Chapter 93 It’s all about peers!!


Just kidding, since the official launch of the song, he has gained nearly 1 million reputation points, and the growth rate has not slowed down until now.

The increase in reputation value shows that your popularity is constantly expanding, your own value is also increasing, and you are afraid that you will not be able to make money in the future?

What’s more, he is now hundreds of powerful!

Seeing Su Wenhao’s reply on Weibo, fans were moved and excited.

“No matter, from now on I will be a fan of Brother Hao!”

“This is an idol for the sake of fans, not to say to make a nine-square grid photo or for the sake of fans.”

“That’s good, some little fresh meat has to charge for a selfie for fans to see, and it’s great that fans are grateful for Dade’s response to giegie! Nima, my whole person is stupid! ”

“It’s all about peers, such a comparison, Brother Hao is simply too perfect, his appearance will definitely be able to play when he comes out of the Shengshi beauty track, his talent is also very good, and his character is even better!” BIG BROTHER YYDS!!! ”

Driven by popularity, all four songs have appeared on the music charts and occupied the top four.

And the fifth place is a new song of Flower Dust Rain.


Flower dust and rain slammed directly on the table.

Nima, bully!

Even if one song is better than me, it turns out that all four songs are better than me? The surname is Su, let’s tie the knot!

Su Wenhao read the comments of netizens for a while, interacted with them for a while, and then got up and left the room.

Without him.

I’m hungry.

He now lives in the house provided by Yang Mi, a mansion of more than 240 square meters in Mocha Manor, on the first floor with Yang Mi and Reba, and is still in the relationship between the upper and lower floors.

However, this house was not originally planned to live, so the contents were not complete, there were no pots and pans, and the refrigerator and TV were not plugged in.

Although Su Wenhao is rich now, the 1 million yuan drawn by the last system has also been withdrawn to the bank card, even if he can’t afford to buy a house, he can rent a set.

But he had no intention of doing so.

Just kidding.

Can’t rent a house out of your own pocket?

And is there money to rent such a mansion?

Don’t want rent, and two female stars as neighbors, fools will move away. However, if you want to live here, you need to prepare some daily necessities.

After coming downstairs, a gust of wind blew over, and Su Wenhao was disheveled.

Specially, Lao Tzu doesn’t have a car! It’s not very convenient to want to go out and buy something.

At this time, he remembered that when he came, there seemed to be a shared bicycle at the door of the community, which was also a means of transportation.

Because of his [Top Fitness] ability, he quickly walked to the door of the community and did not feel tired at all.

Sure enough, there is a row of shared bicycles parked in front of the community, and there are small yellow cars, small blue cars, and small orange cars of all kinds.

Su Wenhao did not have any color belief, so he swept one away and boarded towards the nearby supermarket.

Pots and pans, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and a female ingredient.

Although he is now a little famous, he has not yet reached the point where everyone knows it.

In addition, many celebrities go out, wearing masks, sunglasses, and caps, wrapping themselves tightly, for fear that others will not know that they are stars.

And Su Wenhao went out completely plain-faced, and the clothes he wore were relatively simple, and people passing by only regarded him as an ordinary handsome guy.

Sweep away the shared bicycle again, put one bag in the basket, hold the other bag in your hand, hold the handlebar in one hand, and ride back to the community.

Back in the mansion, I carried things around and put them around.

Soon the delicious meals were served, and sure enough, it was the most comfortable to cook by yourself.

After eating and washing up, he took out his phone and started playing games.

Anyway, there is still some time before the next issue of “Children of Tomorrow”, he can’t have fun and relax?

A few days later, Yang Mi called.

“What are you doing~”? ”

“Swimming… Bah…… I’m thinking about what I should sing in tomorrow’s show. ”


Su Wenhao looked at the landlord in the mobile phone and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I probably haven’t played a game for a long time, and I feel that I can’t stop playing it, and every morning I get up and think about playing a refreshment, and I end up playing hundreds of millions of games.

In the past few days, almost all of them have been concentrated in sheep and sheep, or robbing landlords.

“Come to the company now, there is a good thing!”


Su Wenhao immediately became interested.

“Something good? What good thing? ”

Yang Mi deliberately smiled and sold Guanzi.

“When you come, you know that you must be at the company by two o’clock in the afternoon.”

After speaking, without waiting for Su Wenhao to continue to ask, she hung up the phone. Su Wenhao looked at the landlord in his mobile phone, and then looked at the sun outside.

He played the last two cards.

“Wang Fried!”


With the explosion of a rocket, he won this time.

No more playthings.

Then get up, wash up, and change clothes.

After ten minutes of doing this series of actions, he went out.

Riding a shared bicycle these days is quite addictive, and I simply bought a variable speed mountain bike.

There are more than 1 million in the card, not that you can’t afford a car, but the pleasure of riding a bicycle is something you can’t experience while sitting in the cab.

Another advantage of cycling is that you can take the good road or the sheep’s gut path.

Su Wenhao followed the map and rode along the path to Jiaxing Company, which was ten minutes faster than taking the main road, after all, there were almost no traffic lights on the path.

As soon as she walked into the door of the company, the young lady at the front desk smiled and said: “Brother Hao, Sister Honey has explained, you will go directly to the second reception room after you arrive.” ”

As a staff member of Jiaxing Company, of course, I will know all the contracted artists, not to mention that Su Wenhao is now the hottest artist in the company except for Yang Mi and Reba.


Su Wenhao couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

“Second reception room?”

“Is the first one in use?”

The young lady nodded: “Yes, Sister Zeng in the first reception room is using transportation.” ”

Sister Zeng is Yang Mi’s agent, and Su Wenhao still knows about this matter.

The young lady led him to the door of the second reception room and knocked lightly.

“Please come in!”

After pushing open the door, the young lady said very politely: “Sister Honey, Brother Hao has arrived!” ”

Yang Mi replied, “Let him in.” ”

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