system lottery, anything is possible!”


After hearing this, Su Wenhao understood what he meant.

Nima, there’s this kind of thing

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