Chapter 165: The first scene at the start of the camera is the bed scene, is it so exciting?!!

It is said that a man depends on clothes and a horse on a saddle.

After seeing Su Wenhao’s ancient costume, Yang Mi and Reba believed this sentence even more.

Originally, his appearance was very high, after all, he was the bearer of the beauty track.

This ancient costume adds a lot to him.

Strangers are like jade, and Gongzi is unparalleled in the world.

Su Wenhao, dressed in period costume, can fully afford it.

“Hello, Senior Sister!”

After Su Wenhao saw Reba, he smiled and waved hello.

He felt that after coming to this parallel world, Yang Mi and Reba were the best two people for him, and after seeing them, Su Wenhao always ~ felt warm in his heart.

Reba raised a warm smile on his face: “You are very handsome after wearing ancient costumes!” ”

“If you are really placed in ancient times, you will definitely be a handsome brother Gongzi.”

Su Wenhao smiled and ruffled his hair: “That’s of course, the bottom is good to wear!” ”

Yang Mi scoffed.

“Do you stink and be beautiful when you praise you?”

“Let’s go, let’s go to Director Wu, although we haven’t seen the scenes to be filmed today, but Director Wu will tell you about the scene before filming.”

“We’ll rehearse a few times before the official shooting.”

The three of them walked towards the director’s seat.

Wu Zhiqiang is directing the staff to set up the scene.

After seeing them coming, Wu Zhiqiang smiled and said, “Did Reba come to visit the class?” ”

Reba smiled and nodded: “Hello Director Wu, I have heard of your great name for a long time, I will come to see Sister Honey, and by the way, I will tie you up!” ”

Although it was the first time to meet.

But the circle is so big, and there are so many famous artists and directors.

Even if you have never met, you have already heard the name.

“When the drama “Sword and Fairy III” is over, see if I can have the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future.”

“Honey looks good.”

“Wenhao is also very temperamental in ancient costumes.”

“You two have a sense of CP!”

Soon his attention came to Yang Mi and Su Wenhao, these two people themselves have good figures, good appearances, and after wearing ancient costumes, they are even more eye-catching.

After hearing the CP feeling, Yang Mi was happy in her heart.

“Director Wu, are you starting to defy the trend now? Even C knows this kind of thing. ”

Su Wenhao scratched his head a little apologetically: “I want to say sorry first, I read the script of “Sword and Fairy III”, but I don’t know that the scene I want to shoot today. ”

“Not very prepared, forgive me!”

Wu Zhiqiang waved his hand gently: “It’s okay, I can understand your busyness during this time, today I will explain it to the two of you, but next time it is best to read the script in advance, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.” ”

Su Wenhao nodded very seriously: “Definitely!” ”

Reba walked towards a chair in the waiting area.

“Let’s talk about the show, I’ll go to the side grinding meeting.”

After sitting down, the staff handed over a bottle of mineral water and adjusted the position of the parasol…

Yang Mi asked: “Director Wu, what are the ten contents to be filmed in the first scene of my door’s start-up?” ”

Wu Zhiqiang raised his finger and pointed to the scene: “Bed play!” ”


Reba, who was drinking water in the waiting area, sprayed water directly after hearing these two words.


Reba was robbed and kept coughing.

The staff next to him hurriedly handed over the tissue.

Reba took a tissue and wiped her mouth as she walked towards Yang Mi and them.

“The first scene at boot is the bed play?”

“Is it so exciting?”

Yang Mi was also confused by these two words.

“Bed play?”

She looked towards the set, and just now she saw the staff making the bed, but she didn’t think what it would be, and now she finally understands.

Bed play?

The first scene at boot is the bed scene?


And Su Wenhao?

So should I borrow a seat?

Or with a stand-in?

Su Wenhao’s heart was surprised and delighted, but also full of doubts.

Bed play?

Why doesn’t he remember that there is a bed scene in “The Legend of Sword and Fairy III”?

The deepest impression should be in the ghost world, the scene with the Fire Ghost King, right?

Do Sedum and Tang Xue see a bed play?

Could it be that it was added in this parallel world?


No matter what the reason, being able to make a bed scene with the big star Yang Mi is a beautiful thing to use!

Peony flowers are also merry under the death of ghosts!


Yang Mi secretly described Su Wenhao, this bastard Zhang Ran looked expectant!

What kind of scene are you going to shoot today?

Before I knew to come again, I washed the script.

Su Wenhao seemed to think of something and asked: “Director Wu, is this bed scene to borrow a seat, or to use a substitute?” ”

He has heard that many female stars, whether it is a kiss scene or a bed scene, the pictures taken are very real, but when shooting, they either use a stand-in or a borrowed position, so I don’t know what way Wu Zhiqiang plans to shoot.

If it’s a borrowing or substitute, it doesn’t seem to be much to get excited about.


Yang Mi bit her lip lightly, her mood was very complicated.

With a stand-in?

But thinking about the picture of Su Wenhao rolling the sheets with others, I felt uncomfortable.

If you don’t need to… Well…… I…….

Wu Shaofeng actually laughed: “Substitute? Borrowing? This scene is very simple, why use stand-ins and borrowed seats? ”


After hearing this reply, Su Wenhao was happy in his heart.

Yang Mi’s heart is a little complicated.

Can’t say happy, still unhappy, anyway, after having the answer, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Zhiqiang took the script and said: “Our first scene is to shoot this plot. ”

Yang Mi and Su Wenhao hurried over to look.

Even Reba came up.


After watching that plot, the three people were speechless in their hearts.

Bed play.

It is indeed a bed play.

But this bed play in the script is not the same as the bed play they think is not because as long as it is performed in bed, it can be called bed play.

For example, this part to be filmed later is Sedum and Yukimi fighting for the bed!

It is to fight for the right to sleep in bed, and it has nothing to do with that.


Yang Mi’s expression is a little rosy, am I impurity?


It’s Director Wu who is too titled party!


Su Wenhao sighed silently, I said, I don’t remember at all that in “Sword and Fairy III”, Sedum and Xuemian had a bed scene.

It’s a pity.


After Reba slowed down, he laughed and ridiculed: “Junior brother, isn’t it a little lost that you didn’t make the kind of bed scene you imagined with Sister Honey?” ”

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